We are in the midst of a multi-generational MindWar, and for most of us, our patterns of thoughts and behaviors are already conquered and occupied territory. So what exactly is this "MindWar?"
From MindWar: How Military PsyOps Plan to Control your Mind:
Sometime in late 1980, then-Col. Paul E. Vallely, the Commander of the 7th Psychological Operations Group, United States Army Reserve, Presidio of San Francisco, Ca., co-authored a discussion paper, which received wide and controversial attention within the U.S. military, particularly within the Special Operations community. The paper was titled "From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory," and it presented a Nietzschean scheme for waging perpetual psychological warfare against friend and enemy populations alike, and even against the American people.Perpetual psychological warfare even against the American people? I would say especially against the American people. And noting the identity of one of the co-authors of this MindWar protocol is rather illuminating:
The "MindWar" paper was disturbing, for reasons beyond its fascistic and occultist content. For one thing, Colonel Vallely's co-author was a PSYOP Research & Analysis Team Leader named Maj. Michael A. Aquino. Five years before the circulation of the MindWar paper, Special Forces Reserve officer Aquino had founded the Temple of Set, a Satanic organization which was the successor to Anton Szandor LeVay's Church of Satan. Aquino would soon be grabbing headlines, which persisted throughout the 1980s, as a leading suspect in a nationwide Satanic pedophile ring, that particularly targeted daycare centers on such military bases as Fort Bragg and the Presidio.
Furthermore, Vallely and Aquino's MindWar scheme is remarkably similar to the Total Information Awareness (TIA) program launched by the Donald Rumsfeld Pentagon, under the direction of Irangate figure Adm. John Poindexter. Ostensibly, the Total Information Awareness global propaganda and mega-data-mining plan was scrapped after a series of negative news stories, but Pentagon sources have reported that the program was merely "taken into a black box."
This article was written back in 2007, when the Total Information Awareness program was supposedly scrapped. That was then, this is now.
MindWar must be strategic in emphasis, with tactical applications playing a reinforcing, supplementary role. In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe—neither through primitive 'battlefield' leaflets and loudspeakers of PSYOP nor through the weak, imprecise, and narrow effort of psychotronics—but through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth. These media are, of course the electronic media—television and radio.
State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago.
Our minds, bodies, spirits and our very souls are under a constant barrage of strategic and tactical assaults by this new age weaponry of psychotronics that THEY are employing against us all. It is one of my self-assigned missions in life (and with this blog) to try and wake others up to this so that they can see the reality of the situation. We are in the midst of this MindWar, a war that most don't even realize is being -- and has been -- waged on us all for quite some time. I'm sick and tired of seeing all the people I know and love being poisoned physically, mentally and spiritually by those who wield these evil weapons of disinformation and deceit.
The following post is but one example of my own personal attempts at counterattacking this perpetual psychological warfare and it's devious weapons of deceit and corruption. The MindWar is being waged on us all, and it's up to each and every one of us who recognize that we really are under siege from a deliberate and purposeful enemy, to refuse and resist wherever and whenever possible.

I've known her since she was a little girl. My wife and I used to occasionally babysit her and her older sister when she was a toddler. I am an old friend of her family and I've watched her grow into a beautiful young woman who turned into a bride and now a young mother. Now she occasionally watches mine since she's a stay at home mother.
She now has her own toddler, and she's become quite the homemaker. I admire what she has become, for there was a time in her mid-teen years, that I thought she was going off the track and headed towards the usual Brave New World Order Jezebel script of sterile consumerist-credentialism chasing and bad-boy carousel riding.
Then she met her husband, who was a man with a plan, an entrepreneur, a hard worker and a natural born leader. She followed him, and supports him as a wife and stay-at-home mother, and she is now in my opinion, in a much better place, as she supports him in working towards his vision of self-employed freedom from the rat race of our modern Babylon system. He and I agree on much about our modern world. While I am not explicitly "red pill" in my conversations with him, we agree on much of the topics I write about regularly, here on this blog.
On occasion, I have reasons to drop by her place and will inevitably have some in-depth conversations with her. I am like an Uncle to her, and she trusts me totally, and she often asks me for advice. When it comes to her marriage and her husband, I long ago set boundaries on those conversations. I will not listen to complaints or criticism's of him, that is not my kuleana. At this point, she already knows how I will react to such gossip and she generally refrains from it when I am around. That being said, there have been a few occasions where she laments her lot in life as a stay-at-home mom and homemaker.
I said she is a good woman, not perfect. She is just as susceptible to the whispers of discontent that our culture promulgates, like almost all other woman are in our present dystopian age. As I have some understanding about the female id, thanks to years of studying this thing we call "the red pill," I know she is simply being tempted by the curse of Eve and can't help but feel like she's missing out on what our regularly scheduled programming tells her she's giving up, by being a stay-at-home mom and dedicated wife to her husband. It is during conversations like these that I try my hand at "slipping the red pill into her drink," and I get to expound on the topic of opportunity costs for career moms.
I play the devil's advocate against this devilish society and it's cursed whispers of temptations for women to fall prey to envy, greed, ingratitude and manufactured discontent in the pursuit of HAVING IT ALL. I point out all of the benefits of her life are creating things for which money cannot buy. Despite all of our current society's zeitgeist being arrayed against her and her husband's current arrangement, the benefits of persevering against the conventional wisdom that is inspiring her occasional bouts of discontent, will pay off in the end. There are far more important things she is building up and creating, rather than being just another human resource for the corporate borg and an All-American debt serf.
When she complains about having to cook and clean all the time, I point out how healthy she and her family are. How most other children of her peerage are ill behaved, overweight and/or sickly, while her well-fed family is thriving. I tell her their is no way around it. Somebody has got to cook, and since her husband is the breadwinner, nourishing him and feeding him before he heads out to face the world and earn the means of their sustenance is an irreplaceable part of the effort for her family to succeed.
I often remind her of how cooking for family is one of the strongest bonds parents and grand parents create with their relations. As I've sat at the dinner table of her grandparents when she was young and shared the meals her Grandmother used to cook from scratch, I can bring up her favorite meals she used to enjoy and how they give her fond memories of her Grandmother who passed away years ago. When I point out to her that all of her efforts at daily cooking is now giving her own child the same fond memories and experiences she had, she can't help but smile and I can see the manufactured discontent that is the plague of our modern zeitgeist drain from her eyes.
When she is upset that she never has "time for herself" I tell her to look at her growing child and enjoy what she has, for all the other young mother's that work a 9-5, don't have time for themselves either. Their time is their bosses, their jobs and their corporate companies who dictate their life's hectic schedules. These working mom's miss out on their children's first steps, and all the other "firsts" that are part and parcel to the joys of watching them as they grow. Money can't buy the vicarious experiences of seeing the world through fresh, virgin eyes of your children's experiences. It is some of the best parts of parenthood, and she's there for every moment of it...while her friends are off at work and their children are stuck in daycare. When I say to her, "Why would you want to be anywhere else?" she concedes the point and brightens up a bit.
She often feels like she's losing out on a chance for education to "become somebody," I point out to her that most women her age, take on massive loans to attend college to attain credentials (a piece of paper!) that they will then have to pay for, for the rest of their working lives.
I point out that their children are being raised by minimum wage workers and they never really bond with their parents (at least not like how her own child is very close to her) because they spend most of their waking lives with people who are not family. Those women who dedicate themselves to education and career end up with disaffected and distant children, and result in families who are not close-knit and do the bare minimum to stay in touch once they reach adulthood and go out on their own.
I use a plethora of examples of people we know in common, who follow the typical Brave New World Order life scripts and now have broken homes, enstranged children and dysfunctional relationships. The glamor of credential-certified achievement and consumerist-driven careerism and all of the material amenities and technological luxuries and distractions that are a part of our present existence, are all false promises of illusory happiness. In the end, none of it matters if the pursuit of such things come at the cost of that which should be most precious to us - our families and close relationships with others.
My reminders to appreciate what she has and what she experiences different from all the other education and credential and career-driven peers her age, seems to lift her spirits and help her renew her appreciation for all that she does have. I point out that for the most part, what she feels like she's missing out on, are nothing more than deliberate delusions created by our societies ubiquitous propaganda to serve the benefits of others and not herself or her family.
She's smart enough to recognize the truth of my observations and commentary, and I literally got to see the pay off in real time recently, when I heard her in conversations with others in which she echoed my words, sentiments and observations.
I was in earshot of her and a group of her peers at a holiday event, and watched as her friends bragged about their careers and material acquisitions that their paychecks finance. When it was her turn to share her own perspective, it was with satisfaction and a bit of pride when I heard her relate many of the things I myself have pointed out to her in our past conversations, when she struggled with her momentary discontents. It is times like those for which I am eternally gratefully for all this time I've spent here on teh Interwebz. Not only has it made a difference in my own life, but also in the lives of those I care about.
This is but one example of how I seek to utilize the knowledge I gained in all these years out here on the fringes of the fever swamps. To not just survive, but thrive amongst the idiocracy of the sheeple herds created by our current dystopian era. To do so, one has to learn to recognize the lies and deceit designed to skew our lives and make us subconsciously follow the sheeple herding script of our mass media and institutionalized educational system.
Having the chance to take this knowledge and have a chance to pay it forward to benefit those people for whom I care about, and help to forge those symbiotic relationships that create true community, is how I get my profit from all this time spent online for the better part of the past decade.
The only way to gain ground and fight for victory in this 21st century MindWar, is by waging guerrilla operations of subversion and fight the manufactured narrative of our Brave New World Order, one mind at a time. Every chance I get to subvert the popular narrative and deliberately instilled discontent amongst the people I care about, is a chance to engage the enemy and wage this war of resistance. I shall never surrender.
It is truly twisted that our world makes good wives see themselves as "lesser".
I wish I had been smarter when I was young. I think it may very well be too late for me to make a life where I can support a good stay-at-home wife to raise and homeschool my sons.
She is lucky to have an "uncle" who cuts through the bullshit and lies and self-serving messages piled on her by the manipulators of the mainstream media.
At the end of her life, she will have family and happiness and contentment. Of the rest? Some 80% of women will have nothing more than cats and a restless discontent and whining demeanor.
You are doing well, Keoni. Keep it up, be well.
The same interests who are disseminating disinformation in the US are also attempting to manipulate information coming from abroad:
One other way the 'Mind War' is being waged is through the proliferation of chemical narcotics---some of which have been shown to suppress the moral or reasoning faculties in the human brain. Americans make up 5% of the world's population, but consume 89% of global amphetamine production (marketed though as 'antidepressants').
Night Wind sentiments are spot on wherein he echoes my long held belief that "anti-depressants" main "benefits" are in destroying the proper functioning of a well developed moral framework.
They don't make a person happy, or joyful or whatever. They just make a person not care about anything anymore, even there own wretched condition.
Another instant classic. You may be the most under appreciated blogger on teh webz.
Linked and reposted at my blog.
Blessings, as always, to you and yours.
@ BPS - Thanks, and you as well, brother.
@ Nighwind - oh yes, Big Pharma's meds are certainly a primary weapon in the Mindwar.
@ Conan - Mahalo Paleface, you are too kind to this Pineapple brother!
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