It’s a Big Club, and We’re Not Invited
6 hours ago
The Nazis systematically sought to weaken the resistance potential and opportunities of the Jews of Eastern Europe. The early Judenräte were foremost to report numbers of their Jewish populations, clear residences and turn them over, present workers for forced labour, confiscate valuables, and collect tribute and turn these over.
Noun misogyny (usually uncountable; plural misogynies) hatred or contempt for women
Hello fellow blogger. My name is Enigmático e Realístico and I am a Brazillian "red pill taker" blogger. I'm posting concepts usually discussed on the manosphere for more than one year to the still small red pill takers from brazil.
Our manosphere is still small and disunited compared to you from the "main manosphere".
I decided a little ago that now is the time to expand more the limits of the brazillian manosphere and so the american manosphere too. I want to make an "partnership" with you fellow's to grow more our "underground web" and with that make our concepts more embracing.
I believe that now is a time on the history of the so called "manosphere" where the authors of all those good blogs are not just voices alone in the sea of the political correctness but a emerging power in freeing the minds of other men to guide us to a truthful life and relationships.
The awakening of minds provided by the manosphere created a kind of "virus" that dominates quickly men like you and me that searches to transcend our ignorance. It is the "red pill virus". That virus that frees ourselves from the everyday lies from tell-a-vision, our the fake studies about male/female relationships.
Every blogger has a important paper on the awakening of minds, from PUA's to MRA's. Each one of them fills a blank of knowledge very important to clear more and more our vision from the lies of our brave new world order. Every good blogger from the manosphere have a important role on tell to us how a man should really be, and should really fight for.
Now talking about my blog, i have a translator tool on it, and as i tested it i could see that at least 90% of the main idea of the post is understandable. I invite you to check my last post
So, i friendly ask you that you consider the possibility of linking my blog in yours. Know that i will link you independently of you link me or not. Next week i'll create a page containing "International partners" and you will be there.
I early apologize myself if you see in my blog something like you have written before in any post of you. Knows that i inspired myself in some of your ideas to create a few posts mines.
Thank you for reading my email, i just want that you answer me independently of linking my blog or not. I'll appreciate that a lot.
My best regards.
Enigmático e Realístico
We live in a unique moment in history. Never was there such great power over the citizen of the state as we have today. In this state that controls not only limited to our borders, is a world state and claws control the lives of all citizens in most countries of the world.
The implementation of this global control has been and is being engineered for centuries. They invested heavily in research about our psychology, subliminal messages, linguistic manipulation and many other areas that had interference in controlling livestock system minimizing the revolts and rebellions to a minimum.
I believe we have reached an age that is the pinnacle of world government and its control over us mere sheep system.The Internet has provided them a formidable tool for tracking, measuring and research on what we think and do. Moreover, they saw in it the perfect terrain to control and lead the masses in an indirect way, where the manipulated even notice being sugestionados certain thoughts and attitudes.The internet, social networks and news networks are great tools to control us, but it is a double-edged sword, because there are some dissenters like me and others who use this tool to take the red pill and get rid of the lies and manipulative jargon of the day to day.
The purpose of this post is not to discuss the government's power and control the world about us but how to become a man who is not just another sheep in the system, a man who knows almost everything in the curbs is a theater made to deceive us at some level and become an ideological threat to the totalitarian system silently in the guise of good intentions that is what we call globalization. I will give some practical examples of what to do to definitely take the red pill and be a silent soldier in the battle for our true freedom of expression and opinion. Remember that is only allowed freedom of expression for those that are useful in some way for the system. If there really such a freedom of expression I would have never been threatened, blackmailed and boycotted for having this blog.
Common sense is nothing more than the sense of the docile slave, are slaves who love our bondage as we are allowed useless gadgets like cell phones full of features, comedy shows that humor has nothing, parties to dance half-naked in the streets, and meanwhile we're all distracted not realizing that we do not all mere slaves. And worst weak and sickly slaves, because they are not strong and only eat junk. Be a virus in the system, the cancer cell is ready to infect others. Be silent before the soldier's tyranny. Be as wild in the brave new world, which is part of the system because they have no other choice but in spirit yearns for the collapse of this system.Mantenha resistindo ao Admirável Nova Ordem Mundial, meu amigo!
The mandate, requiring every American to purchase health insurance, appeared in a 1989 published proposal by Stuart M. Butler of the conservative Heritage Foundation called "Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans," which included a provision to "mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance."
The Heritage Foundation "substantially revised" its proposal four years later, according to a 1994 analysis by the Congressional Budget Office. But the idea of an individual health insurance mandate later appeared in two bills introduced by Republican lawmakers in 1993, according to the non-partisan research group Among the supporters of the bills were senators Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who today oppose the mandate under current law….
In 2007, a bi-partisan Senate bill authored by Senators Bob Bennett, R-Utah, and Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, contained a mandate….
In 2010, Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that put into place an individual mandate.