There is reportedly no pre-nuptial agreement, and Madonna is certainly the far richer partner in their marriage...to the tune of 300 million pounds.
I believe they are both British citizens (Maddonna has a dual citizenship, if I recall correctly)...and they were both married in the U.K., so we now will see just how gender biased the U.K. divorce courts really are.
It will be highly interesting to see the alimony and child custody rulings...especially if you compare how this one turns out versus how the last U.K. high profile, rich pop-music star divorce of Paul McCartney and Heather Mills turned out.
As for this picture of Madonna as a hitchhiking exhibitionist...it's merely a bit of tasteless reminiscing on my part, as I remember seeing this photo of her when I was a teenager, when she was in her physical prime. All my guy friends and I thought she was one of the hottest stars at that time.
Compare and contrast to her recent photos in which she looks like an emaciated zombie assembled by the finest plastic surgeons money can buy....I think it serves as the perfect example of how aging females in this age of Matriarchal narcissism believe that they can always maintain their sexual appeal indefinitely if they have the money to pay for plastic surgery.
Guy Ritchie is definitely cashing out according to the custom and traditions of modern day British divorce culture at the right time. In 5 more years, she is going to be looking pretty hideous. Being in great physical shape and having the best surgeons money can buy still cannot hide the fact that female beauty is intrinsically tied to fertility...and at 50, her days as a sex idol are over.
However, I hope Madonna actually wins her divorce case and gets sole custody of the kids, and forces Guy Ritchie to pay her alimony.
Than this high profile divorce will demonstrate just how gender biased the whole divorce industry really is.
Having Guy "win" in the same fashion as Heather Mills will only lend an aura of credibility to the current injustices of the present day system.
Than this high profile divorce will demonstrate just how gender biased the whole divorce industry really is.
Having Guy "win" in the same fashion as Heather Mills will only lend an aura of credibility to the current injustices of the present day system.
AGREED... and you can count on that happening. I don't think the feminists are SMART ENOUGH or think long-range enough to allow Guy Ritchie to emerge the victor in the divorce proceedings.
Hmmm. Actually, I think that chances are good that Ritchie will win a nicely-sized settlement. Not saying it's fair or right, just saying that he has good standing to 'do well'.
As for him getting the kids, boy I dunno. Can he make a better claim for primary caregiver?
Her calling Ritchie an 'emotional retard' on stage was really mature. I wonder what her children think about that?
And that pic of Madonna from like 20 years ago is pretty hot. She's hideous now. I cringe when I see a 50 year old woman act the skank.
Her calling Ritchie an 'emotional retard' on stage was really mature.
Yeah, I just saw that on Drudge.
Emotional Retard = I'm bored with him, and so I will blame him for our marital dissolution because he cannot emote like all of my gay, dancer friends."
Wow, Madonna IS disgusting now! Hell, I remember when she was hot & desirable; she is no longer either of the above...
Madona's skin looks like plastic these days. Cheap plastic, sweating some kind of toxic oil.
The one thing that's nice about getting old is that you eventually see every pompus ass get their commupance. I remember when she came out in the 80's. She was an icon for all the "we don't need no married life" shoulderpad wearing, bad boy lovin', give me my career and show me the money feminists. Now look at her. She probably wouldn't even be the best looking woman at any given bar on any day of the week. Guy Ritche must be blind as a mole. Of course he didn't show the right kind of emotion, he was probably cursing that horse for not finishing the job.
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