In a recent post, Vox offered a short list of actions that need to be taken in order to reverse the decline of our civilization into the dystopian chaos of our Brave New World Order:
To begin restoring the West, straightforward steps are needed:
* Restore Christianity to its foremost position in Christendom.
* Drive back the Turk.
* Replace representative democracy with direct democracy unhampered by judicial-branch vetoes.
* Hard money.
* End free trade.
* Punish corporations that break the law with jail. "Jail" them by pulling their business license for the period of their sentences. A criminal natural person cannot work, so why is a criminal juridical person permitted to do so?
While all of these measures would undoubtedly have varying levels of success on reversing our current descent towards dystopia, I am of the opinion that it would be far more effective to address a single issue. It relates directly to Vox's first recommendation, restoring Christianity to it's foremost position in Christendom. I do believe this would certainly do the trick, if we're talking about the Christianity of antiquity and it's former widely understood and universally accepted prohibition on usury.
"Usury is interest on money, not ‘excessive interest’, which is the modern Orwellian Newspeak for Usury, but interest on money as it was always defined, until the Money Power got in control and then falsified it.
Interest on money was condemned as a mortal sin. It was put on a level at least as theft and sometimes compared with murder. And this was the consistent opinion of the church for at least the first millennium.
What we’re dealing with here is gradualism. There is no way the Money Power could have come in a truly revolutionary manner, at least until it captured the papacy. Once it captured the papacy, then you began to see the footprints of the revolution…..And then you came at the papacy of Leo X, the first of the Medici popes, and only then did you see this revolutionary gnawing away at Usury laws.
Nowadays you have these so-called ‘Catholic libertarians’ like Thomas Woods who openly say Usury isn’t a sin. This redefinition of Usury as ‘excessive interest’ is necessary for our modern mentality, which is immersed in money-getting, and in greed, it’s a part of all of our lives, it’s woven into our corrupt society, it’s the root of all evil, and we can’t even conceive of a society that says ‘interest on money’, the breeding of money from money, is a mortal sin that will damn your soul to perdition." - Michael Hoffman, Author of Usury in Christendom
Usury is the means in which all other corruption flows. It's the the primary weapon that THEY employ to wage their war of power and control on humanity. With the power of usury, all things THEY seek to inflict on humanity are made possible.
If we are to define hard money as the traditional Christian prohibition on usury, than I do believe we have indeed identified the root that needs striking.
Whether we live under a Representative Republic, or the under the tyranny of a despotic Monarchy, or a technology-feasible direct democracy that Vox advocates...I think a study of the history behind the rise of the international Banking system that rules our world, shows that whatever form of government that purportedly rules over us doesn't really matter. Once you allow officially sanctioned usury in the economic system of any nation, usurpation by financiers to control the Government for their own ways and means is inevitable.
As the most famous international Bankster in history notoriously boasted: "Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who writes the laws."
Of course, the mere mention of the name "Rothschild" typically brings about generalized dismissal as the ravings of conspiritard lunacy or the fevered rantings of neo-nazis clamoring for holocaust.
Yet that name of the Patriarch of the world's foremost usury cartel can be found in the annals of mainstream, conventional history, such as in the US congressional record. Former Democratic Party contender for the Presidency, Williams Jennings Bryan, asserted on the floor of Congress that America could not afford “ put ourselves in the hands of the Rothschilds,” and that the U.S. Treasury “...shall be administered on behalf of the American people and not on behalf of the Rothschilds and other foreign bankers.”
Bryan later went on to give what became a rather infamous speech referred to as his "cross of gold" at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on July 9, 1896; in which he stated:
"When we have restored the money of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will be possible, and that until that is done there is no reform that can be accomplished."
King's, Queens, Emporers, Prime Minsters, Presidents, Dukes, Dictators, Parliaments, Senates, City Councils....none of them have true power if they are beholden to the tyranny of usurious usurpers that enslave the erstwhile rulers and their subjects through control of issuing interest-bearing money.
The longest serving Prime Minster in Canada's history had this to say about usury:
"Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nations laws. Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation. Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile." - William Lyon Mackenzie King, 10th Prime Minister of Canada
Dante consigned the usurers to his seventh level of hell. I'm thinking if he had lived to see the results of our present reality thanks to the machinations of the usurers, he'd have to reconsider that he'd let them off too lightly...
Aristotle wrote in his work Politics (Book One, part X): "The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. . . Wherefore of all modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural."
"It is too bad that today's pastors and Christians do not share Jesus' disdain for the current generation of moneychangers, because it is the moneychangers who are in the process of destroying these United States of America--and our pastors and Christians either do not see it, or, if they do see it, do not seem to care." - Pastor Chuck Baldwin
"All usurers are thieves and belong on the gallows." - Martin Luther
As long as we the sheeple accept and participate in the globalized usury-based economic system of They who are Too Big Too Fail, nothing else matters.
In my estimation, ending usury is the only way to strike at the root.