From the SpearheadFiles
September 2, 2010
A female reader was apparently looking through the Spearhead archives, and came across my book review for The Garbage Generation. She e-mailed me the following: "I have read part of the book and a lot of the book I agreed with. I just want this question answered by another man. Why is there a double standard? No matter what it takes two to tango."
If you agreed with a lot of the book, you really shouldn’t be even asking this question, because one of the basic premises of Dr. Amneus’ seminal work, is based on defining what comprised the original marriage contract between men and women. What men bring to the table and what women bring to the table in what we now refer to as the institution of Marriage 1.0, were two different assets to be exchanged for the mutual benefit of the children created by their union.
Men’s primary marital asset was their resources and ability to labor to acquire more resources, to support the family. Men with lesser means or abilities to provide were (and usually still are) viewed as less desirable marriage material, regardless of his sexual history.
Women’s primary martial asset was their guarantee to their husbands that children born of their union where his. Women with an openly promiscuous past are viewed as less desirable marriage material because of the greater chances of cuckoldry and infidelity, regardless of her ability to be a provider.
It’s not that there is a double standard, it’s just that there is two different standards: one for men, one for women – and the standards for each are simply based on what they each brought to the table by virtue of the formerly accepted and widely understood division of labor, which was based on
There cannot be this so-called sexual double-standard, because a man’s contribution to the nuclear family unit was his capacity to be a provider, not his sexual purity. A woman could find a willing virgin who has no provider capacity to marry her…but her own hypergamous instincts would cause her to view him as less than adequate in terms of marriage material, his sexual purity notwithstanding.
Women complaining about this mythical double-standard, would be the equivalent to men complaining that more marriages should have the women be the providers while the men stay home, keep house and raise the kids.
Granted, such arrangements do occur nowadays…but for the most part, men & women both tend to look down on the men as somewhat less than masculine for doing so — hence the phrase “kitchen bitches” — just as women nowadays are free to be as promiscuous as the alpha males they wish to emulate…it’s just that most people will still regard them as sluts, no matter how bitterly they complain about this so-called “double-standard.” This “double-standard” really only exists in the brainwashed minds of feminists and manginas alike.
Women who are caught up in obsessing over this so-called sexual “double-standard” are simply falling for the lies and propaganda promoted by the feminist kultural kommisars of our Brave New World Order, and reinforcing the memes that have contributed to the travesty we now know of as marriage 2.0.
No, the real double-standard that actually exists today, is the entire family court/divorce industry that enforces a system for which women have the right to withdraw their reproductive capacity and their nurturing and care giving – but men are not allowed to withdraw their provider role. In fact, they are explicitly prevented from doing that by the power of the Government and threatened with fines, imprisonment, loss of passports, professional practice and driving licenses, a permanent criminal record, and other sanctions our feminist-run Government has put into place to legalize this very real double-standard.
In other words, the only real double-standard that is in effect today in our declining civilization, is the one in which Women have no obligation or social pressure to live up to their marital vows, while men are forced to, even when the marriage is over.
My inquiring e-mailer thought she was making some kind of irrefutable point with her quip, “No matter what, it takes two to tango.” She misses the real double-standard here: it takes two to get married, but only one — which is usually instigated by the woman – to get divorced.

Notable Commentary from the Original Post
gwallan September 2, 2010 at 03:18
"A woman could find a willing virgin who has no provider capacity to marry herbut her own hypergamous instincts would cause her to view him as less than adequate in terms of marriage material, his sexual purity notwithstanding."Interestingly virginity or “can’t get laid” are almost always among womens’ opening ad hominem salvos against any man they disagree with.
Travis September 2, 2010 at 03:49
Besides, my view on the so called “sexual double standard” is that it’s largely of women’s making. They’re the one’s who line up to sleep with the male versions of “sluts and whores”. They’re the one’s who have made those guys the envy of other men. All they would have to do to eliminate the “double standard” is to start rejecting those guys. To start looking at men the same way that men look at women. By seeing the most desireable mate as the one who is most likely to remain faithful. But that’s not in their nature. They want and desire the Alpha Male. And as long as they do, men are going to desire to BE the Alpha Male. So instead, they want us to change OUR nature, and start celebrating female promiscuity. To view women who have screwed half the guys in town as the most desireable mates. It’s just another female play to eschew any and all responsibility and moral behavior. And to try and get men to revere them for it….
Reality 2010 September 2, 2010 at 03:52
Well there’s also the ten thousand pound gorilla in the room.. that it takes tremendous effort and or a tremendous talent or a god-given gift to be a ‘stud’ while it takes absolutely zero effort to be a slut. All it takes for a woman to be a slut is to just lie on her back. Wow. What an achievement.
Tell her that it may take two to tango, but it only takes one to say ‘yes.’
Unless the female is a repellent beast chances are (sadly) that virtually any guy is going to want to have sex with virtually any female.
There’s also the fact that a woman’s vagina/body is her one and only asset – (as if you would actually want a woman based on her petty, lazy, confrontational and flaky personality or parasitical worthlessness in the workplace) so to mindlessly give away the one and only thing you have of any value has a much broader pathetic implication than that of gender & sex regardless of whatever it is.
Women themselves admire and are attracted to the man who is able to attract thousands of women who are willing to sleep with him- that is at the very core of female sexuality. Tell her if she wants an answer to also look in the mirror.
Ubermind September 2, 2010 at 04:26
The greatest double standard in human perception that started it all is the notion that women do not want sex all that much, but man want alot and have to work and pay for it.
True is women want sex just as much as men if not more. With a desirable partner of course. Desirable partner is the key here.
Also in marriage 1.0 both worked. Man’s duty was to work outside of home, but woman’s duty was to work inside home. Do not forget that!
Women were chosen not only by their beuty, but also by their “diligence to work” (your feminzied american language does not even have a clear opposite word for lazy, that says something)
Women pedastializaton started when rich man started to choose wifes solely for their beuty, because servants (now automation) did all the job.
If a women works she does not view sex as a manipulation tool, she views it as a reward for good work just like most men do.
Understanding that both parties need to work for mutual pleasure each in their own ways should eliminate all double standarts.
Elusive Wapiti September 2, 2010 at 05:02
Leveraging the Book of Zed here, there’s a reason why the so-called slut-stud double standard exists–it is easy for a woman, more or less, to become sexually experienced. She needs only to lay back and spread her legs and she will invariably find some would-be lothario willing to fill the void in her loins. The reverse is much harder, and the self-control necessary to produce a 26-yo virgin speaks to her value, her loyalty as a potential mate.
The calculus for men is different, or at least used to be. A man is valued for what he does, his skill, the energy he uses to produce. Thus a 26 yo virginal man, according to the conventional slut-stud calculus, has less value because it takes very little effort and skill to sit back and do nothing than one with experience with women. He is seen in conventional circles as a better potential partner because he has overcome obstacles, and knows what he is doing to lead her.
I suspect the benefit from being a stud has dwindled of late, because there are more sluts around, desperate to trade access to their holiest of holies for attention and validation. It’s not as hard to ‘score’, therefore being a ‘stud’ isn’t what it once was.
The value, however, from self-control in a woman has shot up in the last decades like a rocket.
Additional commentary after the jump