Four years and three months ago, regular Roissy in D.C. comment contributor going by the handle of Welmer, started The Spearhead. Many of us regular Roissy in D.C. commenter's and bloggers answered Welmer's initial call for contributors and helped him to establish The Spearhead as one of the central hubs of what was at that time, the early stages of the emergence of what we now know of today as the "manosphere" or "androsphere."
Since that time, Welmer decided to emerge from anonymity and start writing, editing and publishing all of The Spearhead's content under his real name, William Price. Many of us regular contributors and commenter's at The Spearhead, just call him Bill.
Since it's founding, Bill has written approximately 1340+ blog posts at The Spearhead, generating almost 4+ years of near daily content, and many of those posts dealt extensively about the many personal details and circumstances of his life that motivated and inspired him to start and maintain The Spearhead.
The man is tireless and dedicated, and he's certainly played a huge part in raising awareness and helping others avoid or deal with the corrupted family court system that has subverted Fatherhood and the Patriarchal structure of our declining civilization.
He's never gone more than a few days at a time without at least posting a quick update or comment as to why he may be taking short breaks from writing and publishing content. But now it's been 23 days and counting since he's posted or commented at The Spearhead or anywhere else for that matter.
He did give an update on December 5th, that may possibly explain what has happened to him:
Hi folks, I’ve been forced to take something of an extended delay past the holiday due to circumstance. Unfortunately, problems from divorce do not just go away after it’s over, and mine have once again caught up to me. In short, I’m in trouble with DCS (child support), and this time it’s pretty serious. This is because I was unemployed and had my income imputed on divorce (this means that they force you to pay at a previous income whether you have it or not), which led to accumulation of arrears. If you haven’t read it before, here’s the background on the situation. I was working it down for a couple years, but things have dried up lately, and I have to deal with it immediately if I want to see my kids for the holidays and stay out of the King County hotel.
Hopefully, I can come up with enough to do that and will be back to focusing on writing again soon. All in all, it’s just another day in the life of millions of non-custodial fathers, so it isn’t the end of the world. But it still sucks.
Looks like Bill got an indefinite check-in to the King County Hotel for arrears due to imputed income requirements and unemployment. I have no way of verifying this, but this long of a break of any activity at The Spearhead by Bill is highly unusual.
I can only deduce that unfortunately it appears the Title IV-D Family Destroyer Borg has gotten a hold of him and giving him some more of the truth, justice and the 'murican way that all men who are Fathers are entitled to, here in the land of the fee and home of the slaves.
But in the eyes of mainstream society, this is just due justice being meted out to a known criminal, guilty of the crime of being a DEADBEAT DAD.
It’s fairly taboo for guys to open up about how they end up in child support arrears, because so many of us still harbor old-fashioned ideas about our duty to provide for our family, whether it’s possible or not. In fact, it’s a huge source of shame for a lot of men, and there isn’t much in the way of pity out there, so the stories aren’t often told.
Well, I figure I ought to break the ice in this regard, as I am currently in arrears, and let people – young men in particular – know how it can happen.
Young men contemplating marriage in today's Brave New World Order, pay attention.
As is often the case, separation and divorce were a shock to me. I saw it coming out of the corner of my eye, and was resigned to it in a way, but like the typical man I was in deep denial and avoidance. When my ex finally ran off to begin her affair with the then-married man she now lives with in British Columbia together with my children, I was pretty much left prostrate. It turns out the event had been planned, and her mother was involved. Unfortunately, I had fostered a friendship between my boss and my ex-wife’s family after obtaining a job for my ex’s sister, and my ex mother in law used this relationship to my ex’s advantage, essentially cutting me off from employment at exactly the point my ex left me. She would later tell my own mother that she felt justified in this tactic, because “it was war.” Of course, for me it was more like Pearl Harbor, where you don’t know it’s war until the bombs are falling right on top of you, but people have all sorts of justifications for whatever they do.Note the beginnings of this entire debacle of gross injustice at the hands of the law. His wife took his kids and left the country to start an affair with another married man. Remember folks...
No Fault Divorce = His-Fault Divorce.
This was the beginnings of the chain events that have now most likely ended up with Bill being incarcerated in the King County lock up.
The rest of Bill's sad recounting of the events of his Divorce are the increasingly common experiences we in the MAndrosphere are all familiar with... Father's whose wives decide to blow up their families for cash and prizes because they are unhaaaapppppyy. False police reports of child abuse. Loss of visitation with his children during proceedings, and loss of his job during our current Great Depression 2.0 economy. Faced with the prospects of losing everything in the final adjudication of the Divorce, Bill eventually decided to accept a deal from his Ex-Wife's
I was shattered, broken, beaten down. An attorney friend suggested I go to trial pro se, since I couldn’t get a worse deal either way, and he was probably right, but I simply couldn’t handle it — I was spent. About this time my ex’s attorney approached me with what looked like a reasonable parenting plan with decent time with the kids and a minimal amount of conditions. I would have to attend a ten-hour parenting class (so would my ex) and sixteen hours of anger management, and there would be no supervised visitation following the parenting class. There was only one catch — I would be imputed with income I didn’t have and pay more child support than I could afford. Thinking of the alternative, which could mean six months of an expensive domestic violence program that would mark me as admitting guilt for something I never did and possibly compromise my parenting time permanently, I signed.
Presented such a choice, Bill did the only thing he could do to try and maintain some sort of normal contact with his children and make the best of his situation. He seemed to have lasted quite awhile in scraping enough money to meet his court ordered payment schedule, but eventually the imputed income requirements put him into arrears and making him classified now as a "Deadbeat Dad."
You know what....I actually have a picture of Bill committing the horrible crime for what he is most likely sitting in jail for at this very moment. Yep...a picture of him caught in the act, committing a most heinous crime against society:
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Oh the horror.
Good thing we have a justice system that brings such deviant violators of the law to swift and merciful justice!
Deadbeats everywhere, look out!
You've been identified, and classified and you WILL be brought to justice.
By virtue of marrying and having children in today's Brave New World Order, you are now officially eligible to join the ranks of all the other peons called "deadbeat dads." All that needs happen is your wife to deem you no longer fit to share her domestic living space, and you too will become just another American peon.
What's a peon, you ask? Go to wiki and look up the term "peonage."
Modern day child support laws and the entire Family Court System, is nothing more than 21st century peonage.
Our current child support system in the USSA Inc., is a travesty of justice and a clear abrogation of the 13th amendment of the Constitutions abolition of involuntary servitude.
But remember, only Men are eligible to become Imputed Income Peons. As commenter Pugs Fugly noted:
And yet….my ex-wife hasn’t paid a dime in over a year, I’m talking 11K in arrears, and the state does nothing.
They talk a great deal; the people I have to deal with have explained that revoking her license or issuing a warrant for her arrest are only considered as a “last resort” but they won’t explain or even hint when we’ll finally get to that point.
To which Bill responded in one of his last comments made at The Spearhead:
That’s typical according to attorneys I’ve spoken with. 20k in arrears, refuses to pay a dime, and not even a judge will do a thing about it. Took me only two months before the threats started rolling in, and that was at the very beginning!
Well, 11 more years of this to go…
Bill, our prayers our with you. May you emerge from your State ordered trials and tribulations stronger than before.

UPDATE: Well, it appears Bill was just taking some time offline to deal with a hectic holiday schedule and family matters, and not in jail for child support arrears. That's certainly good news.
Glad to have him back in business over at the Spearhead.