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Out here in the fever swamps of teh Interwebz, where the whackaloon conspiritards lurk and troll, we stand all amused at the continued theater of ludicrous absurdity that constitutes the mass media's regularly scheduled programming of mis- and dis- information. Of course all these school shootings are sponsored productions with crisis actors and FakeNews mediums manufacturing the narrative to achieve nefarious ends.
These false flag events all have the common denominator of being deliberate machinations, carried out with specific and malevolent intent.
The FedGov's infotainment-education industrial complex is repeatedly churning out low budget production after low budget production, generating hit after hit into the national consciousness, all with the deliberate purpose of finally winning the WAR ON TERROR that was declared on we the sheeple that September morning, 17 years ago.
To those of us who are woke, it couldn't be anymore blatant or obvious.
The intent has always been and always will be eternal revolution. To overthrow order with chaos, so that the "new" order can reign supreme over the entire face of the earth. Total enslavement and absolute subjugation, to do with us as T.H.E.Y. (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) will.
But T.H.E.Y. cannot ever achieve this goal of total victory over we the sheeple, until we assent and give them consent to do what T.H.E.Y. always do...what T.H.E.Y. have always done.
See, those of us who are woke, are the learners and researchers of hidden history. There is only one place that hidden history can be found and studied so that you begin to recognize the standard operating procedures T.H.E.Y. have been using over and over again since antiquity to wage an eternal war dedicated to the overthrow and destruction of humanity.
This hidden history can only be found in the old books published in the time before T.H.E.Y. gained an almost complete monopoly of publishing, the mass media, the educational system and most religious institutions. Books written in the eras and epochs in which the damnable political correctness and cultural marxism had no influence on those who wrote about the problems of their times.
It is in these writings of old that one can learn to recognize the patterns of the adversary. Once the pattern recognition sets in, nothing will surprise you anymore.
As someone once wrote in the #1 bestselling book of all time, "There is nothing new under the sun."
And to those of us who recognize the pattern, we know that the current epoch of declining Western Civilization has nearly reached its nadir in the degradation and corruption of humanity.
But we're not quite there just yet. Some hope remains, but it's dwindling fast.
For this common pattern that plays itself over and over again in the cycles of history, is one of eventual disarmament of the majority of the citizenry, immediately followed by one or more of the following phenomena: enslavement, dispossession, expulsion, genocide, ethnic cleansing and even total extinction.
At this point in time, the remnant of supporters of the Second Amendment are all that stands between we the sheeple and the total tyranny T.H.E.Y. have been tirelessly working towards for ages. While the second amendment is still strongly supported by a majority of the nation, T.H.E.Y. continue to wage a war of incremental gradualism, working towards total assimilation of the youth, one young mind at a time.
So we get these school shooting drills/events and then we get a preplanned and coordinated response by the FedGov Education and mass media industrial complex.
Whether these actual events themselves are entirely staged and no one really dies, or they really do involve the slaughter of innocents almost doesn't even matter at this point. Real events not, the response by the FedGov's mass media-Infotainment and Education industrial complex is always the same. The narrative has been coordinated, the consensus has been declared and the agenda progresses ever forward to the desired Hegelian synthesis of eventual mass disarmament and the total Globalization of population control.
T.H.E.Y. are pulling out all the stops now. Tomorrow, we will see the demonstration of their only real power...the power of the lie. The power to use deceit and deception to get us all to willingly give ourselves over to their control.
T.H.E.Y. are issuing orders to all of the kommisars at all levels of the FedGovDeptOfEds bureaucratic leviathan to coordinate the narrative and manufacture the consensus: WE NEED GUN CONTROL NOW!
The superintendents, the Principals, the Vice-Principals, charter school directors and all the other cogs in the brainwashing machine called "Public Education" are participating in a blatant nationwide astroturfing campaign to create a spectacle of public school kids all over the nation doing a symbolic 17 minute walkout from school to CHANGE THE WORLD.
I don't know precisely how this is going down in all 50 franchises of USA Inc., but here in Hawaii, the Big Island's Hawaii Tribune Herald reported on March 3rd that the
"...advising schools statewide to create a “designated walkout area” for students who want to participate in upcoming protests against gun violence, Superintendent Christina Kishimoto said in a Friday letter to parents."
The Hawaii Free Press offers its translation services: "Principals are being instructed to schedule a rally on their school campus. And the Superintendent just advertised the rallies to every single parent and student."
“The DoE supports students’ constitutional rights to a peaceful assembly and free expression... ...disorderly conduct that disrupts school operations is not acceptable and will be appropriately handled in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct.”
Hawaii Free Press translates again: "Students must make our events look good or else."
"Additionally, Kishimoto said students who leave campus during the event will be marked with an “unexcused tardiness or absence.”
Translation: "Stay on campus to swell up our crowd counts or be punished."
She said participation in any walkout is voluntary and the DOE advises schools to “encourage students to use the time to share ideas for improving campus safety, security and culture."
Translation: "Your teachers will take the entire class to the rally and check attendance there."
A school district in Texas said it will suspend any student who participates in a walkout. “That’s exactly the opposite of what we want to do,” Chad “Keone” Farias, superintendent of the Ka‘u-Keaau-Pahoa Complex Area, said Friday about the penalties.
Farias said he’s not sure how many students locally plan to participate.
He said East Hawaii principals were sent guidance about the event and are being encouraged to respect students’ right to participate while also making sure any planned protest activities are safe and don’t break school rules.
“The last thing we want to do is discipline,” Farias said. … “As educators, we want to respect that kids have this right to participate in this responsible civic activity to voice their concerns that we need to bring school violence into the light. This is not a place students should feel unsafe. This is where they should feel most safe.”
Hilo High School is encouraging students to gather on the campus patio during the designated walkout time, Principal Bob Dircks told the Tribune-Herald on Friday.
He said students will be encouraged to write out any comments or concerns about gun violence and read them aloud — if they wish — during the event, which falls during Hilo High’s lunch recess.
“So, it will be a means to share their thoughts and their voices, and it will be peaceful and won’t take away from academic time,” Dircks said. “Which I think is a very good call on the students’ part. … But this has got to be student driven. It can’t be something the adults come up with.”
Translation (this time I will take the honors): "We are so confident in the success of our indoctrination programs, we know the kids will advocate for what we want them to...MOOOAAAR GUN CONTROL."
Tomorrow's globalist mass media is surely set to highlight an impressive spectacle of mass consensus that an entire nation of Youth are urgently calling for "COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL."
Eventually some prominent politician is going to call for a referendum on the Second Amendment, in the name of all the innocent victims of these school shootings.
Then we will really see how much the average American cherishes whatever we have left of our exceedingly diminishing remnants of freedom and liberty.
Either that, or we'll have another historic false flag disaster followed by a declaration of martial law and total civil war or FEMA camping trips for all.
At this point, I don't see of any other way for this all to end.
Well said, Keoni. It's so obvious now. Because T.H.E.Y. know it does not matter. Objective reality requires individual accountability. The unwashed eschew individual accountability at all costs. Authoritative validation they crave for cover to hunt lazily as parasites or shelter lazily as cucks, depending. I've been thinking that things are heating up to the point that abandoning the blogowebz is a good idea. Just hunker down in meatspace? Or is feckless social expression worth something to one's psyche and to hell with the recorded consequences? I wish I could do more than just see the Matrix in full tell-a-colour as I wither helplessly to dust. We need coping solutions if nothing else. I think problem definition and regurgitation holds no positive value for me, and is in fact a burden to ruminate upon, but there is the social aspect of shared perspective in the here and now that's worth something positive. But rubber hits the road only in meatspace. Let us all try there more than here once we see the lies in full focus. What's to salvage? Such is the dance of the old bachelor neverdowell. I'm not religious, but bless ye all who art not abject shit that should lie down and just be soil.
If you know any pro-2nd amendment students or anyone else: The school may have engaged in violations of free speech rights by allowing only specific view-points to act/walk out.
To paraphrase someone (I don't remember who), those who make *effective* peaceful opposition impossible make violence inevitable.
In the US, with our history and heritage, the 2nd. Am acts as a rhetorical rallying point, a trip-wire set to go off upon its removal, which then will necessitate armed, violent revolt against such tyranny. It is more of a line in the sand or angry canary in the coal mine waiting to scream, " to arms, to arms !!".
Don't be lulled into a false sense of security or preparation, mere legal possession of guns alone is not sufficient for armed resistance against tyranny. It is not even necessary.
People all over the world, throughout history have violently revolted without any codified law allowing them to be armed to do so.
Although you do not post as often as I would like, your posts are always excellent. Like you, Keoni, I cannot predict where this all is headed, the ONLY way I see a victory for our side is a total collapse of the economic system. It will be ugly, it will be brutal, there will be much blood. Americans and the West in whole are entirely too comfortable and enamoured of shiny things and distractions intentionally layed before them, another facet of deception by T.H.E.M. No sane person wants war and chaos but in my opinion it is the only way to an Awakening. The constant dull churning machine of lies, day after day after day after false flag after Parkland and Vegas and lie after lie after deceit after media word salad after nebulous hidden message........and so on and so on gets so tiresome and weary I wish sides would be declared, out in the open and then we could get it on. A final confrontation with clear concise lines drawn and where each side stands for all to see. Unlikely to happen because T.H.E.Y. Cannot operate in the sunlight. At any rate, my ramblings aside, great post from you again and much respect from an EastCoast brother in Truth.
Today would be a great time to bring back one of your older posts titled . " Climate Change & The Apocalypse Trifecta " .Vaultco has been taken down and scrubbed from the internet .
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