These past few days of debating with Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Tech have been rather productive for myself in clarifying my thoughts and ideas regarding the conspiratorial view of history.
I commend PMAFT for keeping it respectable despite his obvious contempt for the ideas we were debating. As one commenter pointed out, we are certainly on the same side when it comes to a lot of issues discussed in the MRA sphere and at the Spearhead.
But I get the sense that these debates will never get anywhere with PMAFT because he's already made up his mind about this topic. His entire premise is based upon the idea that all arguments for "conspiracy theory" all fall under the rubric of fantastic delusions of paranoia with no basis in reality.
That pointing out the Federal Reserve's role in enslaving the masses into debt slavery, that Private Foundations philanthropy has financed the social engineering of the masses through mass media communications and public schooling curriculum, and that International organizations affiliated with the UN have been working for a long time now to effect globalization and a one world government are all on the exact same level of reality-based discourse as other widely disseminated theories regarding zionist reptilian alien morgellon illuminati raellian satanic-cults who use MK-Ultra techniques to brainwash zombies to spray chem-trails over the nation to infect the populace with H1N1 so that we the Sheeple stampede to the nearest immunization clinic to sterilize ourselves before Obama herds us all into FEMA camps...
...did I forget any other conspiracy theories to conflate my arguments with?
By conflating the issues I've belabored to examine, dissect and emphasize with all of the other fantastic-sounding, syfy channel flavored conspiracy theory, he's essentially attacked a straw man.
You can search my entire archives here as well as re-read my posts on the Spearhead regarding conspiracy, and not find a single mention of any of the more fantastic, SyFy-flavored theories out there. (Oh the delicious irony of referring to conspiracy theory misinformation as "SyFy flavored" considering PMAFT's original firestorm he ignited with his SyFy piece at the Spearhead...)
My discussions have ALWAYS been confined to verifiable, factual evidence that can be researched by anyone with an objective mind and a willingness to ignore the mainstream, conventional wisdom while assessing the veracity of my source material I link to for themselves.
After all, you have to do that precise thing when you objectively research the issues pertaining to feminism and it's societal influence versus the cultural memes most people blithely accept at face value.
I remember before I knew any better, that I used to accept without a second thought that ideas about woman not having the vote, that they shouldn't have the freedom to choose sucking her fetus out of her womb with a vacuum tube, that domestic violence isn't all men's fault, that woman shouldn't have the protection of no-fault divorce, that women should be judged for their sexual behavior, that single mother's are not heroic and victims of deadbeat males and all of the other culturally indoctrinated ideals of feminism where all horrible instances of misogyny and sexism. That was my default position, because I was brainwashed into it.
That was my conditioning being raised in our Brave New World Order culture. These were assumptions that one just "knows" having spent countless hours watching TV and movies, and reading mainstream news magazines and papers, and sitting in public schooling classes and their socially engineered curriculum being crammed down my unsuspecting throat.
But once I realized I had been lied to my entire life...once I took the time and effort to educate myself and measure reality versus the propaganda of mainstream society, I began to see the extent of just how pervasive and ubiquitous lies have been promulgated into mainstream consciousness regarding feminism, gender roles and even the basic assumptions regarding "masculinity."
But once my eyes were opened to these truths, I could not stop there.
So yes, I've read extensively on the topics regarding the NWO conspiracy theory. I've at least spared a few cursory glances on the most fantastic and crazy things out there. Most of them, I read for humor's sake, and quickly moved on to find more substantial fare.
The things I've found had too much foundation in the reality I now clearly see with my own eyes. I began to connect-the-dots to much of what I found credible.
I now quite easily recognize socially engineered, dialectical arguments and themes whenever I read, see or hear them being made and reinforced by popular culture. Read and watch the things I have, and you too will begin to see it clearly.
Read: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.
Read: The Creature From Jekyll Island
Read: Tragedy And Hope
Read: The Open Conspiracy
Read: The Rockefeller Files
Read: None Dare Call It Conspiracy
Read: The Future is Calling
Watch: Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism
Watch: Alex Jones' The Fall of the Republic
Watch: The Money Masters
No SyFy-flavored silliness in any of these things.
Finally, if you don't really want to bother with going through all of that...don't take my word for it that their exists a shadow government of elite bankers and philanthropists who want to take over the world in a New World Order...take their own words for it. Take the word of many prominent leaders who undoubtedly where either their puppets or controlled or manipulated by them:
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." - Senator David Rockefeller, Co-Founder and President of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission.
"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or *promulgated* , that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government." - Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." - Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets
"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all." - Strobe Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992.
"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." - Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, l950
"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." - Woodrow Wilson,The New Freedom (1913)
"From the days of Sparticus, Wieskhopf, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemberg, and Emma Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." - Winston Churchill, stated to the London Press, in l922.
"For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn't. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advanced by the Council on Foreign Relations-One World Money group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared "ammunition" in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support.
"The UN is but a long-range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One-World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.
"The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market....The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank." - Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson." - A letter written by FDR to Colonel House, November 21st, l933
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes." - Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952
"Fifty men have run America, and that's a high figure." - Joseph Kennedy, father of JFK, in the July 26th, l936 issue of The New York Times.
"The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups." - Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time (Macmillan Company, 1966,) Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University, mentor of Rhode's Scholar and former President Bill Clinton.
"The Council on Foreign Relations is "the establishment." Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one-world dictatorship." - Former Congressman John Rarick 1971
"The New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault." - CFR member Richard Gardner, writing in the April l974 issue of the CFR's journal, Foreign Affairs.
"I know of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years in the early 1960s to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies ... but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known." - Dr. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope
"This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept." - Zbignew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor
to President Jimmy Carter
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller
"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will.
If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." - David Rockefeller in his auto-biography "Memoirs"
The quotes are well-selected.
I will have to take some time to plow through some of the books, although I've already looked at others.
I will have more to say in a bit, but I have to admit I am impressed by your sober rationality and thoughtfulness on this subject. Most of the time when talking to a conspiracy theorist they invariably head towards reptile aliens as they run into a "turtles all the way down" problem.
HL, what would really help is if you could tell us what you think the scope of the conspiracy is. I know you think reptile aliens, bohemian grove, the illuminati is all disinformation, but what about things that are in the middle. For instance, what do you think about Globalman's ideas such putting punctuation in the middle of your name makes you "sovereign" and all caps references a corporation. Or what about the supposed FEMA prison camps? Beyond that what is the goal of the conspiracy? How long has it been around? How do they get from here to their goal?
How do you know that there is only one conspiracy? Instead of 48 conspiracies? If there is only one conspiracy how come massive infighting doesn't happen? In such a conspiracy the conspirators have every reason to stab each other in the back.
If the conspiracy exists what do we do about it? Either it's an impossible problem to solve (from the way it's described) or deceptively simple (i.e. shoot all the Rockefellers). Everything has weaknesses. What are the weaknesses of the conspiracy and how do we bring them down? Why hasn't anyone come up with something? Why didn't men like Wilson, Churchill, and Goldwater try and do something more than make commentary about the conspiracy? Why hasn't anyone tried some radical direct action against the conspiracy? Try shooting all the Rockefellers. There isn't that many of them. There's a hotel not that far from my place where the conspiracy supposedly meets and it's known when they meet. A truck bomb will take care of that.
How do we know that the conspiracy's plans will work? They can't predict the future perfectly, I presume. How do we know the difference between things going according to plan and not going according to plan? How do we know that the conspiracy's plans won't blow up in their faces? If the conspiracy exists and they created feminism, it seems like they created a situation that would eventually destroy themselves.
How do you know that the real conspiracy didn't create a fake conspiracy to throw everyone off? How do you know that you aren't reporting on a fake conspiracy and thus serving the interests of the conspiracy? This is something I would come up with.
Beyond that how do you know you aren't serving the interests of the conspiracy in general? I can't remember if you believe in the depopulation agenda or not. If you do how do you square it with your encouragement for men to not get married (which means not having kids in a lot of cases) and for men to use game?
This is where the rubber really hits the road for me. As a MGHOW who isn't going to be getting married or having kids due to all of the feminist issues we understand, doesn't that mean I am effectively a stooge for the conspiracy's depopulation agenda? I have architected my life in such a way that delivers what they want, less population. Couldn't that mean that MRA, MGTOW, and game ideas all came from the conspiracy and we are working for the conspiracy without realizing it?
One of my central problems with conspiracy theories is that they fail to explain why misandry is now the central problem for men. Even things like feminism are all talked about by conspiracy theorists as attacks on the "family". Nowhere is there anything about what is happening to men. Conspiracy theorists will talk about FEMA prison camps, for example, but why are such things even necessary? There is a whole feminist infrastructure for putting men in regular prison. Conspiracy theorists come up with some nebulous ways we supposedly lost freedom due 9/11 being a supposed false flag operation. Again why bother? Men are losing their freedom every day in family court and through a myriad of other ways due to feminism. (As an aside how do you know 9/11 was a false flag operation by the US government/US interests and not say, China?)
Had to break this up into two parts...
Lastly how do you know we're dealing with a conspiracy vs. a prospiracy (or multiple prospiracies)? To me feminism (and misandry in general) isn't the result of a conspiracy but a prospiracy. This explains how feminism/misandry has worked. We can't discount how many women and manginas and white knights all turned to misandry out of their own free will not because a conspiracy brainwashed or tricked them.
I know these are a lot of questions, but this is a subject that has so many default associations with it, that's its very difficult to know what your overall POV is.
HL has done his homework, as have I. All up I have spent the better part of 2,000 hours on all things related to the legal systems, the depopulation program, and the Illuminati. For you to sit back and ask a bunch of dumb questions, and they are dumb questions, rather than do your homework is intellectually lazy.....just like most young men are nowadays. They want to be spoon fed their knowledge one question at a time by someone who paid the price. In essence, they want a free ride at the expense of someone else. That's very womanly. MEN. Real MEN. Don't take the 'free ride'. They pay their way. we buy the books of MEN who have spent so much time reseaching and writing them and we read them for ourselves and we put the pieces of the puzzle together ourselves. There is now so much information out there, most of it for free even. that there is no excuse for any intelligent man to not know that the Illuminati have been in control for 5,000+ years at least. Before then? Does it really matter? I, for one, have gone through the Michael Tsarion and Lloyd Pye work and I believe there is no doubt we are the genetically engineered slaves of the Illuminati. Period. I have put into my intro post on spearhead more links than you could read in a month of sundays to back all this up. So while you deny that the Illuminati have been in total contrl for the last 5,000 years but have NOT read through all those links and materials other men should simply ignore you and allow you to remain ignorant. The material to reseach has been put in front of you. It is up to you to use it.
Personally? I am sick and tired of explaining to men that the Illuminati treat them as dumb animals and slaves and that there is a quite simple process to get out of their system. Men are too willfully ignorant to listen. So let them be slaves. 'Let he who will be decieved, be decieved'. Men like you waste the time of men like me. That's why we dismiss you and your questions. If you actually really wanted to help men get out of the femnazi system you would have read the materials I linked long ago and already made yourself an expert on common law and be helping out other men. Today? I am helping a man make an effort to get his children back in the English courts. What are you doing today?
"One of my central problems with conspiracy theories is that they fail to explain why misandry is now the central problem for men."
Bullshit. I have explained this many times. Misandry is not the 'central' problem but it is a major component of the depopulation program. In order to kill the women and children the men have to be made to be unwilling to defend them. What better way to do that than to have women and children abuse men for a long time?
apparently you do not understand the concept that something is only an insult if it is not true. You can't 'insult' someone by saying something true. They can 'feel insulted' but so what? If someone is insulted by a true statment about them that is THEIR problem. Not mine. Or are you some kind of woman that thinks that spouting the bullshit of 'my feelings are hurt' means you get to tell someone else what to say? Women come in both genders by the way.
As far as what I have 'contributed' to the MRA movement? I have given men the tools to walk away from feminism. I have given men the tools to kill feminism. I have given men the tools to rescind their consent to pay income taxes, alimony, child support, council rates etc and be free. Based on the work of many other good men by the way, I only added my particular case to the stack of proof out there. This is for common law lands. I have not looked into civil law lands.
It's taken me 2 years and nearly $A500K to get his far. Guess what? Men are too stupid to take up these tools and free themselves. Men like PMAFT who have had plenty of time to do so. All the evidence one needs of everything I have said is here:
I do not publish the video of my court appearance because it has my name and face all over it obviously. And by the way? Where does
"Lastly, PMAFT asked a very simple question. If there is this conspiracy what do we do about it?"
PMAFT asked a whole lot of dumb questions. As far as the conspiracy? He's already been told what to do about it so he's just attention whoring over here while refusing to educate himself, that's all. He's had plenty of time to learn about this stuff but he won't. He just keeps repeating the same tired old line "no one has proven this to me so it can't be true" while refusing to read what has been put in front of him. That's called 'being wilfully ignorant. It's a fact and a description. Not an insult. If he feels insulted enough to actually go and educate himself then GREAT! But look at this. You are such a mangina you even white knight MAN! LOL!
"A. People don't keep secrets over a long period of time."
Who says the Illuminati are 'secret'. Try going to Egypt. They built some real fucking big pyramids to tell the people who was in control. The Illuminati do not maintain 'secrecty'. They rely on people to be wilfully ignorant. In the run up to the 2004 election Tim Russert pressed by Bush and Kerry on the fact that they both belonged to the skull and bones secret society in interviews. How 'not secret' is that? They build pyramids and oblysks all over the place to remind the faithful they are in charge and rely on men like you to choose to be wilfully ignorant of their symbols. LOL! They are 'hiding in plain sight' and they are so obvious when you know what to look for that men like you denying they exist just look like the stupid uneducated oafs you are....exactly like I was 2.5 years ago. But at least I had an open mind so when I went reading I could see what was going on.
You totally left out JFK, and the HAARP weather control station.
Come on man!
Another good documentary to watch, and its available on google video is 'The Century of The Self' by Adam Curtis - a BBC documentary.
It's also quite helpful to begin a study of the means of mass persuasion. How do they do it? One good book is 'Manufacturing Consent' and another is 'Media Control; The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda' - both by Noam Chomsky
Another is a book called 'Propaganda' by Edward Bernays
I for one have been EXTREMELY surprised to learn of the multitude of ways that I have been duped over the years. Seriously. It has been very very eye opening at how easy it is to do once you know a few basic techniques.
PMAFT - To answer your questions:
Beyond that what is the goal of the conspiracy?
One world Government with absolute population control.
How long has it been around?
Hard to find a definitive answer on this one. Doesn't really matter, IMO. Whether it is in fact began under Weishaupt, the Knights Templar or Mayer Rothschild or not really doesn't matter. The important thing is to recognize the truth of the reality they've created for us, and make your decisions based upon knowing the truth. For instance, does it really matter if we know precisely when the feminist movement started...or that we know about how they've created marriage 2.0 and how we should avoid it's pitfalls and traps?
How do they get from here to their goal?
There well on there way. In fact, I think we are in the final phases of their plan. As Rockefeller stated quite openly, he believes that their plans are so far advanced, the need for secrecy is no longer necessary...which is why we now have a wealth of information revealing it. HG Wells called it an Open Conspiracy. Professor Quigley stated that his biggest reservation was the fact that they were operating in secrecy. He thought they should be open and public about their goals and intentions.
How do you know that there is only one conspiracy? Instead of 48 conspiracies? If there is only one conspiracy how come massive infighting doesn't happen? In such a conspiracy the conspirators have every reason to stab each other in the back.
If you do enough research, you will find accounts of precisely this. It's like the entire GOP vs. DNC debate...the CFR - elites that own the politicians of both parties could give a shit how either side pays off their constituents, lobbyists and special interests...so long as they continue to advance the primary agenda of globalization. So in that sense, the Republicans and Democrats do have a very real conflict...sort of like a Gotti's versus the Gambinos fighting over who gets to control the syndicate.
So most assuredly, anyone who is a part of the system, is most certainly involved in inter-conspiracy conflicts.
But again, it's really not that important when it comes to the big picture.
I can't remember if you believe in the depopulation agenda or not. If you do how do you square it with your encouragement for men to not get married (which means not having kids in a lot of cases) and for men to use game?
Why certainly I believe there is a depopulation agenda...one of the primary reasons for the advent of abortion, birth control and feminism promoting promiscuity.
Yes, I don't recommend marriage to most men, but that's just a general principle I state - because unless a man has a complete understanding of the reality of what the institution has become (marriage 2.0), and the keys to a successful LTR (via game principles - note, I'm not advocating PUA-pump-n-dump), AND he's taken his due diligence in honestly assessing the moral character and personality of the woman and not just thinking with his dick, only than would I advocate a man taking the risks of marriage.
But as a general rule...I don't recommend marriage for the average young man who still takes the blue pill.
As for Globalman - he's found some things that work for him when dealing with the legal system in the UK & AU. I've heard of similar things...but have no clue if any of his advice would work in the US.
And yes, he's angry. I sympathize. It's hard to learn the truth about something as pervasive and subversive as the conspiracy theory we are discussing here...and when you try to tell others, are largely ignored and/or laughed at.
Also note that while I am careful to avoid discussing the more "syfy" aspects of conspiracy theory, nor do I automatically discount ANYTHING off-hand anymore either.
While I don't care to discuss the possibility of reptilian aliens are really our overlords, and find such speculation to be counter-productive - neither would I be utterly shocked if some of the more fantastic aspects of conspiracy theory were to be revealed true.
SO if one day Obama ripped off his flesh mask to reveal his reptilian alien face, and he told the nation "WE ARE YOUR OVERLORDS," I would simply think "damn...I guess David Icke was right afterall!"
I mean, when you grow up your entire life believing ideas on how you should treat women, how you should eat healthy, and how you should arrange your finances...and than you learn that EVERYTHING you thought you knew was a total lie...you HAVE to arrive at a place where you cannot accept OR reject anything at face value without serious contemplation.
The word "Illuminati" is certainly useful in the context that Globalman is using it. When he uses it, I know precisely what he's talking about.
I have NO way to verify whether or not the highest levels of the conspiracy are in fact Illuminati freemasons...
...but on the other hand, how can you simply say it's impossible?
Especially when you look at how much of America's symbolisms, monuments and money contain freemason symbols and designs.
How can you dismiss the idea of secret societies conspiracy theories, when we have Presidents and other politicians who are openly recognized as secret society members? IT wasn't exactly a secret that John Kerry and Dubya where both Skull & Crossbones members (not to mention CFR members as well).
But as I said...it's not even important to verify if the Illuminati-freemason satanism or zionist connection is true or not.
Just note that they've basically gained control of our media, our school system, our banks, and our legal system...and they've socially engineered our society to leave us all confused, malnourished, sickly, enslaved to our debts, and handicapped in forming meaningful relationships with each other so that we are much less likely to breed...total population control.
As for FEMA camps - here's the quick synopsis:
In order to get the American people (and other western countries) to accept giving up their national sovereignty and accept a one world, global government, they need to foment economic crises to destroy the national currencies (can you not see that the dollar is being destroyed...and has been since 1913?). The government is expecting massive civil unrest when the economic situation gets worse over time. Should civil order breakdown, the military/national guard will be ready to "restore" order.
Again - I don't know how much veracity there are to such things. I can only go by observable truths. It's interesting to contemplate on the various theories...but it is the things that affect us on a personal, individual level that I'm more concerned with.
I don't adhere to their notion of how I should think and behave with regards to women, feminism etc. Same goes for their environmental agenda...or the conventional wisdom regarding diet and nutrition.
By understanding what they are trying to get us to do, I can at least exercise what freedom I do have to avoid the worst of their designs.
BTW - I've talked to some friends who are in the National Guard. One of the officers I know, who is an Iraq war veteran, told me that they are currently training here in Hawaii in suburban style training areas - getting ready for civil unrest and detainment exercises.
i.e. - they are practicing maneuvers to invade American styled suburban houses, apprehending and rounding up civilian populations.
Think that might have something to do with FEMA camps?
He's very disturbed about the implications of what they are doing...
Make of that what you will.
Also do some research on executive orders and martial law. Understand that the posse commitatus act is essentially abrogated by the executive orders.
The establishment of FEMA camps and the power of the President to suspend the constitution and begin rounding up citizenry to "restore civil order" is A FACT, not some hare-brained theory. Since Nixon, the executive orders have been put into place over time, in each administration...all of them. Bush, Clinton and now Obama have ALL contributed their own executive orders that advance the powers of the executive branch to declare martial law on the country.
Big J,
ditto me. At first I was real angry I had been lied to and manipulated by so many around me until I realised most of them were in the same boat. I pretty much has a 'brain meltdown' as I discovered all this stuff. I mean for example. ALL major hollywood movies are about manufacturing the mindset of the 'sheeple'. Ditto TV, newspapers, books. There is nothing left to chance. It's really amazing.
Hi Keoni,
1. I posted into spearhead a link to a 1000+ page book that is for the US. You can buy the book for CAN50. It is the result of about 8 years of effort by the author. I also posted links to discussion groups where peolpe are in the US. Everything I have said works exactly the same in the US outside Louisiana which still has civil law from the french days.
2. "And yes, he's angry" Oh please grow up. So many of you men are so stupid as to call me 'angry'. Anger is a really useless emotion and I don't indulge myself in it very often. I have stated in spearhead and other places many times I was angry with my ex for about a month because all the money that would be wasted on lawyers could have put our kids through uni. That she chose to force us to spend EUR100K on lawyers rather than spend that money on the kids really pissed me off. For a month. I deny any other man to get over the fact that the money to pay for his kids education would be passed to lawyers to NOT be angry about it. How about you read what I write and stop listing to fucktards who call me angry, eh? And by the way? Even if I was 'angry' how would that change the truth of what I am saying? Fuck. Men are so brainwashed now they discount facts based on their perceptions of the emotions of the person stating them. That's pretty brainwashed.
3. David Icke and many others have done the research on the symbolism used in ancienct civilisations to demonstrate that the same crowd have been in control all this time. But here's a clue. Pyramids. Obelisks. Just take a look at egypt and then take a look at paris, london and washington. In the luvre you have a glass pyramid with exactly 666 pieces of glass that make it up. In london you have obelisks marking the city of london and a fucking great obelisk in washington called 'the national monument'. And oh, pyramids and obelisks were all the rage in egypt. They stick these things all over the fucking place to tell their faithful they are in charge. And their faithful are among us. It's not like people are lower levels are not just regular joes like us. I have a friend whos father was a war hero who became an assassin for the US Army, I think it was in vietnam. Her claim is he later went on to commit peace time assassinations as well. She tells me she met many people who knew they were part of the plan over the course of her life. She thought everyone knew. It was only late in her life she discovered more about 'the plan' and started telling people about it.
4. If you look into what we are as animals and try the lloyd pye and michael tsarion research and really think about it for a while you will, in all likelyhood, come to the conclusion we are the result of genetically engineered neanderthals and that we have been further genetically engineered to be good little slaves. If you look at x-rays of the human body and of a gorilla or a monkey it becomes obvious after a while that we have been massively genetically engineered to lose our strength. They weakened us to make us easier to control. So, if we were genetically engineered 50,000+ years ago, those who engineered us must have known WAY more than us. I am in the 'we were genetically engineered slaves' camp. I believe this to be correct based on the work of many but mostly based on the common sense that we simply do not 'fit in' to the worlds environment. We could not have 'evolved' in any way, shape or form. Not a chance.
5. In the UK army/police have been training for 'suppressing civil unrest' for over a year now. Just this week they have started posting police officers at my local station. What the fuck do they need to put three pigs at my station for? To intimidate people and get them used to seeing more pigs around...that's why. Right now you can volunteer to be a 'practicing pig' for 20 hours a month. They are recruiting civilians as 'part time pigs'. That tells me they are expecting major violence in the UK.
Why are all of you guys unable to realize that you are being manipulated by ProMale AntiFeminist? He is a high level official of the Illuminati and a MASTER PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATOR. You are all doing what he wants. He has manipulated you into his SATANIC AGENDA.
All of you are telling men to avoid marriage and family which is delivering what ProMale AntiFeminist and the rest of the Illuminati wants on a silver platter. The only way to fight the Illuminati is by MANNING UP and creating REAL CHRISTIAN FAMILIES to raise GODLY CHRISTIAN CHILDREN. Everything is meaningless in comparison. ProMale AntiFeminist wants you to masturbate to porn and play xbox all day. Don't fall for his trick. MAN UP and lead a REAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY.
"Why are all of you guys unable to realize that you are being manipulated by ProMale AntiFeminist?"
Because we are not. We have our own minds which are not programmed by the Illuminati by something like christianity or other religions.
'Real christian families' are what the Illuminati created to create enough sheeple to do their work and fight wars to keep people distracted. They also created Islam etc to make sure they could forment wars.
As far as what I did in my family? My ex renounced her christianity right after our second baby was born and I stayed on 14 more years proposing to her that she take up her religion again. So as to what I did in my family and your comments? You can fuck off Thomas until you know more of the story. My story is well documented on spearhead. I was very successful as a father. It was my wife who was a failure as a wife and mother. Men like you would also blame me for her failings because men like you are arseholes and don't hold women accountable for their actions.
"How do we know that the conspiracy's plans will work? They can't predict the future perfectly, I presume. How do we know the difference between things going according to plan and not going according to plan? How do we know that the conspiracy's plans won't blow up in their faces? If the conspiracy exists and they created feminism, it seems like they created a situation that would eventually destroy themselves."
Conspiracy is the wrong term to describe all these forces that seem to be at work.
But some people cannot seem to understand that it takes much more than a few Illuminati to direct the course of events.
This is not to say that the force for one-world government is not huge, and emanating from numerous top-level people - but the aim (at the individual level) is just self-empowerment, and not the coordinated pursuit of some demonic aim - such as mass slaughter as per Globalman - who sees all-powerful Gods (the Illuminati) as being in control, rather than some kind of Darwinian evolution taking place among the ranks of those who have power.
For example, the head of a corporation will want a 'united' Europe so that he can sell more goods with less hassle. His aims are purely financial; but his desire will be consistent with, for example, politicians who want to become bigwigs within a bigger empire.
These combined forces emanate more from the system, than from some small group of people.
"such as mass slaughter as per Globalman"
The evidence for the depopulation program is not refutable and is not 'as per globalman'.
In case your missed it. Last century there were two world wars. A flu pandemic. And in russia and china the Illuminati controlled guvments slaughtered millions. One estimate places the people killed by guvments at 200M last century. However, this was not enough, so they introduced the idea of 'a womans right to choose' and since introducing abortion women have killed another 2 BILLION viable human beings.
Now, that makes the count in the last century 2.2B + people KILLED by Illuminati propaganda that is easily evidenced. Let's not even get into the famines they have formented or the deaths by vaccinations or by aids and similar diseases they have engineered and released. ok?
How many more people do you need to see killed before you would believe there is a 'depopulation program' running? 3B? 4B? 6B?
People who deny the depopulation program are ignorant or stupid or both.
Less than 50 years ago 'every baby was precious'. Now babies are to be thrown in the trash can. If a society can kill babies in the womb, the most vulnerable and defenceless member, what do you think they are going to do to the rest of us?
Women abort babies, not the Illuminati - so stop trying to pin abortions on some unseen group of power-brokers.
Anon. Who do you think passed 'roe vs wade'? Women? Nope. Pretty much all men. There was one woman. By the way she is quoted as saying 'Roe vs Wade was all about making sure the wrong kind of babies were not born'. She then hastily retracted what she said. Do you think she meant the comment or the retraction?
And who do you think propagandised the 'benefits' of abortion? Women? Nope. A very small group of men. Sure. Women make the 'decision' as women are like to think but they have been brainwashed to do it. And that brainwashing was by the Illuminati. What do you think the contraceptive pill was all about? If you look at who is actually behind all this stuff you will find names like Kissinger, Rockefeller, Ford et al. Or have you never read the Stragetic Security Directive by Kissinger in 1975 that linked 'US Aid' to a country requiring to 'liberate' women by providing 'planned parenthood' which was the name the eugenics movement changed to after Hitler gave eugenics a bad name.
Saying women commit abortions is like saying 'sheep grow wool'. Sure they do, but they are totally controlled by their owners. And that pretty much summs up women.
One of the great tricks of the Illuminati is to mould social norms so that people think they are making free decisions but they are made inside the environment they are in. Example? Birth rates are plummetting all over the world. In Spain 1.1, Germany 1.3. In India birth rates have gone from 6 to 3 per woman in just 30 years. Women say 'well we decided to have fewer babies'. Sure. Practially ALL the women in the world simultaneously decided to have fewer babies? Breaking with 10,000 years of history? And that was not programmed into society? If you believe that I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. ;-)
Damn you men are dumb now. What did they do to you in school. Give you a frontal labotomy?
"Sure. Women make the 'decision' as women are like to think but they have been brainwashed to do it."
You're the one who has been brainwashed; by reading too many books.
You accuse everyone else of being brainwashed but yourself.
Well done you dumbed down mangina...you didn't actually address what I pointed out which was the evidence, which is widely available, that all over the world women made the same 'decision' at the same time. And in china where the women were a little more reluctant the state will give them the 'benefit' of a late term abortion if they 'accidently' get pregnant a second time. Nope. You can't deal with that. You gotta go for some kind of untrue comment based on no evidence at all.
By the way. I was VERY programmed and it took quite a while to go through all the 'be-LIE-fs' I had been programmed with and cull them out.
I bet you never even read SSD 200 produced in 1995 and written by Kissinger. A document that became US Foreign Policy. That abortion and birth control are tools of the Illuminati is made quite clear in that document if you know how to read it.
I bet you don't even know that JD Rockefeller III was the chairman of the 'Population Growth Commission' and he was nominated by Nixon to chair that commission in 1970. When he came back in 1972 with his recommendations passing the 'equal opportunity bill' was about #5 on the list. But nope. You'd be too dumbed down to know that now wouldn't you. The Rockefellers are the most visible Illuminati family after the Windsors and one of them heads the 'Population Growth Commission' nominated by Nixon....but nope...you think the Illuminati has got nothing to do with population 'growth'. Sure. Like I said. They must be giving you kids frontal labaotomies at school you are so dumb now.
Oops..typo SSD200 was produced in 1975.
".you think the Illuminati has got nothing to do with population 'growth'."
That isn't what I said or implied.
Your problem is that you think that the Illuminati control EVERYTHING to do with population growth, which is rubbish.
I also saw you claim that the Pope was an Illuminatum and yet he is totally opposed to abortion and birth control.
grow up. 'Control' happens at very high levels. Then they let the sheeple run around thinking they are free.
"There are none so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free". Gothe if I recall correctly.
And your quote about the pope? You are kidding me right? You are pulling my leg because no-one could be that stupid. The catholic church has a long history of being 'against abortion' to produce more catholics. The pope is the head of the catholic church. So he's going to preech the gospel according to the catholic church tradition. AND he is Illuminati. Here. How about this. He's lying. Oh shock. Oh horror. The Pope is lying and playing a double game. But are you smart enough to figure that out by yourself? Nope. Apparently not.
What do you have on your ipod. "Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out"?
Did you or did you not claim that the Pope was one of the Illuminati?
"The Pope is lying and playing a double game."
So, the Illuminati want to reduce the population - but the Pope (who is Illuminati according to you) encourages 500 million people to eschew abortion and birth control in order to increase the population.
How strange is that.
Yet you think that the Illuminati has great control over everybody - but they can't even get the Pope - one of their own - to support abortion and birth control.
So much for the great power that they wield - according to you.
One world Government with absolute population control.
What kind of one world government? One world government could mean anything from Communist dictatorship to Islamic theocracy to a decentralized libertarian association that makes sure individual nations keep freedom for its citizens and swats the Mugabes & Kim Jong Ils before they become real problems.
What is to say that all the conspiracies or each faction in the conspiracy has the same agenda for one world government?
Beyond that with the guys you quoted how does talking about one world government mean they are part of a conspiracy to make it happen? Talking about how if aliens invade, Americans won't care about foreign troops on American soil doesn't seem to be anything special. Plenty of science fiction novels has this as their plot. The doesn't make the authors part of the conspiracy.
Even just predicting a one world government will happen at some point in the indeterminate future or near future doesn't mean the predictor is part of a conspiracy to make a one world government. Again many science fiction novels predict a one world government but that doesn't make the authors part of a conspiracy.
Let's face it. If civilization doesn't collapse. We will have a one world government eventually. We will have to have one once the scope of human civilization expands enough. One thing that conspiracy theories fail to understand is that one world government is no one human government. Just because there is a one world government on Earth doesn't mean that Moon colonies, Mars colonies or extra-solar colonies would be part of said government.
As a side question why is it that conspiracy theories assume that Americans are the only stumbling block to one world government? Even if we assume all first world western countries are sufficiently pacified (an assumption that I am not sure about), the Russians, Chinese, Indians, etc. aren't going to go along with it. Not as they are now.
As for population control how can you be sure its control to reduce population? So the conspiracy reduces population, and what happens after that? The supply of labor goes down which means the price of labor goes up. This is what happened after the Black Death. Is the conspiracy going to do a really big favor for the survivors?
What's to say that it isn't population control to increase the population? That way the conspiracy can lower the price of labor by keeping unemployment high, and keep everyone who isn't part of the conspiracy fighting each other over scraps? All the "slaves" would be fighting each other so much that they would be no threat to the conspiracy's descendants.
Hard to find a definitive answer on this one. Doesn't really matter, IMO.
It does matter. Human group dynamics say that you can't maintain such an organization over several generations. It would fall victim to intercene warfare (regardless of whether the conspiracy was exposed or not) rendering the conspiracy's existence moot.
For instance, does it really matter if we know precisely when the feminist movement started...or that we know about how they've created marriage 2.0 and how we should avoid it's pitfalls and traps?
Beyond what I said, I suppose it doesn't matter. However, how do you know that avoiding marriage 2.0 isn't what the conspiracy wants you to do. If they have a depopulation agenda, then by avoiding marriage 2.0 since most men aren't going to do single fatherhood by choice, then isn't that voluntary depopulation on our part? Aren't we doing what the conspiracy wants? Doesn't this mean MRA and MGTOW are tools of the conspiracy?
Thomas George is insane, but his logic is sound if you believe in the existence of the depopulation agenda. Shouldn't we be refusing to perform voluntary depopulation on ourselves (or really our future children that never get born)?
Professor Quigley stated that his biggest reservation was the fact that they were operating in secrecy. He thought they should be open and public about their goals and intentions.
Then how do you know the conspiracy is something sinister? If members of the conspiracy think that they can discuss this openly with non-conspiracy members and tell the truth, then that says what they're doing isn't sinister. Clearly those members of the conspiracy think they can provide a convincing argument to non-conspiracy members. And saying we're going to remove 90% of the population isn't a convincing argument which means what they are doing is something else.
So in that sense, the Republicans and Democrats do have a very real conflict...sort of like a Gotti's versus the Gambinos fighting over who gets to control the syndicate.
Then the CFR is meaningless in this scenario since the sub-groups are fighting each other. CFR membership becomes meaningless since they can't have a singular agenda that isn't meaningless.
The CFR tries to get all big names regardless of their politics. There are think tanks that operate like that. It doesn't make them part of a conspiracy. Plus, the CFR is mainly made up of nobodies. Their membership process is detailed on their webpage. For all you know I'm a member of the CFR.
Putting the CFR aside since the conspiracies are fighting each other heavily, why should the average person care? The battle between the Gottis and the Gambinos will never affect the lives of 99.99% of the population. Why should be worry about the conspiracy or conspiracies instead of just living our lives.
But as a general rule...I don't recommend marriage for the average young man who still takes the blue pill.
Does this mean you're advocating a Thomas George style argument but with game? Even with game marriage 2.0 still has the potential to be dangerous for men.
you are so funny. The pope talks about eschewing abortion sure. And there are 1B catholics by the way. Now. Let's look at some 'catholic' countries. Spain birth rate 1.1. Germany birth rate 1.3. Greece I think it's 1.3. Gee the pope does not seem to be very convincing does he. Why? Because feminism and taxation have made it stupid for a man to have a child, that's why. Everything you post you manage to make a fool of yourself. By the way. With the amount of BPA in plastic bottles and tetra packs contraception is soon going to be a moot point. Men have 50% less sperm with less mobility at the age of 20 than was the case 40 years ago. The WHO has reduced the 'infertile' rating either 50 or 66% I can't remember which from 30 years ago. So a man who would be declared infertile 30 years ago is still 'fertile' now. They are going to stop people from being able to reproduce 'naturally' by chemically sterilising the men. At least that is what all the evidence is pointing to. Go look it up. Have you done any reading at all in this area?
"Then how do you know the conspiracy is something sinister?"
THEY do not think their plans are sinister. THEY think that there needs to be wars and pestilence to kill off the sheeple and cull their numbers on a regular basis. That they have created wars and pestilence has been openly stated by the likes of Aldus Huxley and others.
As far as the Illuminati is concerned there is nothing sinister about codex alimentarious and starving people to death and causing diseased from lack of nutrition any more than you or I think it is 'sinister' to eat a steak dinner. The cow might have another opinion about that. As might the 6 Billion people they hope to cull from the human sheep station. They want 500M people. Period. They don't care which 500M.
"Aren't we doing what the conspiracy wants? Doesn't this mean MRA and MGTOW are tools of the conspiracy?"
Indeed we are. Men refusing to have children is EXACTLY what the NWO wants. Even more important. Men who will refuse to fight and die to protect women and children is even MORE desirable for the NWO. Men who do not marry and do not have children are very unlikely to defend women and children who are nothing to do with them. Don't you think?
This is why I have stated in many places it is critical to get to the abused fathers and re-unite them with their children and ask them to please defend their children when the time comes. THOSE are the men who will fight hardest when the time comes.
Guys like me? I'm going to work waking people up but if they pull the trigger I'm leaving. I'm not fighting for a society that treated me badly. I have my place I plan to go to. The NWO wants less people. I can't say I disagree with that since we are at 6B. I just say that killing them outright is not the right thing to do. I'm pretty sure that there are better ways to get people to voluntarily not have more children. But the NWO are not into putting things into the hands of the sheeple any more than farmers are into putting the running of the farm into the hands of the sheep. How about you go read some of the books and vids I linked in spearhead rather than try and get your education one question at a time?
"Did you or did you not claim that the Pope was one of the Illuminati?"
I said the pope has been photographed making Illuminati hand signals with BOTH hands at once and used a mason handshake with Blair. Of course, he's Illuminati. Everyone in any position of ANY power is Illuminati. You don't get there without being part of the club. Ron Paul is Illuminati. There has NEVER been a president of the US that was not Illuminati when he went in. Even JFK. Alas JFK had a change of heart and they shot him for it. No national leader in any advanced country can get there without being in the game. No politician of any note. ALL lawyers are totally controlled as are all dcotors. This is what 'licenses' are for. Once you do all your years studying as a lawyer or doctor they give you a license to practice. If you rock the boat? You lose your license and your livelyhood. If you still don't play ball they threaten your children. It's all very straightforward. Usually men are simply compromised with things like prostitutes or criminal activities so that they can be exposed at any time and lose their comfortable life. There are no 'honest politicians'.
it is easy to spot the Illuminati lies. You just look for "we are doing this for your safety, security, benefit". Whenever you see that you know the hand of the Illuminati is at work. So all licensing and regitration processes are part of the control grid. Vaccines. Passports. Driving licenses. TV licenses. (They want to know who is not being brainwashed by the TV). Lawyers. Doctors. Builders. You name it. When you 'need a license' or 'need to register' something the Illuminati is there. You do not need a license for anything in a common law country. Nothing at all. When you look at the extent of 'licenses' and how the guvment 'is there to help' you suddenly see just how pervasive the control grid is.
I was offered a job by the Illuminati. My specialty? Integrating data from multiple systems and observing behaviour patterns of individual people. Why do you think I was offered a job?.. ;-) What do you think they are doing with all this data they are collecting? I know ALL about collecting and using integrated data. The software I wrote and sell does exactly that. Some days I wish I'd taken the job because men seem too stupid to bother saving their own lives.
At the end of they day, Hawaiin's article strongly supports the view that there are very powerful people operating behind the scenes, well beyond democratic reach, who have an agenda that is not necessarily good for the rest of us.
At the end of they day, Hawaiin's article strongly supports the view that there are very powerful people operating behind the scenes, well beyond democratic reach, who have an agenda that is not necessarily good for the rest of us.
This could be used to describe me, and I don't mean in the "I'm a reptile alien that controls the Illuminati" joke. I have more money and power than most people. It doesn't compare to the average rich person or the people we're talking about, but it's more than most people.
With the way I keep my money to myself particularly from women and wish to see technology developed with the little influence I have, there are many women, manginas, and white knights would would argue I'm operating behind the scenes, well beyond democratic reach, and have an agenda that is not good for them. And they are correct, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm right.
Without being able to discern what their agenda is it's all mental masturbation.
Also note that while I am careful to avoid discussing the more "syfy" aspects of conspiracy theory, nor do I automatically discount ANYTHING off-hand anymore either.
Then what is your strategy for discerning what is really happening from disinformation or just random trolls who like to make shit up and rile you guys up? If you don't a strategy for discounting things then you're just guessing in the dark and leave yourself open for manipulation (assuming that the conspiracy even exists).
I mean, when you grow up your entire life believing ideas on how you should treat women, how you should eat healthy, and how you should arrange your finances...and than you learn that EVERYTHING you thought you knew was a total lie
I don't know how old you are, but in my lifetime there has never been a general agreement about how one should eat healthy, arrange their finances, etc. For my entire life people have been arguing about these things. The only exception is women which brings up the point that misandry is the central problem, nothing else.
The word "Illuminati" is certainly useful in the context that Globalman is using it. When he uses it, I know precisely what he's talking about.
If Illuminati is simply a way of saying "unnamed conspiracy that we are trying to figure out", I can go with that.
I have NO way to verify whether or not the highest levels of the conspiracy are in fact Illuminati freemasons...
...but on the other hand, how can you simply say it's impossible?...
But as I said...it's not even important to verify if the Illuminati-freemason satanism or zionist connection is true or not.
Impossible in the sense of how does it have meaning? When someone talks about Freemasonry we are talking about a specific concrete organization. The Illuminati and Freemasonry are two distinct concepts unless you have a specific charge to make against the Freemasons.
It's gets even worse when conspiracy theorists start talking about "zionists". What would make the conspiracy "zionist"? Zionism has a specific definition. It's the movement to create a Jewish national homeland. That's it. I suppose the conspiracy could think that Jews deserve an ethnic homeland, but I don't that's relevant to the conspiracy.
It's meaningless to say that the conspiracy is "zionist". This means that there is no reason to even bring up the word, zionist, in reference to the conspiracy unless the user is just advocating garden variety anti-semitic BS and I see no reason to listen to their crap.
Especially when you look at how much of America's symbolisms, monuments and money contain freemason symbols and designs.
Yes, many of the founding fathers were Freemasons. Why is that supposed to be a big deal? I learned about that in Jr. High and High School along with things like how fiat money works and all the other things you seem to think are a surprising revelation. (Watch as the Thomas George crowd takes this to mean I went to Illuminati High.)
Just note that they've basically gained control of our media, our school system, our banks, and our legal system...and they've socially engineered our society to leave us all confused, malnourished, sickly, enslaved to our debts, and handicapped in forming meaningful relationships with each other so that we are much less likely to breed...total population control.
If they have total control of everything what do we do? It sounds like you think its pretty hopeless. It's not like we could even kill ourselves without supporting the conspiracy.
Do they really control all that? With the school system, it's falling apart. There are alternate forms of getting education, everything from homeschooling to the internet and this only growing. With the media the internet is in the process of completely destroying the media as we know it.
While our food supply has plenty of crap, how do you know the difference between intentional poisoning and unintended consequences? Corn syrup is probably the number one problem in our food supply. That came about due to an unintended consequence of farm policy. Beyond that I was looking at this at the grocery store this weekend, and it's filled with stuff that's marked as not have this junk or that junk. These products are there to be bought not be window dressing to throw conspiracy theorists off the scent. Is corn syrup and a few other things a diversion? (I know the Thomas George crowd will just claim I go to an "Illuminati grocery store".)
In order to get the American people (and other western countries) to accept giving up their national sovereignty and accept a one world, global government, they need to foment economic crises to destroy the national currencies (can you not see that the dollar is being destroyed...and has been since 1913?).
Why? The Euro got through without any economic crises. What's the difference between a one world currency and a total fixed exchange rate system involving every country in the world? None. This is like the Amero conspiracy theories. There is no need for an economic crisis.
Besides why would an economic crisis guarantee people accepting one world government? If anything it would have the opposite effect.
Several years ago someone from the AboveTopSecret website went to the locations of where the FEMA prison camps were being built and he couldn't find anything except trees. It was documented on their forums.
As for the dollar being destroy since 1913 how does slow inflation "destroy" the dollar? Yes there is slow inflation. There were people in the late 1800s clamoring for that such as farmers who couldn't pay off their debts. They tried to instate everything from bimetalism to other schemes to inflate the dollar. The gold standard was viewed as a tool of east coast banking interests. If you asked the equivalent of a conspiracy theorist in 1890 about this subject, they would say the exact opposite of what you are saying. They would tell you that the gold standard is a tool of the Illuminati and inflation is needed to benefit the rest of us.
By understanding what they are trying to get us to do,
But how do you know you're understanding what they are trying to do? How do you know they haven't created a fake conspiracy to hide the real one? Assuming the conspiracy exists don't you think its really convenient that there are just enough bread crumbs to find all of this out? How do you know you aren't being double, triple, or quadruple bluffed?
BTW - I've talked to some friends who are in the National Guard. One of the officers I know, who is an Iraq war veteran, told me that they are currently training here in Hawaii in suburban style training areas - getting ready for civil unrest and detainment exercises.
Putting aside for the fact I can think of at least 20 alternate explanations and that I know some people through work who would know more about this than your friend, how is this supposed to not backfire? Why wouldn't the army and national guard? This is where misandry being central comes in again. The longer the conspiracy waits to do this the larger the group of military and national guard will be who will say "screw it" because as men this society is doing nothing for them. And this is on top of the other reasons these men might say "screw it".
" What's the difference between a one world currency and a total fixed exchange rate system involving every country in the world? None."
That is such a naive statement that you shot your credibility somewhat.
Also, if you lived in Europe it would be more obvious to you that there has been a conspiracy of silence over the agenda to destroy national borders.
You have gone way too far in the other direction in trying to combat the evidence regarding the intentions of certain powerful groups.
Your arguments are nearly all statements about possibility, not probability.
Look at the latter, and they support, on balance, HL's views.
" What's the difference between a one world currency and a total fixed exchange rate system involving every country in the world? None."
That is such a naive statement that you shot your credibility somewhat.
Also, if you lived in Europe it would be more obvious to you that there has been a conspiracy of silence over the agenda to destroy national borders.
You have gone way too far in the other direction in trying to combat the evidence regarding the intentions of certain powerful groups.
Your arguments are nearly all statements about possibility, not probability.
Look at the latter, and they support, on balance, HL's views.
One word;
"Without being able to discern what their agenda is it's all mental masturbation."
You have been told what their agenda is and you have been given the links to go read about it for yourself in my linkfest in my spearhead into. That you don't bother to educate yourself is your problem and you are the one doing the mental masturbation around here. You have been invited to sit on common law juries to punish women who commit crimes against men in my open invitation in the spearhead forums and on the comments. Your name is absent from the list of men who have volunteered to do so. Yet you claim I am full of shit until I personally shoot the prime minister of australia. It's pretty obvious to anyone reading this who is full of shit and who is doing the mental masturbation PMAFT. Don't be taking on men far better than you unless you think you can close the deal. And you, young man, are so far behind closing any argument with me or even presenting yourself as an honourable man that it doesn't matter. You might want to look in the mirror and ask the man there if he really is willing to put in some effort for those men who are going to commit suicide in the next 12 months from the abuse of the FC. Ask him if he's willing to pull is finger out and actually commit time, money, resources and effort to saving the lives of his brothers. And if you are? Come back and ask me how you can personally help. If not fuck off.
"That came about due to an unintended consequence of farm policy"
All farm policy was quite intentional. That sentence is just like saying aspartame got into the food supply accidentally. It didn't. Donald Rumsfeld worked his arse off to get aspartame into the food supply. Even to the point of getting reagan to kick out the head of the FDA. Aspartame is reported, by the FDA, to cause brain cancers in mice and grand mal siezures as well as instant death in monkey. Once introduced the rate of brain cancers went up 5% in the next 5 years. Aspartame is one of the most toxic chemicals that can be placed into the human body. And we are feeding it to 5 year olds in diet coke and other such drinks. Aspartame is everywhere you look in the food chain. There are so many bad things in our food chain put there by our guvments it's not funny. There are no 'accidents' of policy or 'un-intended consequences'. They have been waging a war on us to give us debilitating diseases in our old age that drains the 'money' off us.
"Also, if you lived in Europe it would be more obvious to you that there has been a conspiracy of silence over the agenda to destroy national borders."
Correct....Europe is the EUSSR now. I have been in the UK the last 18 months and the disintegration of national identity is quite amazing. There are so many languages being spoken around here and you can play 'spot the englishman' forever.
"Germany and Greece aren't Catholic countries."
You will find a very large number of catholics in BOTH those countries no matter what the guvment says they are. And they aren't breeding. These are the ones I know off the top of my heard. You can look up birth rates of countries on the web. The important point is ALL western countries are in massive decline of birth rate of the local population after 10,000 years of population growth. And you would argue this is 'co-incidence'.
The only country I have read about in the EU with a decent population replacement rate is Ireland. And since there are only 4M people there it hardly matters. Go check out the tables of population rates. Europe will be majority muslim in 40 years if nothing changes according to some materials I have read.
"If everything we do supports the Illuminati in some way then what's the point?"
Who said 'everything we do supports the Illuminati'? I didn't. That's a false assumption. Refusing to have children and refusing to die defending women and children are what the Illuminati want because they want to kill the women and children in large numbers. I don't mind them killing the western women but I do have an issue with killing the western boys. I am ALSO working on waking up men in the MRA area to the remedy I prepared but the men are steadfastly stupid and ignorant. If men learned what I learned they would have little trouble fending off the Illuminati short of getting out weapons. The first step is to wake up the abused fathers as to who really abused them and give their kids back to them and ask them to please defend their kids if they are willing. Just this week I put a post on FMOTL forum pointing out that if women gave the kids back to the men they stole them from then those men may defend the women and children. And if they do not give the kids back the men might just walk away from the fight. If men walk away from the fight in large numbers the Illuminati will kill more women and children and the stupid manginas who try to defend those who are not their own children. Remember. The way the cull is planned to happen is to collapse the food and water supplies and let the sheeple fight it out over the dwindling food supply. That is what 'globalisation' of the food supply is all about.
"There is no place you can escape to unless this is code for you are a member of the NWO."
Oh yes there is. I know where I am going and I will be relatively safe there. Getting there will be a problem but not one that I expect will defeat me. I sure as hell am not going back to Australia. THAT is a hopeless case.
"The NWO isn't killing people outright on the scale needed to reduce the population"
Want to make a bet? In the 60s the population exploding like a balloon. Since 1964 the birth rate in germany has halved and the german population has been in decline since 1974....the russian population is also in decline. In some towns in germany the birth rate is down 80% on 20 years ago. Tthe first thing to do was slow down population growth....and the second thing to do is to cull the sheeple via food shortages. In case you have not noticed there are severe food shortages in africa now. Or have you not heard of a little place called Zimbabwe? Africa is not a continent it is a concentration camp. The BPA in the bottles and tetra pack will make very sure that the population does not increase quickly in the coming years. You seem to be unaware that these guys work in generational timeframes. 40 years is a very short time when you have run the place for 5,000 years. I am even coming around to the idea that those who are at the top have very long lifespans and only act out the whole scene of growing older if at all. I think it is very possible that those at the very top are not known at all. That perhaps there is someone else behind the rothchilds.
"If the NWO exists, you could be a disinformation agent working for them"
Absolutely I could. Which is why I say don't take my word for it, go do some reading. I don't expect anyone to take what I say at face value. I expect them to read and watch vids on youtube and figure it out for themselves. There can be no 'organised' defense to the Illuminati because any 'leaders' are too easily subverted. The only real defense is for men to refuse to co-operate and follow their own hearts and conscience and not be swayed to do what other men tell them to do. As per Shaefer Cox said, a melitia man is a soldier with a conscience. He does not follow any order he disagrees with. A soldier is a soldier with no conscience now. ALL the men who are genuine are the men who are urging other men to do their own research and follow their own conscience and don't let anyone else tell you want to do. The real leaders are men like me who ASK other men to step up to doing something like defending other men....and are not pushing people to do things that are so called 'anti-guvment'. I am not 'anti-guvment' I am 'ignore-guvment'. That is two very different things.
Wow...can't remember the last time I had this many comments here.
Good job answering much of the questions and critiques, GM.
Needless to say, if someone refuses to believe the NWO could exist, I suspect there is no amount of reading or research that could be done to change there minds.
Needless to say, if someone refuses to believe the NWO could exist, I suspect there is no amount of reading or research that could be done to change there minds.
Why should I believe the NWO exists? For all the supposed "research" there is no real research going on. Copying and pasting things from conspiracy websites is not research. I'm the only one who is doing real research by checking the original sources supposedly used. Half the time they don't exist. In the other half they are mis-attributed, taken so far out of context, or has a different meaning if you read the whole document. Some of this is basic proofreading. If I'm the first to discover that there are proofreading problems with attributing to the original sources that means anyone could make something up and none of you will check it.
I have already been through several examples of this problem with you guys.
I have checked Globalman's BS. I read the text that supposedly claims the US is a "Federal Corporation". It's says NO SUCH THING. Everything he has claimed has been debunked. If you still think Globalman is right after reading that link, then check the referenced court cases because the US government is going to throw you in prison even if you think you're right.
I also read that Mary Croft book Globalman likes. It filled with so many factual and historical errors that it would take me 2 years to document them all. And that's before we even get to the false claims about Mayan history (2012) and physics (Schumann resonances). It doesn't add to what she's talking about and it just adds more errors. Am I the only person here capable of reading a history text on the Maya or a physics textbook? More importantly by her own admission she has accomplished nothing. Her creditors are still after her.
As for the videos on the internet, I don't know how they have been edited. Beyond that they do things like have spooky music play in the background to manipulate the viewer. There is no evidence that the NWO exist and are trying to manipulate me, but I DO HAVE EVIDENCE with thinks like the spooky music soundtrack that conspiracy theorists are trying to manipulate me.
I can't understand why there isn't more debate about what this supposed conspiracy is doing. If there was more research going on there would be more disagreement. Instead you guys have copied and pasted a standard model of conspiracies.
None of you are asking questions if the material you are reading/watching is disinformation. Do you guys seriously think that the NWO is just going to let you find out everything? Of course they aren't. If the NWO exists, they are going to flood conspiracy forums and blogs with disinformation. You guys may have been had. You guys may have been tracking a fake conspiracy they created to hide the real one. They are certain to be using techniques such as double bluffing, triple bluffing, and quadruple bluffing. If I was a member of the NWO, it's what I would do. Worse yet, none of you recognize that there is a HUGE PROBLEM. You guys should be developing strategies to filter out the disinformation. Maybe the strategy you have isn't the right one, but none of you seem to realize that this is a problem for you guys if the NWO exists.
You guys act as if the trail of bread crumbs you are given (assuming the NWO exists) is not sinister at all. There are power hungry people with a depopulation agenda. These are not nice people.
I can tell you with certainty that there are plenty of trolls and conspiracy forums and blogs playing with you guys and making up stuff that you now believe. I know personally guys who have done this.
You guys need a strategy for filtering out disinformation and trolls. Right now you guys believe almost anything despite the fact that your various conspiracy beliefs contradict each other in various places. Don't do it for me. Do it to not let the NWO fool you.
And open up a physics textbook, an economics textbook, some history texts, and go visit a law library. You guys are getting your information ninth hand and you're tripping over mistakes as a result. You guys tell me to do some research but a circle jerk of conspiracy websites is not research. Read some texts on the various subject matters involved. That's research.
Most importantly you guys are forgetting that misandry is the primary and central problem men are facing now. Too much of this stuff absolves women of responsibility for their actions by claiming that they were tricked or brainwashed by the NWO. Women made the own decisions. For all of Globalman's bluster about women he refuses to hold them responsible for their actions.
If you really believe all this conspiracy stuff, then why aren't you DOING SOMETHING? And Globalman isn't doing anything except writing a few words on a piece of paper. Globalman has no intention of enforcing the judgements of his "common law juries". (If we don't see him throwing these women in jail or shooting them, Globman is full of shit. If Globalman doesn't assassinate the Australian Prime Minister then he's full of shit.) Why haven't any of you guys started shooting the Rockefellers. There isn't that many of them. There's a hotel near my place where the NWO leadership is supposed to meet. Why haven't you guys driven a truck bomb into the hotel while they're there?
You guys don't act like the NWO exists. Why should I think they exist if you don't seem to really think so?
It's becoming more and more obvious tha ProMale AntiFeminist is manipulating you all. Why can't anyone else but me see it? He's playing with you and you are giving him exactly what he wants. As a high level official of the Illuminati which I know he is he's a master psychological manipulator and you are falling for it.
My opinion is that GB always seems to disrupt MRA threads.
Whether he is right or wrong, he keeps diverting the thread and stops MRAs from sticking to the topic being addressed.
In this case, he is on topic; but elsewhere his influence on MRA activity is negative.
GB is also not as free as he claims, because he spends half his waking life at a keyboard, and the other half reading stuff about conspiracies.
He is not free at all.
The Louvre Glass does not consist of 666 panes of glass.
" because he spends half his waking life at a keyboard"
ha, ha, ha, ha....you try and 'criticse' me for being at a keyboard half my life when I have made it clear I write and implement software for a living? That's rather like 'criticising' roger federer for playing with his tennis raquet too much! LOL!! Well done for showing more stupidity. Men are watching and they won't miss that one.
"My opinion is that GB always seems to disrupt MRA threads"
As far as being 'distruptive' to the MRA movement. Of course I am f***ing disruptive.
Qustion. What as the MRA 'movement' achieved in 30 years? f*** all.
Things are FAR WORSE today than they were 30 years ago despite all the so called 'efforts' of the MRAs. Tthey have failed miserably and it's about f***ing time they admitted it. They confuse 'activity' with results.
Today MRAs have not yet even covered the first two rules of war.
1. Declare War.
2. Identify your enemy.
MRAs have not 'declared war' against anyone. They are trying to solve their 'perceived problems' peacefully with negotiation and ar so f***ed up that they actually PROUDLY talk about how non-violent they are. f***ing pussies. Are the cops who throw them in jail 'non-violent'? No. So why should any MRA make ANY statement about being non-violent. ANY man who says 'I am non violent' is a f***ing pussy. I am very violent when I want to be. That I have never had to be violent off the football field is a god thing for whoever might have been on the receiving end of my 'violence'. But if someone f***s with me they had better back down or they will pay a very heavy price. It's really that simple. You f***ing pussy MRAs talk about being 'non-violent'. The second thing they do wrong is talk to their 'elected re-presentatives' who are, in fact, thee sworn enemy. Politicians do not take a vow to protect the people of the land they take a vow to protect their owners. MRAs are too f***ing stupid to figure out when, for example Barak Obama' took his vow to 'the people of the united states of america' he means the bankers who own the corporation and not the people on the land.
Now. What have I achieved? Within ONE MONTH of me coming to realise that there was 'some guiding hand' behind what was going on with women I found and determined for myself the Illuminati conspiracy. Within 3 months I had researched their control mechanisms and found a 'weak point'. Inside of two weeks of starting my campaign against them as just one man the offered me a job so I knew I was on the right track. They didn't kill me so I figured they figured I could not make a difference. Inside 6 months I had dscovered the law society was a key part of the control grid and inside 9 months I had found out the direction were remedy lay. Inside 12 months I collaborated with a man in Canada to attempt to refuse the jurisdiction of the FC and he won!!! I then determined to try and use my cases to develop and prove my remedy so that it was only my neck on the block should I fail. Inside 18 months I proved my remedy and got video footage of the proof. Inside 22 months I published the remedy to the Free Man and MRA movement as best I could maintaining the reasonable secrecy of my remedy. Inside 2 years I have done the radio show on TNS to get the word out.
In short. Working in collaboration with a very small group of people, asking almost no questions, and doing my homework, I have achieved what all the MRAs have failed to achieve before me in the last 30 years.
So? Why would I be 'disruptive'? Because they f***ing well need disrupting dude.
"I have checked Globalman's BS. I read the text that supposedly claims the US is a "Federal Corporation". It's says NO SUCH THING. Everything he has claimed has been debunked."
There are so many supreme court cases pointing out that the 'United States of America' is a corporation that anyone with half a brain can find such a reference. I guess that excludes you dude.
NOTHING I have said has been in ANY WAY 'debunked'. You want to tell lies you are going to have to do a LOT better than that.
"I suspect there is no amount of reading or research that could be done to change there minds"
Correct. Men who are stupid and wish to remain ignorant will not do their homework and I can't say that I disagree with the Illuminati view that 'a man who will not use his intelligence is no better than an animal without intelligence'.
The other question that should occur to you is this. Why is this the topic that you got so many comments on? Indeed, why is it that the one topic I put evidence of how to get men in the MRA area out of the shit they are in the one topic that brings quite a few to your blog who tell lies to discredit me?
The Illuminati know who I am. They know what I know. They know my remedy works and the minions on my 'insurance policy' sure as hell don't want me dead. What's left? Discrediting.
This is why, even though my docs published reference many supreme court decisions prior to 1860 that clearly show how the US was ruled prior to being corporatised by lincoln, evil son of a bitch that he was,men like PMAFT will not go and read those docs and read those rulings and find out for themselves what is actually going on. How long have my docs been available now? Many months.
Tell me? Do you find it exciting to know your blog has come to the attention of the PTB and they know who you are? Because they do now!! LOL!
" For all the supposed "research" there is no real research going on"
See. I bet PMAFT has not read the immaculately researched book by Michael Tsarion called 'Atlantis and Alien Visitation'. Michael spent 30 years researching this book. There are also the endless volumes by David Icke who has absolutely and categorically detailed the Illuminati and how it works. But nope. PMAFT just wants to pour scorn well past his defeat. He's either a complete idiot or an agent. And there are plenty of agents out there.
"The Louvre Glass does not consist of 666 panes of glass."
You are obviously not aware that wikipedia is an Illuminati controlled tool to brainwash the sheeple. It has been proven to be corrupted by the Iilluminati and to be pushing the Illuminati line so many times it's not funny. I particlarly like the article it has on sovereignty where all it can do to 'rebutt' sovereignty is throw out shaming language like a woman. You should not believe everything you read on the internet anon. You should cross check it with reliable sources before quoting anything... ;-)
If I recall correctly I heard this one from both Michael Tsarion and David Icke....but it hardly matters. What is a bloody great pyramid doing in the middle of the luvre, right next to an obelisk in the place de concorde, right next to a massive monument the sun called 'the arc de triumph' which has the 12 rays of light emmanating from it.. ;-)At least I believe it was 12 when I counted them but I might have miscounted.
The Illminati carve their symbols into the streets and monuments of their cities. If you knew how to read their symbols you would see them all over the place. Just like I do. But not to worry. Just stay ignorant. It suites you. Presenting evidence to you is like presenting evidence to a 5 year old child who does not want to learn. You will never get to my level of understanding because you won't learn. And trying to deny what is going on just makes you look foolish in my eyes because your naieivty is so clear to me and you can't see it at all. Very funny indeed.
"Globalman has no intention of enforcing the judgements of his "common law juries"."
Go ahead. Present your proof. The other men here are waiting to see your evidence of this statement. If you can't provide evidence of this statement in the next 24 hours I will label you a deliberate liar.
I admit Gman...that your commentary hear has got me looking into this whole your name representing a corporation issue.
Very interesting...supposedly every birth certificate has a number that is actually a number that can be looked up on the NY Stock Xchange....
Is this what your talking about?
Rense.com writer, Pat Kirwan's latest article talks about this:
This form of law was originally created to govern ships docking in foreign nations for the import or export of products and resources. It deals with banking and merchant affairs, not civil affairs. When a product is taken off of a ship and brought into a foreign land, that nation takes custody of the resource and accounts for it with a certificate. That certificate marks the birth-date of that product in the custody of the respective nation. Think of why it is supposedly required to have a 'certificate of live birth' in the first place. The Barrons' Dictionary of Banking terms defines a certificate as a paper establishing an ownership claim. (Everyone with a birth-certificate is thereby defined as being owned but "owned" by whom?)
People [Americans] are used as collateral with other nations because the US is bankrupt. The United States declared bankruptcy on March 9, 1933. At this point the US began taking out loans from a private non-government affiliated corporation called the Federal Reserve. With no money to pay back the loans the United States began using the citizens as collateral. All birth and marriage certificates are literally warehouse receipts. Just look at the similarities of warehouse receipts and birth certificates. Both document the date of issue, a serial number, registration number or receipt number, a description of the product, and an authorized informant to notify the appropriate government agency.
Is this what you're referring to?
"NOTHING I have said has been in ANY WAY 'debunked'."
Yes it has. The Louvre does not have 666 panes of glass which is what you claimed.
Anyone who says otherwise is under Illuminati control according to you.
You are paranoid.
You think that everyone is a member of the Illuminati except you.
Classic paranoia.
Very interesting...supposedly every birth certificate has a number that is actually a number that can be looked up on the NY Stock Xchange....
My birth certificate doesn't have a number on the NYSE. Maybe I should check the Nasdaq.
To answer your question sometimes there can be overlap in serial numbers, but a serial number is just an index. Otherwise I would have a real problem with my bank account as its a 10 digit number and phone numbers are 10 digit numbers. My checking account number is a dialable phone number, but I'm fairly certain that my checking account isn't supposed to be related to that phone number. My checking account isn't a phone.
I could try asking Vanguard to sell my birth certificate on the NYSE. I would be serious money they would tell me to fuck off.
That certificate marks the birth-date of that product in the custody of the respective nation. Think of why it is supposedly required to have a 'certificate of live birth' in the first place.
A bill of lading is not a birth certificate, and people are not vessels.
The Barrons' Dictionary of Banking terms defines a certificate as a paper establishing an ownership claim. (Everyone with a birth-certificate is thereby defined as being owned but "owned" by whom?)
The dictionary has several other definitions of certificate:
1. A document testifying to the truth of something: a certificate of birth.
2. A document issued to a person completing a course of study not leading to a diploma.
3. A document certifying that a person may officially practice in certain professions.
4. A document certifying ownership.
People [Americans] are used as collateral with other nations because the US is bankrupt. The United States declared bankruptcy on March 9, 1933.
Where is the paperwork the US ever declared bankruptcy? Can you even find a Congressman who claimed that the US declared bankruptcy in 1933?
Just look at the similarities of warehouse receipts and birth certificates.
My checking account number is a dialable phone number. They must be similar.
There are so many supreme court cases pointing out that the 'United States of America' is a corporation that anyone with half a brain can find such a reference.
I checked all of them. None of them claim the US is a private corporation.
NOTHING I have said has been in ANY WAY 'debunked'. You want to tell lies you are going to have to do a LOT better than that.
Everything you said has been debunked. People are in jail for trying to same things in court that you claim to have tried. You just flee the country you're in before you get jailed.
This is why, even though my docs published reference many supreme court decisions prior to 1860 that clearly show how the US was ruled prior to being corporatised by lincoln, evil son of a bitch that he was,men like PMAFT will not go and read those docs and read those rulings and find out for themselves what is actually going on. How long have my docs been available now? Many months.
They say no such thing.
Tell me? Do you find it exciting to know your blog has come to the attention of the PTB and they know who you are? Because they do now!! LOL!
My blog already had the attention of the PTB long before you showed up. My job guaranteed that.
You are obviously not aware that wikipedia is an Illuminati controlled tool to brainwash the sheeple.
I have been to Paris. I have seen the glass pyramid with my own eyes and it does not have 666 pieces of glass.
See. I bet PMAFT has not read the immaculately researched book by Michael Tsarion called 'Atlantis and Alien Visitation'. Michael spent 30 years researching this book. There are also the endless volumes by David Icke who has absolutely and categorically detailed the Illuminati and how it works. But nope. PMAFT just wants to pour scorn well past his defeat.
Say hi to the reptile aliens for me.
He's either a complete idiot or an agent. And there are plenty of agents out there.
My opinion is that GB always seems to disrupt MRA threads.
Whether he is right or wrong, he keeps diverting the thread and stops MRAs from sticking to the topic being addressed.
In this case, he is on topic; but elsewhere his influence on MRA activity is negative.
I'm glad someone has noticed this. Think about what Globalman is doing. He disrupts MRA threads claiming he has the "solution" to our problems by "rejecting the law". Many similar people are sitting in jails in the US for trying the same thing. It's failed over and over.
Say you're a feminist agitator. The MRA (and MGTOW) movement is way too decentralized to take down. It's worse than the Tea Parties in this regard. Plus MRAs aren't breaking any laws. How can you take down MRAs? Connect them to already criminal activity. The "freeman law rejection" is an excellent vehicle for feminist agitation.
What would have happened in the Duke Lacrosse rape case if the LAX players had tried Globalman's stupidity? First, it wouldn't have worked. Second, it would have made them look guilty. When the LAX players actually got off, a bunch of black vigilantes would have killed them because they would look guilty because they would have looked like they were trying to hide something. Instead we got a perfect well publicized example of the false rape industry. It had everything from lying women to feminist professors with egg on their faces to manginas and white knights being exposed for their duplicity. If the LAX players did it Globalman's way we never would have received this benefit of having an excellent example of the false rape industry.
If men started to try and use Globalman's BS, it would fail like it did for the "freemen" before them. Plus, it would make MRA look like an arm of the freemen. MRA would be tainted by the freemen which would make us look like criminals to everyone. It's very convenient.
I'm not saying this is necessarily what Globalman is doing. He's probably just crazy. Regardless this would be the net effect of following him.
"He's either a complete idiot or an agent. And there are plenty of agents out there."
Yes, ProMale AntiFeminist is an agent. I have been trying to tell of you that and you haven't listened to me. Finally someone else realized it.
@THomas George
"Yes, ProMale AntiFeminist is an agent."
Yes, he is an Illuminati agent. So are all the MRAs on the internet - except Globalman.
Globalman is the one and only honest purveyor of the truth. He knows everything about everything.
Go ahead
Where is the prison you are building for these women? You still haven't assassinated the Australian prime minister. Your refusal to take real action means you're a coward.
On Birth certs it depends on which country. In the US I believe the bond number on the cert can be used to look up the bond for the company. In Australia this is done by the new SSN and they have disabled the BC lookup. You can only find the bundle the bond is in. A friend did this for mine just the other day. I got a new birth cert and the bond number is on the back. Your birth cert is a financial instrument. A bond in fact.
The second half of your quote is correct. In spearhead I linked a web site that sells a book for CAN50 that is 1000+ pages. If you live in the US that is the book to buy. It is an incredible volume. The authors have done an amazing job over 8 years or so. If you know everything in that book you would be well on your way. I've linked many things into my spearhead into.
"The Louvre does not have 666 panes of glass which is what you claimed."
Wikipedia says it does not and Wikipedia is well known to be a disinfo tool. And there is no doubt it is a bloody great pyramid in the middle of the premier museum in Europe. Tell you what? Go count them.
Both these quotes are found in my Security Agreement which I have published.
This is in my security agreement. A decision demonstrating that after 1776 in the US no man is boung by any institutions formed by his fellow man. There is a similar quote in Romans in the bible but I can't remember where.
"There, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellow men without his consent." CRUDEN v. NEALE, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70.
Going forward to 1948 the US vs Sony. The reason they are talking juristic persons is because the US is a juristic person. This decision clearly indicate the US is a juristic person. A corporation.
"From the earliest times the law has enforced rights and exacted liabilities by utilizing a corporate concept by recognizing, that is, juristic persons other than human beings. The theories by which this mode of legal operation has developed, has been justified, qualified, and defined are the subject matter of a very sizable library. The historic roots of a particular society, economic pressures, philosophic notions, all have had their share in the law’s response to the ways of men in carrying on their affairs through what is now the familiar device of the corporation ----- Attribution of legal rights and duties to a juristic person other than man is necessarily a metaphorical process. And none the worse for it. No doubt, "metaphors in law are to be narrowly watched." Cardozo. J., in Berkey v. Third Avenue R. Co., 244 N.Y. 84, 94. "But all instruments of thought should be narrowly watched lest they be abused and fail in their service to reason." See U.S. v. SCOPHONY CORP. OF AMERICA, 333 U.S. 795; S.Ct. 855; 1948 U.S."
This took me one search and it was the top result. It explains the incorporation of the United States of America.
You remain willfully ignorant. That's your problem.
"What would have happened in the Duke Lacrosse rape case if the LAX players had tried Globalman's stupidity?"
If they did their homework correctly they would never have set foot in a court room. Some people try this stuff and do not do it propertly and get thrown in jail. Some get kidnapped unlawfully. Some simply never go to court. We are having more and more of the last one. In Ireland now we just had a woman walk out of a court when summons for a speeding ticker with a simple hand written letter. I'd rather that the issue be over Family Law but the situation is the same. I have linked some public success stories in my intro post at spearhead. I am collaborating with men who are now regularly able to deny jurisdiction of the courts and the legislation system. It's not 'GMs stupidity'. There are thousand if not tens of thousands of people doing this. I am just adapted it to the FC in Australia, that's all. We've done this now in UK, CAN, US, Australia and Ireland for various courts. They all work the same. But you don't want to know. You just want to attempt to discredit someone who brings the first known viable solution to ending feminism to the table. It's funny how guys who profess to want to end feminism will not take the time to learn the remedy presented while taking a great deal of time to discredit it. Sounds like agents at work to me....but hey...you are only discrediting yourself.
"Yes, ProMale AntiFeminist is an agent." He may or may not be an agent who knows...but since he's adding no value and doing no homework he has demonstrated he's to be ignorned. Trying on 'you are a coward because you haven't shot the australian pm personally yet' bullshit just shows how useless his contributions are. He's just here to make negative comments like HLs blog is read by so many people it matters. The better question is why is he bothering to make such attempts to discredit me on a blog with so few readers?
Both these quotes are found in my Security Agreement which I have published.
Nothing you have posted says the US government is a private corporation. Yes the US government is an organization (juristic person), but that doesn't make it a private corporation.
There is a similar quote in Romans in the bible
The US is not founded on the Christian religion.
There are thousand if not tens of thousands of people doing this.
There are thousands of people in jail in the US who have tried this.
In Ireland now we just had a woman walk out of a court when summons for a speeding ticker with a simple hand written letter.
I have walked out of court for a traffic ticket without wasting my time writing a letter. It's called the cop not showing up. Showing up in court for a traffic ticket gives you a 90% chance of having it thrown out. The letter was not even read.
You just want to attempt to discredit someone who brings the first known viable solution to ending feminism to the table.
If you are right then there is nothing stopping a few feminists getting together, forming a common law jury, and issuing judgments against random men. The false rape industry would explode. And unlike you who is not willing to enforce your judgments there would be plenty of manginas to go after the innocent men. This is not a solution. It's a good thing you're wrong because you would be handing the feminists the ultimate weapon against men.
There is indeed a five thousand year old run for power, which they now have. Some call them the illuminati or the powers that be or the bankers or aliens. I’ll call them by their ancient name, Pharisee’s.
For some insane reason people think they just up and went away, unfortunately this is far from the truth. They have propagated every war, socialism, feminism, and homosexuality, virtually every ill that has ever fallen upon civilization. They have incorporated themselves into the religion of the Hebrews, obviously over two thousand years ago.
The Talmud is not the Torah. The last book of the Old Testament was Malachi written a couple hundred years before Jesus Christ, yet in the Talmud there are hundreds of passages slandering him. Such as, “Jesus burns in excrement in hell”. So how can Jesus even be mentioned if the last book was written long before his birth? Also the Talmud promotes sodomy, slavery, death and deception. Just read it and you’ll see for yourselves.
Christianity is basically Jesus Christ teaching us how to save ourselves from the Pharisee’s. When I say this I’m not talking about the new feminized version of Jesus but the true masculine version. Do you think Jesus was shamed, betrayed and murdered because he preached political correctness and tolerance? Do you think he cowered before shaming language and feminist lies? Jesus was in essence the first shaker and mover.
White knights and mangina’s put women on pedestals. MGTOW’s say leave women. Gamers say literally screw as many as you can. The government says pay for them. Christianity says work together in you separate spheres to the betterment of all mankind, which I agree with. Unfortunately women have made this impossible with their ever-increasing misandy.
Men are the creators and builders; to even think that women are equal in this capacity is insane. Even with all the extra laws, assets, media propaganda, monetary and educational privileges given to women men still create all works of art, literature and music. All inventions, every advancement; basically everything is built and maintained by men. To pour money into education that doesn’t promote competition (which boys thrive on) is the death of any society.
Feminism is nothing new; it is the main artificial social plague that has brought about the fall of every society. If I were to punch a pregnant woman in the stomach and cause her to abort I would be charged with murder (I’m pro life so I would never do such a thing). On the flip side if a girl-child chooses to abort it’s called a choice, after all it’s only a zygote. Using this false logic we have to conclude that at some point a woman harnesses the cosmic forces and creates life. She has usurped the role of God.
Further proof of her godhood is in the constant propaganda of her moral and spiritual superiority. The western woman’s accountability, (her truth) is reduced to her emotional state at any given point in time. When we have statistics that show women commit 80% of infanticides or your 20 times more likely to be a criminal when raised by a single mother yet fathers are portrayed as dispensable.
The Pharisee’s have promoted this sort of nonsense since the beginning of time. There is nothing new out there, just a better way of spreading the same dance to a different beat. When the west suddenly and rapidly falls and the world is tossed into chaos the women will run to men to save them or point the finger and blame them.
Unfortunately this time (thanks to information via the web) men will know those women as an entire gender who have thrown in their lot with the Pharisee’s. They have lived off the blood and death of men while proclaiming their innocence and the well of forgiveness in men has run dry.
She is the modern day Eve; she sits on her pedestal gorging herself on the forbidden fruit proclaiming herself god. She is bloated and corrupted, bereft of tenderness and compassion living off the blood and death of men. Nothing has changed.
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