JP Morgan: Robber Baron 2B2F |
From the SpearheadFiles
Originally Published on January 26, 2011
Many people simply write off “conspiracy theory” as nothing
more than fantastic SyFy channel fantasy, defined solely by stories of reptile
aliens and satanic Boehmian Grove carnival freakshows.
They couldn’t be more wrong.
A conspiracy is nothing more than a group of people conspiring to
carry out some action or actions to achieve certain goals, using their
resources to effect deception, dishonesty, and misdirection so as to
gain from the people's ignorance as they focus on all of the mass media
misinformation and disinformation promulgated as weapons of mass
For instance, when one encounters left-wing liberals who are staunch
anti-capitalist and anti-free market ideologues, they will sometimes
make reference to the need for more Government regulation of business
and the marketplace…otherwise you get the conditions for those dreadful
“Robber Barons” who exploited the masses back in the early 20th century
to amass fantastic wealth.
For example, note how this
self-identified lefty blogger
discusses “robber barons” and “unbridled capitalism.” He effectively
describes the system of corporatism…which is really nothing more
than a new name for fascism.
Real capitalism, by definition is “unbridled.” Pure capitalism is a free market.
The Robber Barons were not capitalists. They were Corporatists…aka
Fascists. They used their wealth to finance elections to gain influence
on the politicians to pass laws that would benefit their bottom lines by
eliminating their competition through regulations and enforcement,
thereby granting these Robber Baron’s corporations industry-wide
Conspired to take over the country and institute their vision of Government by the Corporations, for the Corporations…unbridled
corporatism, not capitalism.
Yet those same robber barons that the leftist will decry as the
primary example for why we need the Government to “regulate” the
…are the same who financed, supported and lobbied to create the
Federal Reserve in the first place…and who also now own significant
shares of the stocks of the Fed’s member banks.
From the
FDIC Learning Bank:
The term robber baron was revived in the 19th century in the U.S. as a pejorative term describing businessman who allegedly used unscrupulous tactics in their business operations and on the stock market to amass huge personal fortunes.Many of their massive businesses controlled a large majority of all activity in the respective industry, often arrived at through predatory pricing schemes that are now illegal.
Some of the most notable robber barons were J.P. Morgan (banking), John D. Rockefeller (oil), and Andrew Carnegie (steel).
Take special note of those three names.
Check out the
Congressional Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing Report of 1976.
Note that all three names figure prominently in the formation and ownership of the Federal Reserve member banks.
All three amassed vast fortunes and enormous political control. All
three had their wealth turned into multi-generational dynasties. All
three estates eventually formed Foundations to protect the family wealth
from the normal taxes We the Sheeple have to pay, as well as effecting
the means of influencing society for their long term benefit.
For instance, The Rockefeller Foundation funded Feminism…they
CONSPIRED to change the very fabric of society by attacking the
Patriarchal structure of the nuclear family.
Here’s an excerpt from
Aaron Russo’s last interview before his death in 2007 in which he recounts a
conversation he had with Nick Rockefeller:
Well one of the things he told me was that.. he was at the house one night and we started talking and he was laughing and he said, “Aaron what do you think Women’s Liberation was all about?”
And I had pretty conventional thinking about it at that point and I said, “I think it’s about women having the right to work to get equal pay with men just like they won the right to vote.”
He started to laugh and he said, “Your an idiot.”
And I said, “Why am I an idiot?”
And he said, “Let me tell you what that was about. We the Rockefellers funded that.”
“We funded Women’s Lib and we’re the ones who got it all over the newspapers and television (through) the Rockefeller Foundation…”
And he says, “You wanna know why?
There were two primary reasons.
And one reason was we couldn’t tax half the population before Women’s Lib and the second reason was now we get the kids in school at an early age.. we can indoctrinate kids on how to think and with it break up their family. The kids start looking at the state as the family.. As the schools as the officials as their family.. not the parents teaching them. And so those were the two primary reasons for Women’s Lib.”
Some people will ignore this quote and say that conspiracy theories
are nothing more than reptilian alien sex fiend delusions promoting
female supremacy.
These same folks will laugh and criticize the likes of one of the
internet’s most famous conspiracy theorist, Henry Makow, as a complete
moonbat who hurts the cause of Men’s Rights.
Yet Henry Makow repeatedly issues the most basic and simplest of
challenges for people who think he’s a loon to see how right or wrong he
Google “Rockefeller Foundation” and “Women’s Studies.”
The Rockefeller Foundation literally has bankrolled the primary
transmitter of Cultural Feminism for the last several decades in the US –
the Women’s Studies programs in colleges and Universities across the
All the aspiring journalists, film makers, screenwriters, and other
news media and entertainment industry focused students took these
women’s studies classes during their educational careers, and hit the
mass media production industry after graduation, fully indoctrinated in
the attitudes and ideas of the feminist zeitgeist. And it literally
embedded itself into the mass media propaganda we now call
“info-tainment” to make it a cultural influence that has perfectly
socially engineered our modern feminist society.
But remember…this is crazy conspiracy theory. It couldn’t possibly be
true…feminism was an organic, grass roots movement born of women who
were truly oppressed by Western Patriarchy!
The Carnegie Foundation has also been a big supporter of feminist scholarship.
But for this article, I’d like focus primarily on the third Robber Baron’s Estate listed: JP Morgan.
While Carnegie and Rockefeller’s wealth were used to create
Foundations to exert influence over society, JP Morgan became one of our
present day banks “too big to fail.”
But don’t be mistaken if you think that JP Morgan doesn’t have anything to do with feminism either.
In fact,
JP Morgan has ingeniously positioned itself to reap massive profits from one of the lynch pins of effecting Feminist policy in the U.S. – the Food Stamp programs now using debit cards instead of the Federally printed paper “stamps.”
As the
Economic Collapse Blog points out:
JP Morgan is the largest processor of food stamp benefits in the United States. JP Morgan has contracted to provide food stamp debit cards in 26 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. JP Morgan is paid for each case that it handles, so that means that the more Americans that go on food stamps, the more profits JP Morgan makes. Yes, you read that correctly. When the number of Americans on food stamps goes up, JP Morgan makes more money.
Food stamps (aka WIC and/or EBT and/or SNAP) is one of the key programs of the "social(ist) safety net" that enable women to create more
single-mother households. Women don’t need Men to be providers now…they
have JP Morgan to assist the Federal Government in taking money from
working taxpayers and feeding single mother households and their
illegitimate broods!
JP Morgan also administers child support debit cards in 15 States,
making it more efficient for child support agencies to take money from
Dads and deposit them via electronic funds transfers into these debit
card accounts so women will have a much easier time spending the support
payments with their JP Morgan child support debit cards.
Isn’t JP Morgan just great?!
I say it’s time to starve this beast.
If you have a JP Morgan bank account, close it. Take your business elsewhere.
If you have a JP Morgan credit card, pay it off or transfer your
balance to a smaller bank that isn’t a part owner of the Federal Reserve
banking system nor a profiteer off of the feminazi welfare state.
Reduce your tax obligations to the least amount possible. It’s our
tax dollars being used to pay the likes of JP Morgan to administer these
debit card programs.
Better yet, expatriate to some country where Rockefeller and Carnegie
sponsored social engineering – aka “feminism” – has yet to take a
demographically destructive hold on the populace (if such places even
exist anymore).
All things considered, I realize that realistically, such actions
taken by the amount of readers who would take this seriously still
wouldn’t even come close to being able to starve this beast. It’s grown
to large, too menacing and too rapacious.
But at least you won’t be supporting it’s continued devouring of
Western Civilization. After all, even if you can’t effectively starve
the beast, that doesn’t mean you should help to feed it either.
Notable Commentary from the Original Post
Joe Zamboni January 26, 2011 at 10:29
Much more could be said about the intentions behind Feminism, for example its intention to impose a new level of fascist governmental control. But the notion of “starving the beast” is a worthy topic for this comment thread. Yes, great, don’t earn any more taxable money than you absolutely need, so you won’t contribute to the draconian Feminist system under which we live. But there are many other ways to starve the beast. Engage in barter and mutual-support arrangements with neighbors. Don’t get married. Don’t buy Valentine Day’s gifts. Don’t engage in the wine-and-dine dating process. Home school your kids if you have them. Better yet, don’t have kids and make sure you don’t by getting a vasectomy. In what other ways are people starving the beast?
Elusive Wapiti January 26, 2011 at 10:35
One doesn’t need to have a buncha guys and gals in smoke-filled rooms to be a conspiracy.
One need only to look at the etymology of the word to see that “conspiracy” can have a very wide application:
“con”, meaning “with” or “together”, and
“spire” meaning “breathe”.
Thus a “conspiracy” is merely a collection of people who think alike and act in a congruent way…they “breathe together” in unison.
We are truly surrounded by conspiracies.
AntZ January 26, 2011 at 10:53
The author thinks that big business funded the birth of feminism in order to weaken collective bargaining and increase profits.
Maybe, maybe not. Who cares? That was long ago. Today, the feminist crusade for privilege, pampering, and entitlement is killing the economy, and corporate profits along with it. I guess you could say “what goes around, comes around.”
Keoni Galt January 26, 2011 at 11:01
"The author thinks that big business funded the birth of feminism in order to weaken collective bargaining and increase profits."
No, the author thinks that Big Business became BIG because they were able to buy influence and power to gain control of the government to pass laws and promote ideas to shape society via educational institutions and mass media.
Feminism is one of those things they deliberately promulgated, for a variety of reasons.
Today, the feminist crusade for privilege, pampering, and entitlement is killing the economy, and corporate profits along with it.
Except for the Corporations of the likes of JP Morgan. As the economy continues to tank, more people become dependent on foodstamps. The more people on the foodstamp debit card program, the more JP Morgan profits.
You think JP Morgan and all the other corporations “too big to fail” are hurting with the rest of us? Hardly…they’re profiting mightily off of our misery!
Keyster January 26, 2011 at 11:11
One could argue George Soros is the modern day version of those guys, with his manipulation of currency markets and financial influence in the liberal media. He’s at the top of the NWO hierarchy.
The beast IS starving right now. The “American Dream” is over and people sense it. We’re getting make to basics. Gone are the days of McMansions, SUV’s and massive consumerism. The well has run dry. States will default to get out of public worker pension debt. The federal government will need to slow printing money. Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid will HAVE to be cut, along with defense. The big three are 80% of the budget. We lack the political will to make the hard choices now, so the pain will only be greater later.
Without the current level of government entitlements women as a group will be facing some harsh realities about life. They may even take to liking men again.
Lovekraft January 26, 2011 at 11:24
@ Keoni:
take opposition to your message as proof you are on the right track. And IMO, internet debate has evolved beyond troll-sniping where any flaming gets quickly ignored/down-voted. Call it the awakening of materialistic delusion as Western status erodes and resources dwindle. The more the opposition, the closer to the awakening.
As for this article, I think there may be some deeper, darker forces involved than just a few greedy families – witchcraft, ancient Arabic bloodfeuds etc. Anyone who tries to ‘connect these dots’ requires incredible focus and stamina. Thankfully, you have maintained focus in exposing the Rock/Carn/Morg trifecta.
Alan B January 26, 2011 at 11:28
Maybe, maybe not. Who cares? That was long ago. Today, the feminist crusade for privilege, pampering, and entitlement is killing the economy, and corporate profits along with it.
its killing the economy for the Regular Joe/Jane, but dont get it twisted.. corporate profits are only going HIGHER. 16% real unemployment but magically the market is back up to 12,000 and revving up..
its the people that cant afford a ticket to the “big show” that are getting shafted. both Men AND Women.
this is about 3 things, money power control. The people at the top have it, they want to keep it (forever), and they will destroy those below them to do that. As long as they maintain that buffer that separates them from the rioting masses beneath them, they are safe.
How do they maintain that safety net? DIVISION.
repubs vs dems vs conserve vs neocon
men vs women vs homos vs retards vs kids
jew vs muslim vs christian vs terrorist
jets vs steelers vs packers vs michael vick
color vs color vs label label label
you get it. slap a label on someone and someone ELSE will attack.. if they don’t, make that “labeled” person PRIVILEGED with laws and PROTECTION from the non-labeled and guess what… CONFLICT.
As long as everyone’s attention is focused on the fight in the ring, no one sees the vault getting robbed.
the ones robbing the vault …. conspirators
the ones robbing the vault control the media… therefore we can only theorize what happened since they control the flow of (dis)information
Conspiracy Theory
Robert January 26, 2011 at 11:39
Feminism = the mother of many criminal conspiracies.