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I've been reading a lot of twitter feeds lately. I'm still tempted to sign up...but I know myself. I would get addicted to it and spend far more time on it than I should. So I occasionally do Quiplinks here instead.
Since I recently completed some long overdue maintenance to the blogroll, deleting all the dead links and adding a few new bloggers I discovered while surfing the fever swamps, I was thinking it would be a good time to do another Quiplinks post with all these new sources of wit and wisdom. So here we go with the tenth edition of my favorite way to link to others, by having fun making my own hashtags that I would use if I did have a twitter account.

The Savage Lifestyle blogger and Return of Kings contributor Jack Ronin, offers his advice on one way we can help MAIncGA:
"There exists today many poisonous concepts that have degraded the western mind. Perhaps one of the most ugly and perfidious is the idea that it is somehow righteous, loving and virtuous to praise weakness in others and embody their cancerous ways of thinking and living. The only healthy response when the weak are praised is to savagely mock them."

Chateau Heartiste regular commenter and brand new blogger WrongSideofHistory, appears quite adept at wielding poetic shivs against the architects and change agents of America's decline. He makes a great point regarding diversity and it's effects on a formerly high trust society:
"Diversity founded on the premise of equality is full retard.Wildly unequal outcomes is the out-of-tune acoustic guitar always bringing down the Kumbaya session."

Free Northerner notices something else about Diversity:
"Why is it that diversity is only ever achieved by allowing those who don’t make things, unimportant people, and those aren’t involved in the activity equal say to to key players who actually create things?"

Relampigo Furioso, Return of Kings writer and blogger over at The New Modern Man, points out how fakebook and other social media apps amplify all the worst aspects of our modern era:
"Obviously, a nihilistic, materialistic culture of self-comparison and competitive consumption has been worsened by the need to constantly look good online."

"Bad" Billy Pratt over at Kill to Party notes that the filth and depravity of our current culture is part of a silent war, and it has a source. He notes: "In 2016 there is a silent war being waged for who gets to stand atop the stream as the king of the narrative. If Politics are downstream from culture, culture is downstream from Hollywood."
Ah yes, that bastion of propaganda and glamorization of cultural marxism, has spent the last half century helping to turn the American Dream into our current dystopian nightmare. He breaks down the biggest blockbuster movie of the 80's to make his case:
"Instead of the Hollywood movie being reflective of American culture, or existing as a morality tale to strengthen the existing culture, film makers decided to use their influence to guide the culture toward their own interests. This is the true nature of modern propaganda- it isn’t overt with guns and billboards demanding to OBEY, but rather an enthralling light show doling out hits of excitement and shame."

H/T to Deansdale for introducing me to Kill to Party. He also published a great post about the male suicide rate and how it relates to the feminists favorite boogeyman, the "Patriarchy":
"Strangely enough the patriarchy never shows up to help men in tough situations; their male privilege seems to malfunction right when they would need it the most. On the other hand women seem to be immune to most of the aforementioned problems because society is set up in a way that protects their innate privileges and grant them artificial new ones. "

Speaking of the Patriarchy, while most folks out in these fringes of the fever swamps of teh Interwebz recognize the destruction of Male headship was deliberately done by changing marriage and divorce laws to give women all of the power of Government to control the relationship and end it for cash and prizes at her whim, Artisinal Toad is making the case for Biblically sanctioned polygamy as God's original design to give Man dominion over his household. In making his case, he employs a clever analogy:
"What you really like to do is play fetch with the dog because that’s all about you and having your desires met. Especially when your friends are around to see how the dog tries to please you. That makes you feel really good. But, it was too much of a chore to feed him and the dog is starving and doesn’t have the energy or the motivation to play fetch. So you complain to all your friends about how horrible your dog is and you don’t understand it at all because the dog has such a wonderful home and such a loving master but he won’t fetch the damn ball when you want him to."
Needless to say, Artisanal Toad's use of the Bible to advocate for polygamy, employing prostitutes or banging a widow as all legitimate, non-sinful pursuits for Christian men, has not earned him any goodwill amongst the majority of the Christian MAndrosphere's commentariat, but I find his interpretations of the Bible make for a convincing case ...although I don't plan on bringing home another wife or visiting any of Honolulu's "Happy Ending" massage parlors any time soon.
That being said, I find AT's perspective and interpretations interesting and I think it jibes with Return of King's luminary Quintus Curtius' recent post.
"Any orthodoxy which demands that we prostrate our intellects unquestioningly before it, and deliberately seeks to suppress, shame, or marginalize competing views, is unworthy of our respect. It should, on the contrary, be attacked that much more vigorously. Experience has shown that coercion of opinion is a disastrous road for any society to take."
While the Trump campaign theme is to Make America Great Again, Roosh just wants to
"The problem we have today is that men shield themselves from all difficulty and even the experience of life. We now have 21-year-old male students crying on the shoulders of feminists in designated safe spaces on college campuses because they heard mere opinions they didn’t like. Those safe spaces, whether literal or metaphorical, prevents men from becoming masculine."

Another Return of Kings author, Larsen Halleck, who blogs at The Barbaric Gentlemen, had a recent epiphany regarding Feminists and femininity:
"I’ve realized something: feminists embody age-old stereotypes of females to an incredible, almost embarrassing, degree. Just to clarify: by “age old stereotypes of females”, I certainly don’t mean things like beautiful, graceful, nurturing, caring, loving, domestically skilled, gentle, and ‘down to Earth’, absolutely not. I’m referring to the flipside of that coin, the negative stereotypes of women..."

Dalrock points another aspect of feminism that contributes to those negative stereotypes:
"Perhaps the greatest disappointment for feminists is their failure to make men miserable by getting them to do traditionally female roles. Feminists didn’t understand that their misery came from their own miserly hearts, not from the act of caring for others."

Black Poison Soul, the man with the crap colored glasses, has his own epiphany regarding women:
"Then you stop. You realize something, about all this shit. Good women? Bad women? Nah.
They're just women.
Being pissed off at them is like being pissed off at water for being wet."

Notes From A Red Pill Girl relates an anecdote about the end results of a woman who follows the feminist STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN script:
"Committed to no man, but lover of many, they also found the party came to an abrupt end with age, and many of those who once ruled the social scene and were quite sought after, pampered, and spoiled by their admirers often ended up destitute, alone, and abandoned in the end."

Long time reader and commenter of Chateau Heartiste, PA (OG Roissy in D.C.), started his own blog.
"Folks, I didn’t create the world, I just describe it. For pretty lies, you’re free to look at Old Navy ads. For ugly lies, turn on your television."

Will S. over at Patriactionary also brings up an important question that perhaps may be the answer to breaking the stranglehold that BigPharma has over the practice of medicine:
"Living through a time of great social and/or political change can give one the opportunity to examine things generally left unexamined. Such can cause one, at least one given to introspection and reflection to perhaps an abnormal degree, the chance to see familiar things from a new angle, not previously considered."

The Primal Male breaks down the complex, multi-faceted entity seeking total control of humanity, and identifies it as the "System," which he states is just our civilization gone rogue...
"To understand its immense and complex identity, you must first understand that the System is a complete combination of multiple sub-systems that dominate every aspect of human existence. This includes centralized governments, the banking system, multi-national corporations, the media, the military-industrial complex, and so on. All systems, both visible and invisible, are part of its totality. It is beyond a single nation state, and as a global system, has its influence over nearly all the peoples around the world."

Matthew Peak who blogs at Western Woes, has his own thoughts about how the System and corporations have reduced human relationships down to nothing more than economic transactions:
"And thus we have the main issue behind the modern obsession over equality of the sexes. Men and women are measured by their ability to earn money for corporations and governments, under the guise of earning money for themselves."

The Erudite Knight is one of the few folks on my blog roll who is not on the Trump train and suspects the Trumpster is controlled opposition.
"Its going to get bad, and its the two sides played against each other where the man in the castle just watches the proles kill each other, all to ‘make america great again’.

And finally, to close this one out, here's a quip that comes not from a blog, but lyrics from the newest album by a band I had once considered DONE and incapable of making great metal music any longer...glad to find out I was wrong on that score.
"If you don't like where we're going, than you won't like what's coming next..."