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Migtow has suffered the same fate as all other authentic grass roots movements that arise as an organic reaction to the ubiquitous injustices and evils of the Bablyon System we all live in subjugation to. We done got mainstreamed, co-opted, redefined and marginalized, just like the tea baggers and occupussies.
Seems like the acronym, MGTOW has come to be defined solely as those men who zealously evangelize lifelong celibacy as the only sane option in a world gone mad. At one point several years ago, I too made that mistaken assumption.
I once wrote on a now defunct forum, that even though I couldn't be a MGTOW-er since I was already married, I supported the idea of deliberate celibate hermitage for men of our era as a rational course of action given present day reality of the system. A few veteran Migtows set me straight real quick on my mischaracterization of MGTOW solely defined as committed celibates eschewing all relations with the fairer sex.
MGTOW is not defined by neither voluntary or involuntary celibacy. It is Men exercising their God-given right to pursue life on their own terms. If that involves celibacy or it involves getting married and raising children, the defining trait of the MGTOW ethos is that you pursue it how you best see fit, and not blithely following along with one of the many "scripted" lifestyles promulgated by our mass-social media driven society. It is finding a path in life that does not compromise your integrity. It is the ethos of liberation from the mental slavery of our Brave New World Order's system of serfdom hidden in plain sight.
Before the term MGTOW came into parlance, there was an older term used to define the same phenomenon of Men who defy convention: Off the Reservation.
"...used to slam people who are thinking differently than what their group considers acceptable. Origin: comes from the time in the late 1800s in the USA when many American Indian tribes were ordered to be relocated to "reservations." Many tribes ignored the relocation orders at first and were forced onto their new limited land parcels. Enforcement of the policy required the United States Army to restrict the movements of various tribes. The pursuit of tribes in order to force them back onto reservations led to a number of Native American Wars."
Seems like once a large enough number of men decide to go off script and leave the reservation, they eventually form their own reservation...and then it's just a matter of time before men begin to leave that one to begin the process all over again. This is the inevitable cycle of tribal formation, transformation, disbursement and eventual dissolution in any human culture.
Alpha Game commenter Hund Hollen expounded on this point humorously:
In online parlance, “MGTOW” basically refers to any man who’s off-script. There are many scripts out there.
The tradcon / white nationalist script: bust your ass and remain celibate, then marry some supposedly good and worthy Christian “virgin”, move to some rural area, have lots of kids and homeschool them, grow your own food and brag about your lifestyle on the Internet.
The feminist script: bust your ass and have egalitarian relationships with feminist women based on mutual respect, marry an ageing spinster or single mother, have 1 or 2 children and indoctrinate them with feminism, move to the suburbs, pay off your wife’s debts, brag about it all on the Internet and then tearfully claim it’s all your fault when she frivorces you and ruins your life.
The MHRA script: bust your ass and do lots of activism on behalf of MRA organizations. Donate money, show up on protests and conferences. Paint a target on your back for tradcons and feminists to shoot at. Whenever attacked, claim that you support “gender equality” and love women.
The PUA script: bust your ass, work out like crazy, spend your free time learning all sorts of “valuable” skills, go on a diet, approach 10 women everyday, travel the Third World, brag about it all online, then move to the Philippines or Latvia when you’re tired of it all, then self-publish your memoirs in online format and sell it on Amazon.
The people pushing these scripts are all targeting the same demographic, young single betas, so they are in fierce competition. What is making their job even harder is that a growing segment of these betas are refusing to follow any script. This is making more and more people angry and frustrated, as evidenced by increasingly shrill public discourse about MGTOWs and the “Sexodus”. Young men are supposed to be dumb disposable shits, after all, and follow a script. But a growing number of them simply won’t do it.
Yes, hell hound got it almost right. Except many of today's most vocal Migtows in the comment threads and forums out in the fever swamps of these fringes of teh Interwebz have taken over the term and have associated MGTOW with only one possible definition: evangelical celibacy hermitage.
Celibate hermitage is definitely a legitimate route for any man to decide to take. It's the evangelical part that annoys me.
There is no ONE WAY of life that must be lived. You have YOUR way, however YOU choose to make it. You can follow any script you like. Just be cognizant of the fact that if you follow any particular script, there are no guarantees you'll achieve whatever it is the script supposedly promises you for following it. There are pros and cons to any path you choose to follow.
I followed the script of THE AMERICAN DREAM (works best with regular doses of the blue pill), right into student loan debt slavery, materialistic consumerism, ill health and a dysfunctional marriage. Thanks to all the time, studying and research I put in at the University of the Autodidact, I was able to figure out why I wasn't achieving the happy ending promised at the end of the blue pill-enhanced script I was following. In the end, I've found my own way, on my own path, and I'm still on it.
Don't let the evangelical celibate hermitage Migtows haranguing the hordes of the MAndrosphere comboxes become the defining caricature, the ultimate straw man permanently associated with the term MGTOW. Let us recall the original MGTOW manifesto:
The goal is to instill masculinity in men, femininity in women, and work toward limited government!
By instilling masculinity in men, we make men self-reliant, proud, and independent.
By instilling femininity in women, we make them nurturing, supporting, and responsible.
By working for a limited government, we are working for freedom and justice.
Women having "other qualities" is not interesting to men because we don't need them! Femininity will be the price women pay for enjoying masculinity in men!
This is the aim of "Men Going Their Own Way".
By holding this point of view, we are helping other men and, more importantly, we are helping boys grow up to become men.
This goal is to take away everyone's "right" to vote on other people's affairs thus rendering it impossible for political organisms and ideologies to impose their personal will on everyone else. It is not about reinstalling patriarchy or revoking female voting rights or making socialism illegal. It might have this as a side effect - but not directly and not as a political ideology. Only the future will show what happens and by going our own way we are preparing men and boys for that future.
That's how I choose to define the Men Going Their Own Way ethos. Self-reliant, proud and independent. It is not a political movement...it's a personal awareness movement.
When MGTOW first arose amongst the aether of cyberspace, it was based on Men recognizing the truth of our realities and existence in our Brave New World Order Matrix, and realizing the scripts THEY have written for us are all designed for their benefit at our expense. Our life, our health, our sanity, our families, our relationships...all corrupted, infected, tainted and ultimately destroyed if we blithely follow the lifestyles and scripts THEY have regularly programmed our society for us to blindly follow.
Marriage is not for everyone...but neither is voluntary celibacy. Every man has his own unique set of circumstances that shape his life. What may be right for me, may be right for you...or not. Only you can figure that out. Do you need to be told what to do, how to do it and when to do it? Or do you prefer to assess any given path in life with all the available information you can find before you decide to take it on?
If you're looking for a movement or an organization to attach yourself to, to give you a pre-formed script to follow, good luck with that....just remember that if you choose the script offered to you by a movement or an organization, never forget what shape any Men's group not run by a strong, centralized leadership with a clearly defined hierarchy, inevitably forms into. That shape is the circular firing squad.
When you are a Man Gone Your Own Way, the only truly defining act you are committed to, is stepping out of the circle of that firing squad, and tearing up all these scripts that others have written for you, and begin to write your own.
The MGTOW manifesto was rejected because of the fact that it is traditionalist:
Likewise Traditionalism is gynocentric and is the other side of the coin of feminism:
Of course Traditionalism is gynocentric to some degree. Every Darwinian culture (that is, any culture that survives) moves excess male resources to children. Sheese, this is ABC. It's the genius of civilization.
The problem with modern life is that it moves too much power into female hands. MGTOW is merely a response to this. MGTOW and feminism are merely mirror images of extinction. Both claim "justice" for their side.
Traditionalism is merely a return to a balanced position, where survival is possible once again.
This goal is to take away everyone's "right" to vote on other people's affairs thus rendering it impossible for political organisms and ideologies to impose their personal will on everyone else. It is not about reinstalling patriarchy or revoking female voting rights or making socialism illegal. It might have this as a side effect - but not directly and not as a political ideology. Only the future will show what happens and by going our own way we are preparing men and boys for that future.
Of course you know I'd add relevant Christian doctrine to this but overall I agree. There seems online so much insistence that unless you subscribe in totality to "the only way" to be free, then something is wrong with you.
Good post, Keoni.
Once more, you make me re-evaluate myself Keoni. Thank you. Originally I thought that marriage and MGTOW were exclusive, and have stated so. Now I find that I must change that outlook.
You also exhibit more maturity than I do. Which is something I've been thinking about in the past couple of weeks, and am in the process of writing about.
Except many of today's most vocal Migtows in the comment threads and forums out in the fever swamps of these fringes of teh Interwebz have taken over the term and have associated MGTOW with only one possible definition: evangelical celibacy hermitage.
It's also true that a man who refuses to follow any particular male script will generally get called a MGTOW, and such men are equally despised by those pushing these scripts. It's also true, of course, that this term has not yet been picked up by mainstream discourse.
There are obvious parallels to be drawn with Japan's herbivore men, who generate much hand-wringing, ridicule, contempt and discussion, but none of this leads to the overall acceptance of the notion that male behavior is mainly driven by, you know, incentives.
Thanks for quoting me, btw.
Thoughtful post. My model MGTOW is M3. That being said, MGTOWs can learn from and be inspired by others, but what MGTOW is about is right there in label: "own way".
Description is one thing. Definition by social category is something else that's not MGTOW.
The MGTOW that is scripted (via a Manifesto) is not the true MGTOW.
[With all due apologies to Lao-Tzu]
By the way... since ANYTHING goes for being MGTOW... is there ANYTHING that could disqualify me from being MGTOW?
For example, could I put a pair of pink panties on my head, dance on street corners, encourage men to support single mothers and make me a cuckold while STILL "going my own way?"
That's what you clowns have done.
ANYTHING can be MGTOW now... which means MGTOW is NOTHING at all!
Congratulations, assholes! In your desire to be politically inclusive, you have shrivelled up your testicles so far that you are, indeed, NOTHING!
I have been a MGHOW since the beginning... but only since you wierdos have shown up, have I become ashamed of attaching my name to this clear abomination of nature.
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