There are times where I imbibe a bit more alcohol then I should, and the conversations get serious, and I start dropping knowledge on my family and friends. It usually doesn't turn out well. I've learned this lesson the hard way.
You can't force feed the red pill.
Once you see something for what it truly is, you cannot "un-see" it.
You can ignore it and play along with the oblivious ignorance of those you care about, to preserve social graces and superficial functionality of your cherished relationships.
But it still enrages me when I see those I care most about, who are firmly plugged into the matrix of our Brave New World Order, and not even aware of it.
I am infuriated...
...every time I see a man, emasculated by the social engineering of our cultural programming, incapable of understanding why his relationships failed or are failing...
...every time I see a woman masculinized by the social engineering of our cultural programming, mistaking her simulation of male drive and aggression as "strength" and her innate femininity and submissive nature as a weakness...
...every time I see a dysfunctional couple and I can immediately discern the dynamic between them and where they are getting it all so wrong...
...and every time I encounter a person that excuses and rationalizes bad decision making on their part, in the hopes that you will sympathize with them and make themselves feel better about lying to themselves.
There's only person you can change. Yourself.
You can give another the tools to analyze and introspectively determine where they've gone wrong, how they've been mislead, and how to correct it. But if they cannot face the ugly truth about themselves, there's nothing you can do but wait and hope they eventually get to that point.
For that is each person's personal "rock bottom." When the ugly truths of their behavior and thought patterns becomes unavoidable. When the rationalizations and cognitive dissonance no longer can convince you to keep doing what you've been doing, expecting different results.
Interpersonal relationship dysfunction and the corruption of familial bonding is one of the primary effects of the blue pill. Once you take the red pill and recognize the truth of so many dynamics, you develop a quick eye in discerning all these things we talk about in this fringe of teh interwebz. Once you have the framework, you quickly recognize the various facets....sometimes instantaneously.
Hypergamy, solipsism, the feminine imperative, AMOG-power plays; male hierarchy status jockeying; serial polygamy; frame and re-framing; choice addiction; wall denial; involuntary celibacy; social ineptitude; the maddonna-whore complex; Churchianity; "let's you and him fight," NAWALT, "don't hit me, I'm a girl," attraction is not a choice; "let's just be friends," carousel riders looking to settle down; abusive relationships founded on addiction to the dark triad traits; IOI's; kino escalation; cuckoldry; the SMP; the MMP; the average frustrated chump; the ladder theory; shaming language; social dominance and projection....
...once you're well versed in all these concepts and memes, your direct and indirect social interactions with the world, as well as your observations of those in your sphere of influence, come into sharp focus.
You are equipped with a schema to interpret people's words and behavior, and you have developed a self awareness the average sheeple in the herd of civilization is utterly oblivious to.
You now see things with clarity. Then you realize just how ugly most truths are, and you sometimes wish you could go back to believing the beautiful lies of the mainstream consciousness. Unless you experience brain damage that inflicts amnesia, you will find that you can't.
Once you know the truth, you cannot hide from it, even if you want to.

We love to talk about the red pill - blue pill concept in the MAndrosphere. Many claim to have taken "THE" red pill with regards to some aspect of gender relations or sexuality. Others will relate it to the Fiat Usury Cartel. Others, to the charade of 2 party politics, and yet others to diet and lifestyle. All of these red pills are all the same thing. There is no difference between the variations discussed.
There is only one red pill.
The first red pill I ever choked down, was the truth about diet.
I often refer to the "paleo" diet to people...yet according to the foremost practitioners and guru's of the 'paleo' diet movement, I am certainly not "paleo."
There's a reason for this. When most people are inquiring about the way I eat, why I choose to eschew certain foods, and why I heartily engorge myself on others, I simply tell them I "loosely" follow the paleo diet. It's a term that's easy to remember. It's planting a seed, and anyone who may become motivated to learn more, can find numerous references to the "paleo" sub culture at bookstores, in magazines and on teh interwebz. If anyone asks further than that, I'll usually just say, "check out"
In my estimation, a person who is overweight, suffering from degenerative conditions, depression and other maladies from a lifetime of eating in the CSFO - (Concentrated Sheeple Feed Operations - Paleo puts them on the right path to getting back on track and learning the difference between real, naturally raised food versus CSFO feed.
Just like all of the gender and relationship dynamics notated in the previous section of this blog post, understanding the truth about food and what is optimal for the human body and what is literally destructive and slow motion poisoning gives you an awareness that will forever change your relationship with food and the way you view it.
Even though I essentially follow the Paleo/Primal version of the Pareto principle, i.e. eat pure 80% of the time, 20% indulgence in junk food, I can no longer simply enjoy the worst of the junk feed that was designed solely to stimulate your taste buds.
When I eat some cake (if someone bakes me a cake for my birthday, or I am at a special occasion, I will put my principles aside, and have a bit of the poison for the sake of social cohesion.) I still choke it down while thinking about all of the toxic crap found in it's ingredients.
I can't help it, because I know the truth.
Most folks will look at a picture of a meal like this, and think to themselves that it looks like a mighty tasty meal, and even though it may be bad for them, it's okay to indulge in it once in awhile, because it tastes so damn good. Others will think "that's too much calories for a single meal!"
I look at a picture like this, and this is what I think in a matter of seconds:
- Hot dog and hamburger buns, made with enriched, bleached and brominated white flour, high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated soybean oil (typically baked with margarine);- French fries and onion rings are deep fried in rancid, oxidized "vegetable" oil like soybean or canola, than slated with processed, de-vitalized and iodized "salt" adulterated with silicone dioxide (anti-caking agent);
- The drink is just liquid corn syrup (GMO corn), artificial coloring and carbonated water with citric acid and caramel coloring;- the mayo in the burger and atop the fries is made from egg whites emulsified with GMO produced soybean oil. But it's not just any old egg comes from factory farmed, battery-caged hens with their beaks burned off, confined for life and fed a diet solely made of GMO soy feed, never even allowed direct exposure to the sun, so as to maximize the production of nutritionally inferior eggs;- the hot dog is most likely full of filler material, usually corn-based derivatives like dextrose, maltodextrin, ...perhaps some "textured vegetable protein," and almost certain to have Monosodium Glutamate added to it.- Same goes for the meat in the burger. MSG is the ultimate meat additive that promotes taste bud addiction. Both the meat in the hot dog and the burger also come from CAFO operations and may contain meat sourced from literally hundreds of different cows, slaughtered, processed and blended at a central processing facility where it is exposed to e coli, salmonella and other virulent bacteria.
These are all the facts about such FEED. I can't unlearn all that I've learned in studying up on the source of the substances I consume to nourish my body. This is how I SEE food choices offered me at any given moment.
Thanks....but no thanks. I'd rather "Intermittent Fast" and wait until I can get to some real FOOD.
I don't eat FEED.
It's been 4 years since I last ate a so-called "value meal" like the one pictured above. I distinctly remember that it simply did not taste good to me at all anymore. The meat tasted corrupt. The rancid vegetable oils and the mayo-sauce tasted vile. And the soda? I can't believe I used to drink that shit on a daily basis for years and years of my life.
Once you see these things, and you recognize that the FEED of corporate Agriculture is literal poison, it's hard to resist becoming the blowhard preacher again, when you see your loved ones poisoning themselves - often times gratuitously and with great gusto.
It's even more difficult when you serve as a living manifestation of the difference in health and well being avoiding such poisons has. It's now been over 5 years ago since I studied up on the topic of food vs. feed and changed my eating habits, and "devolved" from the last stage in the above picture to resembling the fit, healthy and vibrant man walking behind the shambling Wal Martian with a big cup of liquid corn sugar in his hand.
Many refuse to believe their lying eyes when I tell them how I eat. The blue pill of mainstream conventional wisdom is a powerful drug.
"All that red meat and saturated fat? You're gonna die of a heart attack or colon cancer! And what about all the vitamins and nutrients found in the heart-healthy whole grains?!?!?! You think white rice is better for you than brown rice?!?!? WTF? What do you mean you regularly deep fry your food in coconut oil? Bacon, every day? Butter and salt on all your vegetables?!?!"
Dear incredulous, fat and sickly person....yes, it's all true. I really do eat like that. Every single day. For years on end now. Do I look fat and sickly to you? You just told me I look better than ever...that I look like I'm about to turn 30 instead of think it's just "good genes?" Don't you remember when I had a double chin and a big beer belly and perpetual dark circles under my eyes?
I remember. I see and feel the difference every single day.
Once you see the truth, there's no going back. I am not on a "diet." I simply eat real food. The difference is, I have the knowledge and truth that enable me to discern the difference between real food and FEED.
Sometimes I may in fact indulge in junk foods for some reason or another. Even in those instances, I'll do my best to avoid the worst of the modern industrialized feed products. If I feel like the occasion calls for dessert, I'll get some natural ice cream made with real sugar or dark chocolate truffles or I'll eat some pie (but not the crust - most usually made with hydrogenated oils). When I do so, I get incredulous looks from those who know how strict I normally am with my food choices. I smile and say "the taste of this treat is certainly worth the rare indulgence! I'm going to enjoy every bite of this."
And I do. Sugar is one helluva drug. It's the addiction and daily consumption of it that will kill you.

In all this time, I've come to realize something else when it concerns eating food. It's not just the ingredients that I'm vigilant about.
I've also become really conscious of the habitual behaviors and social rituals around food.
Where I once considered cooking a laborious and time consuming chore (hence the rationalization for eating fast food 5 or more times a week), I now take great pride in procuring fresh, pure and natural ingredients, and taking great care to cook meals with said ingredients.
I despise the culture of the microwave.
Wrapped in plastic and nuked, destroying the texture and full flavors of the ingredients.
I loathe the mentality behind driving and eating.
Or doing anything else BUT savoring well made food at a sit down meal.
I hate eating off of paper plates, paper napkins, styrofoam cups and bowls, and with plastic utensils. I strive to make every meal I eat, a REAL MEAL, made with real food, eaten at table with real silverware and porcelain and glass flatware, with good company to commiserate and savor the meal with. It is one of the finest pleasures in this life.
Life is too short to waste it on fast meals eaten simply because you're trying to maintain your unstable blood sugar because you're eating FEED for the majority of your waking life.
Thanks to not being on the blood glucose roller coaster of inconsistent energy crashes, I can regularly "fast" for hours on end.
No, I don't need to slam this junk food, or snacks or candy down, because I'm starving. I can wait til I get home or some real food is available.
"No thanks, I'll pass on the complimentary airline meal on this 10 hour flight. I'll just have a scotch on the rocks, thanks!"
No problem.

One final note: along with the outsourcing of feed to Big Agrictulture corporations and their feed products, I've seen a generalized loss of cooking skills and knowledge.
When I was a child, 'potluck' meant everyone COOKED or PREPARED food to bring to the event.
Nowadays, every potluck I go to is literally 80-90% take out and/or fast food. I've been to several for which the ONLY home cooked dish, was the one I brought.
That sucks.
People used to take great pride in preparing a dish to be shared amongst a group gathering. Such a dish could serve as an interesting topic of conversation, and recognition of the artistry and cleverness of the cook. People would regularly invite well known cooks to such events with specific requests "Please bring your Beef Stew! Or your Chili!" Husbands would take pride in bragging about their wife's specialty dish that has everyone raving. People would beg for recipes and cooking tips. Real food, made by hand and from the hearth of a's one of the best parts of belonging to a group or organization that does have regular pot luck festivities.
Not anymore.
For the past several years, I've gone out of my way to always hand prepare a real dish for any potlucks I'm invited to. And when I attend, I will usually only eat the food that I made, and any other food that someone else made from scratch. Even if I know the food may have the kind of ingredients I recognized as "poisonous," I actively encourage everyone to COOK A REAL DISH rather than bring take out. As I'm the guy who's now become well known for these exhortations, I put my dietary discipline aside to support the continuation of the lost art of cooking AT HOME.
I don't eat pasta. But if I'm at a potluck and someone brought some home made lasagna, I'll have a piece, and I'll profusely praise the cook. Amongst my peer groups and acquaintances, I seek to inspire a revival in the traditional practice of the potluck. For this higher goal, I gladly put aside my usual strict dietary discipline.
Good food and good cooking, shared amongst family and good friends. These things are essential to living a good life.
Once you realize the truth of this, there's no going back.