Unplug from the matrix. Take the red pill. Climb out of Plato's cave.
All great allegories in the quest for understanding the world we inhabit, and grist for the MAndrosphere mill.
But I was recently reminded of an old movie that I like even more. As Dalrock recently noted:
"This may be why I prefer the They Live! glasses metaphor to the matrix red pill one. Even prior to coming to the manosphere much of this was visible to me and yet the people next to me simply couldn’t see it."
"They Live!" sounded vaguely familiar. Anonymous Reader than posted the vid of the 5 minute+ brawl. It started coming back to me. Then I consulted the great Googoliath. Ooooh yeah....THAT movie!
Back when I first saw it while I was attending my local Institute of Brave New World Order Indoctrination and Operant Conditioning, I 'couldn't see it' either.
Oh, but I do see it now.
I'm thinking my current view of the world was in part shaped by the images and theme John Carpenter put into the "kickass sci fi horror flick with Rowdy Roddy Piper!" my buddies and I went to go see on a school night at the local cinema. Predictive programming from 1988.
Before recalling this movie thanks to Dalrock's comment, I already had this "sunglasses of truth" view of the world in my mind's eye.
It's certainly relevant to the perspective I tried to describe in explaining how I view a typical Fast Food Value Meal. Most see it as food. Junk food...but food nonetheless.
All I see is FEED.
Every time I drive thru town and see all the Fast Food outlet signs, I see festering neon distractions, advertising their gross national product: BIG AG SHEEPLE FEED.
![]() |
Most Popular FEED brands |
When I turn my gaze to the line of cars waiting to que up to the menu board of the drive thru to order their feed, I see members of the sheeple herd, hungrily waiting for their turn at the Global Feedlot's trough.
Dalrock is right...this movie is a far better allegory to our current reality than Teh Matrix. Hell, it's not even an allegory, it's exposing the bare truth of our 21st Century existence as serfs and indentured servants to the Fiat Usury Cartel Inc.
One of Googoliath's search results was this political commentary written in 2008, just prior to the election of Obama's first term:
They reveal a world hidden beneath the visible reality. Billboards advertising exotic vacation destinations are exposed as subterfuge for Orwellian slogans: Obey. Conform. Consume. Marry and Reproduce. No Independent Thought. Paper currency bears the slogan, “This is Your God.” But most terrifying of all, members of the upper class, with their coiffed hairstyles and $1,000.00 suits, are revealed to be horrible, bug-eyed aliens. These aliens have infiltrated law enforcement and the highest tiers of government.
So far, so good. These was the hidden messages John Carpenter showed us the mass media programming in the emerging Brave New World Order of the 20th century. The mechanism is still in place, and many of the same messages are still being transmitted, some have been updated for the 21st Century PROGRAMMING.
Marry and Reproduce has been replaced with Divorce and Abort and Safe Sex.
Put on your glasses, than look around at all the mass media narratives that saturate our environment, on our LCD flat Screen Tell-A-Visions, on our Mobile Affirmation Devices, on billboards, magazines, newspapers, advertisements, flyers, posters, T-shirts and broadcast over the airwaves.
SEX. Think Green. Change.World Peace. SEX. Overpopulation. The Environment. God is Dead. SEX. Democracy. Vote. Diversity. Borrow Money. Spend. Support the Troops. SEX. War on Terror. Equality. Alternative Energy. Don't Smoke. SEX. Recycle. Get Your Flu Shots. See Something, Say Something. Freedom isn't Free. SEX.
If you've put on the sunglasses, you'll see it too. Those are all the messages from both the left and the right of our so-called Two-party Participatory Democracy...which would be better described as Divide and Conquer Theater.
Too bad the movie reviewer took off the sunglasses when he watched the campaign imagery of Obama on teh Tell-A-Vision...
Despite my wordy punditry, my purpose here is merely to suggest that everyone forget about watching the election eve news coverage. Tuesday, after you vote, go out and rent They Live. If you’re an Obama supporter, you’ll have a great time. If you’re a McCain supporter... Well, it’s still a great movie.
This guy could put on the sunglasses and see the aliens standing beneath the sign of the Pachyderm, but he never bothered to look over at the alien doppleganger under the sign of the Jackass.
The second guy on the comment thread of the Obama voter's review made a prescient quip:
Watch They Live! after four years of Obama and I think you'll have an even greater appreciation of this fine film.
Yup. If McCain would have won, the greater appreciation of the fine film would be just the same. THEY have taken over both political parties, voting for one or the other is just voting for your preferred flavor of enslavement.
THEY have infiltrated, subverted and subjugated We the People, and have turned us into WE teh Sheeple.
"They have created a repressive society, and we are their unwitting accomplices. Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us indifferent to ourselves, to others. We are focused only on our own gain. Please understand. They are safe as long as they are not discovered. That is their primary method of survival. Keep us asleep, keep us selfish, keep us sedated."
THEY appear on our Tell-A-Vision screens for our REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAMMING.
"I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum ... and I'm all out of bubble gum". |
They Live. Most of us are still asleep...but thanks to teh interwebz, many are starting to wake up.
"The venom of snakes is under their lips. Their mouths are full of bitterness and curses. And in their paths, nothing but ruin and misery. And the fear of God is not before their eyes! They have taken the hearts and minds of our leaders. They have recruited the rich and powerful, and they have blinded us to the truth! And our human spirit is corrupted. Why do we worship greed? Because outside the limit of our sight, feeding off us, perched on top of us from birth to death are our owners. Our owners -- they have us. They control us. They are our masters. Wake up. They're all about you, all around you!".
It's uncanny how the world of they live resembles our own. Back when I first watched they live I never thought the media could ignore a great depression or have a secret above the law group run the entire nation. In 2013 it's quite clear who's the slave and who's the master. Hell even the police forces in they live act just like our cops do. They do as they please without the rule of law and they shooting indiscriminately and without warning.
Here's the entire movie:
Thank you for sharing.
The questions I have: Is there hope? Does one procreate and raise educated children? Or does one "go galt" and stop fighting the system?
It is noble and just to resist what has been forced upon us.
The best quote from the movie. I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum.
DC believes it can commit any fraud, any outrage, crush any resistance by any means and still govern. They're wrong. The US is governable if the populace chooses to be governable. It's a choice DC can't control, and it's a choice made every day. Should the populace withdraw its consent in anything like large numbers, DC isn't prepared for the consequences, nor can they be.
Should this come about the best course is to have your opinions, share your opinions, prepare and be vigilant, but stay away from crowds lest their fate become your fate. The nastier parts of DC's Cold War capabilities haven't gone away, merely turned inward against the people.
You know the country's in decline when the activist of one generation is the reactionary of the next, without changing his views. For instance, what progressive still stands for equal opportunity?
This song is appropriate:
I just recently discovered this blog, along with much of the rest of the Mandrosphere, over the course of the past few weeks (due largely to my marriage unraveling early in its second year resulting from the wife being as Dalrock puts it "unhaaaapy"). In the course of reading through the various and sundry archives here and elsewhere, I've begun my own red pill treatment.
What I'll say is that the glasses metaphor may be more appropriate for one reason: the notion that the red pill is something you take once and it cures you seems wrong. The glasses extend the metaphor in a better direction insofar as you have to put them on daily in order to see what's really around us, what's shaping us, and what's seeking to dictate our actions.
One can swallow the red pill, but without continually putting the glasses on, he may doomed to re-infection. The forces that pull us towards the blue pill are so insidious, so pervasive, and so ubiquitous that one has to constantly be vigilant in order to recognize them.
On a side note, thank you Keoni for this blog. Out on the far corners of the interwebz, I have found something profound that has challenged my worldview and forced me to rethink the very world I inhabit.
Not only do they put SEX between all their messages, they give even that a double meaning. For one gender, it means the 'Cock Carosuel', for the other it means scandal and disgrace for anything deemed 'inappropriate.' Unless, of course, the male in question is so deeply buried in the matrix himself (i.e., a career criminal, a homeless bum, a welfare deadbeat, or a drug addict) only then is he permitted to engage in sex freely and without fear of consequences!
@ Apterous: If we can't fight it then we have already lost. Going Galt is good short term but not a viable long term strategy. The only way to win is to raise a family the red pill way. Home educate the little brats so they are not brainwashed. Raise them to be paleo eating, self sufficient people who themselves want to raise a family and who are not interested in the elites agenda.
This is the toughest thing in the world. Going Galt is easy. Finding a decent woman in this society is hard. Finding a way to support a family off a single income is hard. Finding somewhere to raise your kids so they will not turn into useless mongrels is hard.
I am beginning to think that even the PU, go Galt etc approach to fighting the system is still playing into the elites hands. You may be satiated in the short term but you've removed yourself the larger battle.
@ Keoni, when I first saw this movie I'd already discovered the red pill but it creeped me out. The scene where the police raid the camp is a vision of our future.
One thing I don't get is why not smoking is being pushed hard. I understand that why we are pushed toward the hook up culture, why we are pushed toward the feedlot, but I can't fathom why they push not to smoke, unless smoking is somehow beneficial to our health?
My buddy's Father smoked cigarettes from the time he was 13 until he finally quit in October of this year at the age of 69. He passed away from a lung infection/hospital pneumonia in November. Prior to quitting smoking, he had no real major health problems other than the typical aches and pains of old age and a life lived hard.
I went googling the other day and found a published study in which scientists discovered that long time smokers who quit tobacco cold turkey where far more likely to get lung infections and/or develop quickly metastasizing lung tumors.
The abstract suggested Doctors look into tapering patients off of tobacco rather then pushing for immediate cessation.
Than there's another one regarding blood pressure in smokers and those who quit.
My conspiratorial suspicion is that yeah, chronic tobacco usage over a long period of time very well could kill you with lung cancer....when you're 70.
But THEY want you dead before you're old enough to collect SS checks at 60.
Interesting article and comments. What advantage do they have with a visa waiver program with most of South America? Besides changing out culture, how do South American masses in the US help them?
Great movie, despite the worst fight scene of all time, with Rowdy Roddy Piper no less, lol.
Check out this guy John Holdren:
*Assistant to the President for Science and Technology,
*Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy,
*Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
This guy authored a book back in the 70s, Ecoscience, it is an Orwellian nightmare. Someone mentioned it on ZeroHedge and I thought it was a hoax, holy crap this guy is for real.
Regarding smoking: please take the time to search for a person who called (calls?) himself "nightlight" and what he has written about tobacco, especially in the longecity.org forums. Whether you believe what he has to say or not, it will at the very least make you think in new ways - which is what the internet is for, right?
Not only is the sunglasses from "They Live" a great metaphore for the "'sphere", but it's a great movie as well. It really has to be one of the most subversive movies ever made, when you think about it. I wonder how John Carpenter ever managed to get the funding for it.
I think it would be a great movie to show someone once you have already planted "the seed" inside their head.
Because, after all - they do live, and I think that most people sense that one some level. I will have to try it!
Thank you for writing this blog. It's always a pleasure to read your posts, and the fact that Hawaii is half way around the world for me is envigorating indeed, knowing that it's not just me and my friends seeing through the lies of the modern world. :)
According to the government's own statistics, 'The National Assessment of Adult Literacy' the American populace is nearly half illiterate. Of course, the government fudged the stats some. 14% of those surveyed were completely illiterate, while they judged another 30% as having 'basic skills'. LOL
These 'basic skills' included being able to read a TV schedule and being able to read a ticket price for an event. The next level above 'basic' included being able to
1. Consult a food chart to determine what a product's vitamin contents were
2. Identifying a specific location on a map
3. Calculating the total cost of office supplies ordered from a catalog.
Meaning that 44% of Americans cannot do 2 out of 3 of the above tasks.
Only 13% were able to do such 'difficult' tasks as:
1. Comparing viewpoints in two editorials
2. Interpreting a table about blood pressure, age, and physical activity
3. Computing and comparing the cost per ounce of food items.
Which makes one 'proficient' according to the NAAL criteria.
I think this study tells us just about all we really need to know about where the future of the US is going...
Great movie, despite the worst fight scene of all time, with Rowdy Roddy Piper no less, lol.
That's only if your looking at it as a "fight scene."
I think it purposely goes to ridiculous lengths to drive the point home about just how hard it is to get someone to PUT ON THE DAMN SUNGLASSES AND SEE THE TRUTH!
I think this study tells us just about all we really need to know about where the future of the US is going...
The "Deliberate Dumbing Down" was certainly not by chance.
Regarding smoking: please take the time to search for a person who called (calls?) himself "nightlight" and what he has written about tobacco, especially in the longecity.org forums. Whether you believe what he has to say or not, it will at the very least make you think in new ways - which is what the internet is for, right?
Oh yeah. I read his stuff before. It was part of the impetus behind researching and writing this post:
Thanks for the linkage, and I'm glad to see this metaphor catching on.
I have never much cared for the "Red Pill" Metaphor, it feels a bit too trite and pop culturish. The "They Live!" glasses are called "Hoffman Lenses". They Live was a decent movie, I was already awakened when it was released so it didn't make much of an impression on me, apart from the radio transmission in the background near the beginning. Some of it is garbled, but that's the best part of the film.
"The deliberate dumbing down was not by chance."
As alienated from the culture as I already felt, the results of this study only confirmed my worse suspicions. Realistically, there is no way to 'wake people up' or 'turn things around' when 2 out of every 3 Americans are semi-literate or totally non-literate boobs. The general population isn't fit for anything other than slavery.
Maybe it's time the Manosphere really started talking in terms of post-Americanism and figuring out how we can save ourselves from whatever disaster is coming.
robf omkbull@gmail.com piercedhead
always loved that movie as a kid.
i'm getting rid of 95% of the crap i've accumulated. buying a few acres back in texas and starting a microfarm on my property whilst living out of a travel trailer. not going off grid, but i will have the means to sustain myself off grid with solr panel connected to a battery bank. large scale propane tank for heat, and chickens, goats, and a few veggies.
aaaaaah. the simple life. sleep late, hunt, fish, and manage the farm. and i'll have next to ZERO bills.
I'm part way to the same goal, but the larger question is: buy land here or outside the country? Those ghouls in Keoni's video clips are the ones who are going to be running things soon---and they may take considerable exception to people 'going galt.'
you'll never get away from them. and sorry, but i'm not relocating to the phillipines.
Yes, the Phillippines wouldn't be much of an improvement LOL. You're probably right too that you won't get away from them anywhere.
Maybe the best option is to stay off their radar screen until they fall under their own weight!
Maybe you can't escape them, but going off-grid (to whatever degree) in as unobtrusive a way as possible is not a bad tactic. In the crazy years to come, no one's going to care about some old coot living in the middle of nowhere with a few chickens and a vegetable garden, unless they suspect he has some hidden store of wealth, or wields some influence with a band of misfits or some such.
I should say, no one is going to care except some hungry wanderers from the city, which means you will need to be armed and wary. But the thug elite will not care unless what they see from drones and satellite appears to be a large, organized traditional monoculture style of farm that is easily plundered to feed their private armies. Keep things a bit scrambled and hodge-podge. Do a bit of this, a bit of that, only grow what you need, and try to grow lots of non-traditional crops that are not easily identified. "Food forests" are a good concept to Google.
I am in the middle of going somewhat off-grid myself: chickens goats, vegetable garden. I figure that 2 acres can easily feed a family if I do things right. One great plus about the internet is that there is a wealth of free information available about gardening and farming. Research the possibilities, experiment from among the most promising ones and find out what works for your soil, locale and preferred set of produce. You can work with the land or against it.
And yes, "They Live" was one of my favorite underrated films of the 80s.
Keoni Galt wrote:
Oh yeah. I read his stuff before. It was part of the impetus behind researching and writing this post:
Hah! Well, there you have it. There's a distinct possibility that your blog post from 2010 actually was where I first came across the Red Pi... I mean, the Hoffman Lenses view of tobacco smoking.
How weird is that... yet, strangely fitting.
Put on your glasses, than look around at all the mass media narratives that saturate our environment, on our LCD flat Screen Tell-A-Visions, on our Mobile Affirmation Devices, on billboards, magazines, newspapers, advertisements, flyers, posters, T-shirts and broadcast over the airwaves.
SEX. Think Green. Change.World Peace. SEX. Overpopulation. The Environment. God is Dead. SEX. Democracy. Vote. Diversity. Borrow Money. Spend. Support the Troops. SEX. War on Terror. Equality. Alternative Energy. Don't Smoke. SEX. Recycle. Get Your Flu Shots. See Something, Say Something. Freedom isn't Free. SEX.
So true. I wrote a post about when I had enough. It was the shoving of sex (by mallrats, MTV, and even my wife) into my face that put the glasses on me.
I'm not sure if I ever thanked you on here for adding me to your blogroll last year.
Its not just the masses who are illiterate about nutrition and general health.The doctors are very ignorant about nutrition because that's an area neglected in medical schools
it's all about self sufficiency. go to amazon and look up "dirt cheap survial retreat". you can read it in less than 3 hours.
it's how a man lost his job, got divorced (and cleaned out) and was forced to move in his off grid travel trailerin Va. what was ment to be a few months turned into, "why didn't i do this sooner." from the book.
"for the first time in my life, my life has meaning, and i've never felt a greater sense fulfillment".
every man should read it.
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