The World's "First" Multicultural Society? Not quite... |
And as he stood there in the late afternoon, in the heart of Honolulu, watching the varied people of the island go past, he had a faint glimmer of the ultimate brotherhood in which the world must one day live: Koreans went by in amity with Japanese whom in their homeland they hated, while Japanese accepted Chinese, and Filipinos accepted both, a thing unheard of in the Phillipines. A Negro passed by and many handsome Hawaiians whose blood was mixed with that of China or Portugal or Puerto Rico. It was a strange, new breed of men Congressman Carter saw, and grudgingly an idea came to him: "Maybe they've got something. Maybe I wasted my time living in the big houses of the white people. Maybe this is the pattern of the future."
- From the book "Hawaii" by James Michener
Michener's historical-fiction novel,
Hawaii, was published in 1959, the same year Hawaii officially became the 50th franchise of USA Inc. It is fitting that Michener ended his epic with an ode to the emergence of the new "golden man" of Hawaii's 20th century melting pot of mass miscegenation and Americanization, since that year marked the fruition of over a century of effort by the business and military interests who worked ceaselessly to overthrow Hawaii's monarchy and status as a sovereign, independent nation.
As a young college student working on a Bachelor's degree at the University of Hawaii, I was a Hawaiian history buff that took as many Hawaiian Studies courses as I could to fulfill my elective requirements. To those familiar with the literature, you will recognize the most prominent names of the authoritative books of Hawaiian history that I have collected and studied over the years -
Malo, Kamakau, Fornander, Elbert, Mahoe, Pukui, and
Desha, amongst others. The collection of books formed the bulk of my studies as an eager student of the Hawaiian Studies program
at the UH. I was primarily focused on the study Hawaiian cultural practices (like
marriage customs),
religion and history of the people of antiquity. I was inspired to
discover the roots of the native part of my indigenous heritage and
learn of the practices, beliefs and worldview of a culture that is on
the edge of extinction in our modern age.
But the literature focused on Hawaiian antiquity was only part of the coursework of the Hawaiian studies program. A large portion of the curriculum also included study of Hawaii's transition to the modern day, and the history of the Hawaiian monarchy and the upheaval of culture and religious beliefs and eventual overthrow of the Monarchy and eventual induction as the 50th State of USA Inc.
At the time, I was not very interested in this aspect of the Hawaiian Studies coursework, for at that time in my life, I was also a patriotic Americanized neo-con warmonger, imbibing the right wing kool aid to wash down the
MMPCP I was taking on a daily basis. At that time, I thought the Republican party and the conservative outlets of the mass media were my friend and ally, while the left wing Democrats and left-wing mainstream media where my enemy. Now
I know better.
With my worldview under the influence of such intoxicating substances, I viewed my angry Hawaiian Studies professors as the equivalent manifestations of the left-wing, socialist-progressive minority grievance-mongers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Much of the class lectures and discussions were focused on anti-Americanism and urging we Hawaiian Studies students to become
$ocial justice warriors. Many of the lectures and discussions were also infused with the progressive, left-wing, regularly scheduled programming of our Brave New World Order - feminism, environmentalism, collectivism and socialism.
In hindsight, I now realize exactly why Hawaiian Studies was thoroughly infused with the Cultural Marxist's regularly scheduled programming...it's one of the integral features of
any and every school and course of study at any State University in USA Inc., since the mass-media and public education curriculum-driven cultural revolution of the 1960's.
While I could understand my professor's anger and desire to de-colonize Hawaii from the imperial American occupation, I also thought that it was unrealistic fantasy and a waste of time and energy to follow the path of the angry Hawaiian Sovereignty Activists so many of my fellow Hawaiian Studies students took.
Besides, several of my Hawaiian ancestors of the 20th century served with honor in the US military, and fought for our country and came home as proud American veterans who did their part to fight for "Freedum, Duhmockrusee and teh 'Murican way!"
It was for their sake that I was often deeply offended by the anti-American diatribes my Hawaiian Studies professors frequently voiced in my classes, though I held my tongue and never spoke up about my oppositional attitude. I was their to learn about my cultural heritage of my ancestors before Western contact, not concern myself with modern political activism.
While a student working on my Bachelor's degree and indulging in as many elective Hawaiian Studies classes as I could to satisfy my elective requirements, I intently studied Hawaiian history of antiquity while only dedicating minimal effort and attention to the 18th and 19th century Hawaiian history, which was the period of vast cultural change and social upheaval and eventual assimilation into the modern zeitgeist of pan-globalization.
Now that I've got my Master's Degree in Politically Incorrect History and Political Science of Globalized Conspiracy from the
University of the Autodidact, I have since begun a review of my Hawaiian History books focused on that period of immense cultural change and upheaval...this time with a much different perspective than my formerly brainwashed youth. Many things that were a big mystery when I first read the histories have now been laid bare for me, and I now see these things from a much more lucid and clearer perspective.
As I've come to accept the idea that the conspiracy to effect a Brave New World Order of globalized tyranny of Orwellian proportions is factual and imminent, I've also been able to analyze the playbook
THEY have been using for centuries to achieve their satanic goals of global domination. First and foremost, THEY gain their power by gaining control of the government with their
primary weapon of usury.
Once their influence is gained by usury, THEY
always implement their next move of their social engineering playbook - forced miscegenation to change the cultural zeitgeist of the nation they enslaved with usury, to effect a new ethos of globalized ethnic and cultural homogenization - aka the "pattern of the future" Michener referenced back in 1959.
The subtitle to the TIME magazine cover at the top of this post states - "How Immigrants Are Shaping the World's First Multicultural Society" couldn't be more wrong. Long before the invasion of the impoverished peasantry from Central and South America to the Northern Latitudes of USA Inc. occurred, the Kingdom of Hawaii had already long undergone the exact same process. THEY, the financiers of the sugar plantation owners, where behind the influence on the Hawaiian monarchy beholden to them by usurious debt, to import boatloads of immigrants from all over the world to work for indentured serf wages in the sugar cane fields all over the islands.
The color of the skin of these miscegenation operations are contextual...based solely on the nation-state targeted for assimilation into the Brave New World Order Borg. At the moment, THEY seek to dilute the white skin majority of Western Civilization here in the 21st century. But in 19th century Hawaii, the situation was the exact opposite. THEY sought to inundate Hawaii with a panoply of different races and cultures so as to dilute the Native Hawaiian brownskin stock, in order to cement the disenfranchisement of the native Polynesian of his rightful inheritance to the land.
In short, THEY
want the teeming masses of humanity to interbreed over consecutive
generations to create a mishmash-melange of ethnic people without a
solid cultural identity or national pride in a nation-state homeland.
Who are THEY that I refer to? Why the same THEY we recognize today - the banksters. The "elite." The "owners of society." As I noted earlier, I have begun reviewing my collection of Hawaiian history, with a particular focus on the transition of the Kingdom of Hawaii to the modern state of colonized incorporation into our Brave New World Order.
The same tools used to overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom were the same tools that have been used to overthrow the Sovereignty of all the monarchies and other assorted forms of native sovereign governments of the world in the last several centuries -
debt enslavement of the government and (by extension the populace at large) through usury that results in the eventual usurpation of power, followed by enforced immigration of different cultures to break up the cultural uniformity of the populace, so that they cannot base an effective resistance to this usurpation of power around National pride and heterogeneous cultural ties that normally bind a community together.
Take a look at any modern day mass gathering of blood-descended Hawaiians and you will see exactly what I'm talking about. The brownskin Polynesian genes have been thoroughly diluted and most Hawaiians have been miscegenated into a melange of indistinguishable ethnic identity. Look at this recent photo from the Kamehameha Schools Song contest -- as every single student has some trace of Hawaiian blood, as it is a requirement for enrollment in that school -- but the pure Hawaiian genetic type has been overwhelmed by the mass migrations and subsequent miscegenation over multiple generations.
These are the 21st century Hawaiians...some brown, some displaying the "negroid" features of the Polynesian genotype...but most of it has been diluted with a mixture of Oriental, Caucasian and Hispanic genes. If we played "Where's Waldo" with this photo, in which Waldo represented the 100% pure blood Hawaiian, chances are most likely Waldo can't be found in this picture at all.
Not many 21st century Hawaiians that look like this are commonly seen anymore:
.jpg/800px-House_of_Kamehameha_(restored).jpg) |
House of Kamehameha - 1853 |
In the 21st century, the Native Hawaiian race has been miscegenated to the brink of extinction. We are now almost completely assimilated into the globalized matrix of the Brave New World Order, and our colonization and subjugation is nearly complete. Mass miscegenation is the end result of the racial and cultural divide and conquer tactics THEY first use when they gain control of the government of any nation throughout history. Almost no modern Hawaiian today could ever seriously advocate the expulsion of the various races that have taken up permanent residence here.
No present day Hawaiian is going to support kicking out their Japanese grandmother or Chinese uncle or Filipino cousin or their Caucasian spouse's family to reclaim Kingdom of Hawaii for the Hawaiians. Thus, multi-generational miscegenation ensures entrenched loyalty to the new system THEY adminster, for which all the various imported races are now dependent on to exist in our present reality.
What THEY have done to Hawaii, they are now doing to the rest of the West.
Many bloggers of these politically incorrect fringes of teh Interwebz have touted the equation championed by the so-called 'race realists' of "neo-reaction" and "the dark enlightenment": diversity + proximity = war. That's simply the short view of the Cultural Marxist's use of multi-cult diversity and proximity as a social engineering tool to divide and conquer.
While enforced proximity serves the divide part of the equation in the short term, as long as the proximity is enforced over the span of multiple generations, the equation turns out quite differently: diversity + proximity = miscegenation and cultural homogenization.
This homogenized culture is no longer defined by race or ethnicity, but by the shared experiences and values of the mixed society that emerges from the blending of cultural traditions and customs by forced proximity over time.
This is the story of Hawaii, and it mirrors the story of the "white race" of America too. The history of American immigration is a history of every type of "white" immigrating from the old world and miscegenating freely in the new world.
In the 21st century, we casually refer to "white race" and the "white majority" or in $JW parlance "white privilege" or "white hegemony." But 16th and 17th century immigrants to America certainly didn't look at it that way. English, French, German, Spanish, Poles, Scots, Irish, Italians, Russians, et al all came in successive waves of migration, with each newcoming group of whiteskins getting the "nigger" treatment by the previous whiteskin migrants.
There was no 'white' solidarity and racial consciousness until several generations of Anglo-Euro-Celtic-Nordic-Aryan-Russo-Mediterranean whiteskins mixed and miscegenated into a melange of paleface uniformity, consolidated and unified by social conflict from proximity with "the others" of red, black, yellow and brown-skinned peoples.
But in another generation or two, these race-based conflicts are going to be a long distant memory, as all the various races mix, mingle and miscegenate. Soon enough we will all be nothing but a mass of intermixed peoples united under the tyranny of a global elite...an elite that are largely united by a specific religious ethos...the literal religion of Anti-Christ.
For everything THEY have done, is driven by the desire to overthrow any culture and society, whether they be composed of brown, black, red, yellow or white skinned people, that is based on the foundational teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? For sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. - Luke 6:34
I've come to the conclusion that distilled down to it's essence, USURY is the anti-thesis of the Gospel of Jesus. It is the wellspring of all the rest of the evils of modernism. It is the root cause of the subversion of Christianity and the evolution of what many are now recognizing as "Churchianity." It is the means for gaining control and implementing their agenda, which includes mass importation of non-native migrants to effect mass miscegenation.
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."
THEY have created a global wide system of usury to enslave the masses. To maintain this anti-Christ system of usurious control, THEY are seeking the mass miscegenation of
all races, resulting in a globalized society, dispossessed of any sense of heterogeneous heritage or identity, nor any loyalty to a nation-state, but simply subjects to the homogenized culture of secularized mass media consumerism and globalized citizenship, enslaved to the worldwide system of indentured servitude and utterly beholden to this system of total population control.
It is my own view after considerable study and reflection, that resistance to the coming tyranny of the global elite will be lost if the resistance is based on any group of people trying to recapture the ideal of a heterogeneous, race-based culture that has already been miscegenated out of existence generations ago.
THEY are the heirs to the heresy and blasephemy of the ideology of the Pharisees who condemned and crucified the Messiah, for they are not interested in the Kingdom of Heaven, but in usurping the sovereignty and God-given rights of all of mankind, so as to establish their Kingdom of oppression and control here on earth.
The only possible victory in the face of this pervasive, ubiquitous system of Anti-Christ that now spans the entire modern world, is finding our way to the eternal salvation promised by Jesus Christ. For it is His gospel of forgiveness, repentance, atonement and salvation that stands in direct contrast to the ethos of hatred, revenge, envy and greed that THEY are ultimately enslaved to, even as they continually work to enslave us all.
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. - John 8:31-32
By their fruits, ye shall know them. |