Helen McCaffery, the Director for Woman's Watch Inc., a Women's Advocacy Group, has written an article for the Philadelphia Inquirer in which she further promotes the mindless tropes of propaganda that are part and parcel to the shibboleth's of feminism.
The irony of her blind naivete is rather delicious...
From Palin Deserves Our Respect
I cannot predict who will win the presidential campaign, but I already know who will lose big: all women.
Of course, because in identity/gender politics, there is always a need to identify the victim class, so that they can be held up in the highest esteem. Truth doesn't matter, as we all know that in fact regardless of who will win the presidential campaign, the misandry of our family courts, divorce and child support system and the continuation of "affirmative action" policies that legislate preferential treatment for women will remain in full force...so of course, all women will lose big, dontchya know?
I realized this when I saw a 20-something male student who attends a class in the community college where I teach, wearing a T-shirt that read, "Sarah Palin is a C-." He wore it in public, in broad daylight, and without shame or even consciousness of what he was doing.
I took the time to advise him of the "error of his ways" and informed him of the consequences if he wore it to my class.
Shame? Consciousness of degrading a woman based on her physical appearance? Typical of the clueless feminist, who cannot even begin to understand that it was her precious movement's work to "free" women from the stigma of unregulated sexual behavior -- i.e "Patriarchal Oppression" that has resulted in our current society for which women are objectified and reduced to nothing more than the value of their physical appearance!
Also note her authoritarian prederliction to censor the misguided man's right to free speech, because it ran up agaisnt her own politicially correct sensibilities.
This encounter shook me right down to my socks.
So typical of a feminist, over-dramatizing and emoting in the extreme over such an inconsequential issue such as the subject matter of a T-Shirt a student is wearing.
Most of my adult life has been spent working for civil rights for all Americans, as a lawyer defending constitutional rights and now as a college teacher and director of a nonprofit advocating for the rights of women.
As a lawyer defending constitutional rights, shouldn't you be aware that we are all supposedly equal under the law regardless of gender? I guess it really is a stretch to expect feminists to possess even a miniscule iota of intellectual honesty.
It was the encounter with the young man that woke me up, but there were signs all along the campaign trail. First, with the candidacy of Sen. Hillary Clinton, who won 18 million popular votes from the people of the United States and was ridiculed, marginalized, and put in her place when she wasn't even offered the vice presidency slot.
Oh I see. Hillary was entitled to the VP slot, because of the 18 million popular votes...but because Barak Hussein Obama didn't offer it to her, it was a blow to the entire female gender! Women were ridiculed, marginalized and put in their place!
It's a good thing all you perfect little feminists are such useful idiots for the Democrat party...because they can screw you right in front of your faces and still count on knowing that come election day, you will all pull the appropriate lever and vote for the Donkey candidates, no matter how much they ridicule, marginalize and put you dumb feminists in your place!
But the really big attack on women occurred when John McCain selected only the second woman in history to be on a major-party ticket.
...I thought Americans would be proud of her nomination, whether we agreed or disagreed with her on the issues. Was I in for a shock.
The sexism that I believed had been eradicated was lurking, like some creature from the black lagoon, just below the surface. Suddenly it erupted and in some unexpected places.
Only to a deluded, feminist useful idiot like yourself could have been surprised by the so-called "unexpected places" for which this sexism erupted.
Instead of engaging Palin on the issues, critics attacked attributes that are specifically female. It is Hillary's pantsuit drama to the power of 10. Palin's hair, her voice, her motherhood, and her personal hygiene were substituted for substance. That's when it was nice.
The hatred escalated to performers advocating Palin be "gang raped," to suggestions that her husband had had sex with their young daughters, and reports that her Down syndrome child really was that of her teenage daughter. One columnist even called for her to submit to DNA testing to prove her virtue. Smells a little like Salem to me. I was present at an Obama rally at which the mention of Palin's name drew shouts of "stone her."
"Stone her"? How biblical.
Notice she fails to even coming close to mentioning the source of these sexist and misogynistic attacks. It's the VERY leftist-liberal-progressive-Democrat contingent that is supposedly the champions of her precious feminist movement!
Didn't you idiots learn NOTHING from the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair? That as long as a liberal democrat votes for the right party and supports the appropriate feminist policies of unrestricted infanticide, they can get away with any kind of racist, sexist, bigoted behavior...especially if the target for such attacks is a right-winger-fundie-Republican-conservative?
Don't you know...the end justifies the means...
....sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette?
Ahhh...feminist useful idiocy is so entertaining to behold.
All this is at a time when women are regularly being raped as they try to cross the border into the United States; bloody, broken women haunt the emergency rooms of hospitals; and abuse and disrespect for women and girls is rising faster than bank bailouts. That is the atmosphere in which people, including women, choose to attempt to destroy a woman who is a legitimate political leader.
Agreement on issues is not required, but Palin merits respect.
Oh the irony. First, this TOOL invokes the spectre of dastardly, evil men everywhere who are brutalizing women wherever and whenever possible - but she fails to realize that it is the promotion of such mindless, baseless generalizations that have created the very atmosphere that empowers her fellow liberal-democrat-progressives to carry out this proverbial witch-hunt with regards to Mrs. Palin.
It is dismaying that misogyny and sexism are so excessively marbleized into our daily interactions that some of us cannot even recognize their existence when confronted with it or when staring at it directly in the mirror.{Laughing my ass off}
You dumb broad. You cannot even bring yourself to mention the political party or ideology that is behind the very sexist and misogynist attacks you are decrying! Try and confront that first!
Mockery and vilification of women such as Palin should become just as taboo as race-based slams. Until then, women are the real losers.
In your distorted world view, there is no "Until then." Women will always be the real losers. How else can you maintain the current misandry codified in our system to advantage women everywhere, unless you continue to promote the lie that all women are victims?
Don't you know? Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia!
I'm sorry but I feel the need to comment on this whole "regulated sex" shit. I've been reading the MRA blogs for the past few weeks, while most of the men post very valuable commentary, and make great points about feminism and how women act today, I can't understand why men don't understand where feminism came from. Are you all idiots. Have you ever wondered why women began to feel oppressed? Probably not, because you are men and you think to methodically and with no emotion at all. The idea that men should regulate the sexual activities of a woman is as stupid as women regulating male sexuality. No one is ever the property of anyone else, and as soon as men come to terms with this notion, the sooner the sexes will stop being at war. Women are just trying to break free from being owned as property. Just like a piece of land, men feel they can dispose of us at anytime, or trade up. Not to mention, before Feminism, men had no problem keeping a wife and having numorous affair. Women saw this made a consious decision to act against this, which is competely understandable. For every action there is a reaction, and the male population is totally ingoring this! Don't you understand that women were just reacting to the way they were being treated....like property. As a survior of sexual abuse by numorous males, the notion that any one owns my body and should have access to it and any time he pleases is rupulsive and is probably why I have yet to be married at the age of 29. I am no man's property. I have a mind of my own. I think for myself and don't need a man to do it for me. Men are unable to get past the sex, because that's all they are programed to want. It has been stated by many MRA bloggers. Men don't give a shit about what women think or do, just the pussy, and how to get it. And you males wonder why women have abandoned marriage and other conventional "wisdoms". Let me ask you males a question. What if someone owned you as property, and made all your choices for you, what if you were alienated and isolated because of children, husband and had no social interaction. Can you imagine a life like this? If you can, you are probably a woman. If you can't you're a man. So don't blame the feminist. They are only reacting to the confinment of the male establishment of the last hundred or so years. Come on guys, how long did you think women would be ok with being treated like shit? And don't give me that crap about women were treated well and already had power. Lies, lies, lies! I'm so sick of men complaining, now you finally know what it is like to be a woman and you hate it. You hate it because you know it's how women have been treated. Because to let yourself feel the emotion that women feel would be emasculating and lord know that you men can't have that, heaven forbid you have emotions. It would also force you to recognize that patriarchy is just as bad as matriarchy and you would fall from from your golden thrown and and land your ass on your pointy crown. What a sight that would be!
>>No one is ever the property of anyone else,
Does this mean you are going to work for the abolition of life-time alimony, where we have men well into their 70's forced to go to work every day to send money to a lazy woman?
Also, are you going to work for the abolition of blood money child support, where a man is disabled or unemployed, but the cash register keeps going Ka-Ching!
Gosh, why do I not think so. I congratulate you on your photographic memory, you have memorized the feminist catechism well.
>>men feel they can dispose of us at anytime, or trade up.
Um, reality check. Knock off the lies. Over 70% of all divorces are initated by women, not men. Better call home. Feminist studies found most divorce was not really needed, that the marriage had no real problems, Cupcake simply wanted another man in her bed. My daughter had it in her textbook for her degree in Sociology.
>>As a survior of sexual abuse by numorous males,
Maybe you better listen to Grandma and change your habits and places you go and people you associate with. Few women are sexually abused multiple times unless they hang out in the ghetto.
>>is probably why I have yet to be married at the age of 29.
On behalf of my fellow man, I would like to extend a collective thank you for that. There is not a man on this planet who would suit you. Likewise, do not imagine you could find a husband if you wished to marry. Vitriol is not sexy.
>>Men are unable to get past the sex, because that's all they are programed to want.
True, the sort of men you prefer to associate with are that way. I once asked a wise friend why so many man-haters did not know most men are good men, and are where they are supposed to be doing what they are supposed to be doing. He said they can't know that. Decent men will have nothing to do with them.
Let me add that women who have nothing to offer but hatred, anger, and sex will find men only want sex from them. Few men really want the anger and hatred.
>>And you males wonder why women have abandoned marriage and other conventional "wisdoms".
You happen to be correct there. GROOM magazine is for sale in all the stores, and men look furtively around, and if they think no one is looking, they shove a copy on the belt. The number one complaint of men in their thirties is that women refuse to make a commitment.
Oh, wait a minute!
I would recommend a good mental health clinic, but those people are in worse condition than you are.
>>I'm so sick of men complaining, now you finally know what it is like to be a woman and you hate it.
I think you just admitted that you know men are being mistreated, and their rights violated. If a man-hater talks long enough, she will eventually spew out the truth.
Do you perhaps mean throne?
Anonymous age 66
LOL - Good response, Anon66.
Anonymous said... "Maybe you better listen to Grandma and change your habits and places you go and people you associate with. Few women are sexually abused multiple times unless they hang out in the ghetto."
Actually I was abused as a child, not much I could have done about this. Would you say that to a male survivor of sexual abuse?
"On behalf of my fellow man, I would like to extend a collective thank you for that. There is not a man on this planet who would suit you. Likewise, do not imagine you could find a husband if you wished to marry. Vitriol is not sexy."
You don't know me well enough to say that....but of course you do because I've struck a nerve.
"I think you just admitted that you know men are being mistreated, and their rights violated. If a man-hater talks long enough, she will eventually spew out the truth."
I agree that men are being mistreated, I'm not quit sure where you saw that I posted otherwise. Maybe you should get your eyes checked.
"Do you perhaps mean throne?"
Yes I did mean throne, however I type fast......so what?
Hawaiian Libertarian "LOL - Good response"
Yeah he needs a pat on the back...and a shot to the head.
Anon66 said "True, the sort of men you prefer to associate with are that way. I once asked a wise friend why so many man-haters did not know most men are good men, and are where they are supposed to be doing what they are supposed to be doing. He said they can't know that. Decent men will have nothing to do with them."
You know this is bullshit as well as I do. I've seen some decent guys with some shitty girls, and they love it. Keep feeding yourself that crap to make yourself feel better.
>> and a shot to the head.
Alvin Toffler wrote a book some years ago called FUTURE SHOCK. This described the inability of human beings to cope with changes that come too fast.
The women of the Anglosphere today are suffering from future shock. After 40 years of pretty well having their own way, they really don't know how to deal with men today.
So, they resort to the traditional fembot insults, threats, and shaming language which worked so well in the past. We no longer care what you say. You and your man-hating minds are of no import to any decent man.
I note with interest that none of you really addressed the issues I mentioned, just more ad hominem attacks. Let me give that a triple-yawn.
I have been writing about the evil feminist hordes such as yourself for around 30 years. In the past, other men cussed me out for my views. Now, increasingly, my views are applauded by other men who have tired of your insane views.
So, you hate our guts? So, what else is new? After forty years of being told that by you fiends, we simply don't care what you think of us.
I do appreciate your help here. Not all men agree with what I write, until you come on these blogs and boards and do an excellent imitation of the Wicked Witch Of The West.
As far as having been abused, the first writer above, it's not my problem. I have no more interest in your childhood problems than you care what about anything that has happened to me. Get used to it. None of us did it, so we simply don't care.
I am guessing, based on the abuse statistics, you were raised by your slut mommy, and your biological father was no where around, right? So, if you really care about little girls getting abused, stop attacking men who didn't abuse you and start attacking the women who made it possible for so many worthless women to have children without the biological father around to protect his daughters.
That threat of lethal violence was a real winner; please keep it up. Nothing I write about you could possibly be as effective at that was.
Anonymous age 66
I happen to love it when sick, damaged women post what they really think of men in places where men can read it.
The internet, all by it's little lonesome, has shown us the truth of what the women of the anglosphere are really like. It's a big warning sign, turning us away.
It has freed us.
Thank you, ladies. You made my day.
I agree with Danimal.
Feminism has one positive side that offsets all the negative: feminism has exposed the true nature of women in the West. This is very precious information we would have never acquired hadn't it been for the fembots.
Now, we know exactly whom not to marry.
In a real sense, feminism has indeed liberated all men, or at least, those who open their eyes ever so slightly.
There can be no future with Western women. The very best thing to do with them is to leave them on their own: there are so many good women elsewhere.
I have a Sister who is married with two beautiful daughters. Who has modelled since she was a teenager. She has however became a raging Feminist. Who refers to Men as violent Sexual Animals. Funny thing she lives in the SF Bay Area and lives in an affluent part of the Bay Area at that.
I note with interest that US Feminists have said nothing about the Honor Killings of two Teenage Girls in Dallas. And also nothing about the Woman stoned to death in Somalia for Adultery.
It seems real oppression is of no interest to the Attention Whores of the Feminist movement in the US. Who revert to the Leftist principle of Make the Political Personal.
In truth Men have lost interest in US Women. And are withdrawing from Church, Education, Voting, Marriage, and even Sex in record numbers. And have opted to seek out saner, more realistic more reasonable Foreign Women.
Wallow in your hatred. The harvest of hatred Sown by Feminists is coming home to roost. We are indifferent to you and your lies. Rant on it will get you nowhere.
People most certainly ARE the property of other people.
What about your child? Does your son or daughter "belong" to you? If not, then what right do you have to raise the child as you see fit? In fact, if people can't "belong" to someone, and therefore your own child does not "belong" to you, then I also assume that you will agree that I would have every right to march up to your non-belonging child and give him/her the proper scolding he deserves for being the brat from a broken home that keeps stealing my damn hubcaps. And what the hell right would you have to say about it, after all, if the child does not belong to anyone, I have just as much right to behave towards the child as you, the non-belonging parent does.
If your husband does not "belong" to you, then what the hell right do you expect you have to inherit his estate tax free, regardless of a will? No, you get your spouse's estate because your spouse "belongs" to you.
When you are lying in the hospital in a coma with a tube shoved up your nose, I wonder if you would prefer the decisions to end your life to be made by someone other than the people/family you "belong" to? Why do you think that a wife has the power to "pull the plug" on her husband in such a situation? It is because a spouse has certain presumption of rights over the other person, and that because of love and mutual best interests, each party will serve the best interests of the other.
It can go on and on.
People definitely do "belong" to eachother.
In fact, much of depression is caused by the feelings of "not belonging."
People have always wanted to "belong." They have in the past, they still do today, and I'll bet you dollars to donuts that they will want to find a person/group of people to "belong" to in the future.
Women's tune about this would change damn fast if they were actually taken at their illogical word on these subjects.
Yeah he needs a pat on the back...and a shot to the head.
Ladies and Feminists,
When you post or write comments like that on the Internet, or you post a blog entry that you think is anonymous, or it's hidden behind your members only blog or forum firewall, men find out.
Men find out, and then they pass that information around. We save it to websites. We post it to forums. We tell our friends. We hand it out to other men who do not believe that the women in the Anglosphere, in the English-speaking industrialized west, and some non English-speaking parts as well, could possibly be like that.
We save it for posterity and then we show it to others who are shocked to discover what you really think of men.
Please, continue the refreshing honesty. It will be our pleasure to document it in great detail!
-Lee Raconteur
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