The No-Sales Company
5 hours ago
"Normally your blog address autocompletes or shows up in the first few results.
But this week you have been hidden to the 2nd page of search results with no autocomplete.
Gaagle censors hard at work..."
"Mik is correct, could not find your blog via google search for the same reason. Duckduckgo does result in your site at the top under "Hawaiian Libertarian", I was afraid this site got shoahed."
"Yes! I too struggled to find your blog when I searched google."
"Lolcows are people and groups whose eccentric or foolish behavior can be "milked" for amusement and laughs."
"Ah yes, Keoni Galt, whose greatest fear in life is non-organic food, and who tried to talk a friend of mine into going paleo/low-carb during her pregnancy. (Thank God the people who care about her stopped that before it got started.) He's paranoid as all hell, and there's nothing he won't politicize."
"He writes this badly all the time on his blog. That is just scratching the surface of his madness."
"'s kind of odd that he says you surrender your right to reason when you force someone to act against his will, and yet he owns guns. I guess killing a trespasser is morally better than asking him to leave or else."
"He doesn't bluntly state or show he owns fire arms, being a doomsday whiner I wouldn't rule out he's the hugest of faggots, the 22lr hoarder who's no gunz. God damn it I hate them so much."
"@chimpburgers may be gone from us, but the cows he brought to us are still going strong. Mr. Galt posted this earlier this month ranting about the differences between "food" and "feed" (hint: anything that is fattening and thus, triggering to him, he calls "feed")"
Food is grown, raised, harvested and processed -- and if not consumed while fresh -- preserved in as natural and organic a state as possible to keep most of it's nutritious and nourishing qualities intact.
Feed is mass produced by a few large multinational corporations using bio-technological innovations to quickly and efficiently manufacture product units ready for global distribution and a near infinite shelf life.
Mammoth Hunter! |
"So he's feminism's biggest A-Log, huh?
Why did he change the name of his site? Was "Manboobz" considered "body-shaming"?
"Oh, I've read that blog a couple times. I could have sworn the owner was a stereotypical fat feminist lesbian, though I guess I wasn't that far off."
"He also runs this increadibly dumb tumblr: {link redacted} Pretty much just there to mock women who aren't drinking 3rd wave koolaid while both failing to be funny and failing to see the irony of shitting on women being ok when he does it."
"Weird how these freaks always have history of defending child pornography. Actually, not weird at all, hopefully this fat fuck has his CP stash found and is sent to rot in jail."
"Futrelle has made himself an expert on the “manosphere”" such an achievement!"
"And, still, Futrelle looks less likable than the people he writes about. Imagine that."
"I think it’s safe to say Dave himself has never been on a date before. The only women I imagine he’d ever have a chance of dating are literal whales, certainly not any decently attractive girls."
"Chimping out by stealing content from people he hates seems like all this guy does. lol"
@ 18:00 - "...and so what you guys don't realize is...THAT'S how corrupt the entire thing is!"
@ 26:19 - "My biggest thing is that Western Medicine and Big Pharma - the biggest thing T.H.E.Y. have done, is taken the Mother's intuition and squandered it and smashed it. Every single mother out there -- and you saw that in that video (Vaxxed II) when they went to give those shots, their souls screamed NO NO NO NO NO!!! -- all of you guys are feeling that. And it's an attack from're seeing it on TV that breast feeding is really not that necessary, and you don't need to stay doesn't matter that your home with your doesn't matter what you feed - all of that is not true!"
Aluminum-containing adjuvants are vaccine ingredients that have been used in vaccines since the 1930s. Small amounts of aluminum are added to help the body build stronger immunity against the germ in the vaccine. Aluminum is one of the most common metals found in nature and is present in air, food, and water.
What measure is an ism? The moment it passes from service to God and fellow man to emerge as the object in itself, it becomes an idol. Isms divorced from righteous service ratify among false gods.
A man who praises capitalism and not God? In him, Capitalism. Is. Systematic. Greed.
And the capability or impetus-lacking who nonetheless still partake of the system will be slaves by any other name, dogs crushed at the bottom of the pile.
Have you ever experienced nomophobia (no-mobile-phone-phobia)? Nomophobia is the fear of losing your cellphone or having to go without it. Studies show that almost all Americans (95 percent) have a cellphone. Symptoms of nomophobia include panic, lack of ability to concentrate, and repeated checking of devices for updates. About 58 percent of men and 47 percent of women feel high stress when their cell phones are off. Smart phones are even replacing the need for laptops and desktop computers because of convenience and easy access. Also, less homes have traditional broadband service, making cellphone use the primary source of online activity.
One source says that a growing number of students take showers with their phones and if that doesn’t sound intimate enough, 34 percent of people interviewed in one study said they have answered their phone during “personal time” with their significant other.
Teenagers from this group have grown up with social media and smart phones, meaning they spend far more time socialising with one another online than they do in person. The decline in dating corresponds to dwindling sexual activity among this cohort, Prof Twenge has found. Drawing on surveys of 11 million young people and a series of in-depth interviews she found that teenagers in their final year of school are going out less often than 13-year-olds did as recently as 2009.
Prof Twenge also noted that 56 per cent of 14 to 18-year-olds went out on dates in 2015 whereas for Generation X and Baby Boomers, it was around 85 per cent. Meanwhile, sexual activity among 14 and 15-year-olds has dropped by almost 40 per cent since 1991. The average teenager now has had sex for the first time by the time they are 17-years-old, a full year later than the average generation X.
She told me she’d spent most of the summer hanging out alone in her room with her phone. That’s just the way her generation is, she said. “We didn’t have a choice to know any life without iPads or iPhones. I think we like our phones more than we like actual people.”
A smartphone can tax its user’s cognition simply by sitting next to them on a table, or being anywhere in the same room with them, suggests a study published recently in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. It finds that a smartphone can demand its user’s attention even when the person isn’t using it or consciously thinking about it. Even if a phone’s out of sight in a bag, even if it’s set to silent, even if it’s powered off, its mere presence will reduce someone’s working memory and problem-solving skills....
....In other words: If you grow dependent on your smartphone, it becomes a magical device that silently shouts your name at your brain at all times. (Now remember that this magical shouting device is the most popular consumer product ever made. In the developed world, almost everyone owns one of these magical shouting devices and carries it around with them everywhere.)
The Delphi Technique: Let’s Stop Being Manipulated!
by Albert V. Burns
More and more, we are seeing citizens being invited to “participate” in various forms of meetings, councils, or boards to “help determine” public policy in one field or another. They are supposedly being included to get ”input” from the public to help officials make final decisions on taxes, education, community growth or whatever the particular subject matter might be.
Sounds great, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, surface appearances are often deceiving.
You, Mr. or Mrs. Citizen, decide to take part in one of these meetings.
Generally, you will find that there is already someone designated to lead or “facilitate” the meeting. Supposedly, the job of the facilitator is to be a neutral, non-directing helper to see that the meeting flows smoothly.
Actually, he or she is there for exactly the opposite reason: to see that the conclusions reached during the meeting are in accord with a plan already decided upon by those who called the meeting.
The process used to “facilitate” the meeting is called the Delphi Technique. This Delphi Technique was developed by the RAND Corporation for the U.S. Department of Defense back in the 1950s. It was originally intended for use as a psychological weapon during the cold war.
However, it was soon recognized that the steps of Delphi could be very valuable in manipulating ANY meeting toward a predetermined end.
How does the process take place? The techniques are well developed and well defined.
First, the person who will be leading the meeting, the facilitator or Change Agent must be a likable person with whom those participating in the meeting can agree or sympathize.
It is, therefore, the job of the facilitator to find a way to cause a split in the audience, to establish one or a few of the people as “bad guys” while the facilitator is perceived as the “good guy.”
Facilitators are trained to recognize potential opponents and how to make such people appear aggressive, foolish, extremist, etc. Once this is done, the facilitator establishes himself or herself as the “friend” of the rest of the audience.
The stage is now set for the rest of the agenda to take place. At this point, the audience is generally broken up into “discussion—or ‘breakout’—groups” of seven or eight people each. Each of these groups is to be led by a subordinate facilitator.
Within each group, discussion takes place of issues, already decided upon by the leadership of the meeting. Here, too, the facilitator manipulates the discussion in the desired direction, isolating and demeaning opposing viewpoints.
Generally, participants are asked to write down their ideas and disagreements with the papers to be turned in and “compiled” for general discussion after the general meeting is reconvened. This is the weak link in the chain, which you are not supposed to recognize. Who compiles the various notes into the final agenda for discussion? Ahhhh! Well, it is those who are running the meeting.
How do you know that the ideas on your notes were included in the final result? You Don’t! You may realize that your idea was not included and come to the conclusion that you were probably in the minority. Recognize that every other citizen member of this meeting has written his or her likes or dislikes on a similar sheet of paper and they, too, have no idea whether their ideas were “compiled” into the final result! You don’t even know if anyone’s ideas are part of the final “conclusions” presented to the reassembled group as the “consensus” of public opinion. Rarely does anyone challenge the process, since each concludes that he or she was in the minority and different from all the others.
So, now, those who organized the meeting in the first place are able to tell the participants and the rest of the community that the conclusions, reached at the meeting, are the result of public participation.
Actually, the desired conclusions had been established, in the back room, long before the meeting ever took place. There are variations in the technique to fit special situations but, in general, the procedure outlined above takes place.
The natural question to ask here is: If the outcome was preordained before the meeting took place, why have the meeting? Herein lies the genius of this Delphi Technique.
It is imperative that the general public believe that this program is theirs! They thought it up!
They took part in its development! Their input was recognized!
If people believe that the program is theirs, they will support it. If they get the slightest hint that the program is being imposed upon them, they will resist.
This very effective technique is being used, over and over and over, to change our form of government from the representative republic, intended by the Founding Fathers, into a “participatory democracy." Now, citizens chosen at large are manipulated into accepting preset outcomes while they believe that the input they provided produced the outcomes which are now theirs! The reality is that the final outcome was already determined long before any public meetings took place, determined by individuals unknown to the public.
Can you say “Conspiracy?”
"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy."
I. Can't. Even.
Thank the Goddess far-right fundie wing nuts like this have been purged from our churches and exiled to the fringes of the extremist snake-handling, tongues-babbling cults who are all clinging bitterly to their Bibles and guns!
They just can't deal with the facts that our community of multi-cultural tolerance and vibrancy continues to grow and spread the universal message of inclusion, diversity, and acceptance for all! No matter what border they may have crossed, or what non-specific gendered orifices they prefer for their consensual relational recreation...we must love and accept all those who seek refuge in our communities and homes!
There is no better way to signal our virtue!