
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Conspiritard Review

When I was a youth, I was a voracious reader of fiction. I devoured thousands of books over many hours of reading.When I got older and started logging on to teh Interwebz to find new reading material, I turned from my passion for fiction and began to spend a similar amount of time reading non-fiction on a wide variety of topics. History, food and nutrition, biographies, sociology, economics and current events.

Then I discovered the "blogosphere" and began my own blog after immersing myself in the forerunner of what we now know of today as the MAndrosphere. In the past six or seven years, I've probably read several hundred books regarding various aspects of what is commonly considered the "conspiracy theory" genre.

I guess you could say, I re-discovered my passion for reading "fiction" again.

In any event, long time readers of this blog are certainly familiar with all of the tinfoil hat-themed posts i've made here, inspired by all of this reading of both fiction and non-fiction (although it's become rather difficult in deciding which is which...). Thanks to my dedication for reading and writing on this topic, I even garnered an awesome and unique designation from a long time reader: I am a conspiritard! (Love ya, dana!)

As I've pointed out before, I do believe that  within the "conspiracy theory" genre of books and in the fever swamps found on teh Interwebz, there exists a lot of misinformed disinformation. Partial truths, half-truths, false flag blogs and cognitive infiltrators and paid shills who flood the comment sections and forums with outright lies and deceptions....all designed to sow confusion, and bury actual facts beneath an avalanche of mis- and dis- information, all designed to hide the truth in plain site and promote the narrative that bolsters the status quo of the ESTABLISHMENT of our Brave New World Order.

After many hours of reading a multitude of sources regarding many of the more popular conspiracy theories, I've decided to offer a guidepost of sorts for the newbies who first encounter the more strange fringes of teh Interwebz.

The following are my own quick takes and perspectives on the most popular "conspiracy theories" found online. I will rate each "theory" with a simplified, three-tiered ranking system to indicate my own perspective and beliefs as to the veracity of any said theory. The rankings will consist of a numeral rating based on one of the oldest conspiracy theories of all time...

"Woe to you, oh Earth and Sea, for the devil sends the beast with wrath, for he knows the time is short...." - Revelations 13:18

Reckon this...

The Conspiritard Veracity Ratings are as follows:

6 - I remain almost completely unconvinced on the veracity of this theory, there is always a possibility that it may turn out to be true, but I doubt it. Very high probability the theory is mis/dis-info psy-ops. Still an interesting topic to contemplate, if for nothing more than the lulz.

66 - I'm fairly sure most aspects of this theory are pretty accurate and fairly close to the truth of the matter, but there still exists some doubt because many aspects of the theory are unverifiable....or may be mostly true with just enough dis/mis-info inserted to discredit the entire theory. Never forget that the most effective lies are mostly based on truth.

666 - Anything I give the three - 6s rating too, is what I consider to be conspiracy FACT, not conspiracy theory.

All ratings notwithstanding, the contents of this review are simply for entertainment purposes. Anything you decide to do in reaction to any of this info is at your sole discretion, and all consequences forthcoming are your own personal responsibility. The only recommendation I have in reaction to any or all of these theories under review, is that you ensure that your tinfoil headgear fits snugly and comfortably without restricting any unnecessary blood flow, before you commence whatever it is you think you need to do.

And now, on with the review.

Theory: "There is a "New World Order" agenda being implemented by a shadow, elite government - aka 'The Powers That Be,' 'The 1%' to bring the entire planet under one World Government."


This is the grand conspiracy of them all. All other conspiracy theories fall under the umbrella of the NWO conspiracy theory. Those of us who have studied the topic in depth have no doubts whatsoever about the veracity of this one. The real question is how do all of the other conspiracy theory's tie into how the elite, TPTB, the 1%, use either the truth or the mis/dis-info psy-ops to achieve their over-arching goals of establishing the NWO. Rather then attempt to provide corroborating links, I'll just suggest you check with Googliath with the search terms "The Georgia Guidestones." THEY, etched their agenda for our Brave New World Order in stone and erected it in the middle of an open field in USA Inc., for all of humanity to see. Let's just keep this one simple and take them at their word.

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 666

Theory: "Feminism was deliberately pushed via Non-Profit Foundations and Corporations to get women into the workforce and institute population control."

Got RFID Chips?

The first place I encountered "conspiracy theory" on teh Interewebz was some long ago MRA/MGTOW linkage that concerned the idea that feminism was not something that "just happened" in the 1960's, but rather promoted by an "elite" shadow government with a "New World Order" agenda. The first place I ever put on the tinfoil hat, was Henry Makow's site, now  It has now been eight years since he first issued it, but his challenge to anyone who doubted the "conspiracy theory" of feminism he issued in his 2007 article, How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women still reveals the veracity of his assesment today:
"Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations."
Also see the infamous Aaron Russo documentary on YouTube, America: Freedom to Fascism.

Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations. - See more at:
Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations. - See more at:
Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations. - See more at:
Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations. - See more at:
Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations. - See more at:
Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations. - See more at:
Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 666

"'Project Blue Beam' is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming."


I don't buy this one at all. Every aspect of our Brave New World Order's mass media controlled culture is focused on fostering atheism, agnosticism, paganism, "new age" spirituality and anti-Christianity in any and every form. If THEY are counting on projecting an image of Jesus into the sky to get we the sheeple to submit to their dictatorial rule, shouldn't they have been promoting Christianity and the second coming in every possible channel that they have influence and control?

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 6

"High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an actual USA Inc., Military project that has been blamed for triggering "natural" catastrophes such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes in China, Malaysia, Iran, Pakistan, Haiti, Turkey, Greece and the Philippines, major power outages, the downing of TWA Flight 800, Gulf War syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome."

I don't really know if I buy the idea that HAARP can actually control the weather or cause environmental catastrophes....but due to the track record of secrecy, dishonesty and duplicity of other top secret USA Inc. military programs, I'll give this one two sixes instead of the single one I initially planned to tender here. It's not that far out of an idea compared to many other theories found in the fever swamps of teh Interwebz...

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 66

"Much of the "Global Warming" issue is nothing more than a cover story for the world's governments who have been steadily preparing for an impeding natural catastrophe when the magnetic poles of the Earth flip, resulting in world wide cataclysms of earthquakes, volcanoes and super-storms that precede an impending ice age that will wipe out the majority of the world's population."

When the SHTF, it's TEOTWAWKI

Everything you need to know about this one has been covered extensively by my all time favorite doomsday prepper, Tex Arcane. That being said, I give this one three sixes simply for the fact of the matter that global cataclysms are historical fact, and the cycle of ice ages is verifiable. It's not a matter of if, but when. It may not happen in our lifetimes, but as I always say, it's better to be prepared for the worst while hoping for the best.

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 666

"TPTB, aka  the 1%, aka the elite, aka the Shadow Government, aka The Illuminati, is made up of shape-shifting reptile aliens from Nibiru - Planet X, that disguise themselves as humans to rule over the planet."

The other Lizard Queen

This theory was made famous by the infamous David Icke. At first glance, this makes him appear batshit insane. Trouble is, before I ever encountered Icke's "Reptilian" conspiracy, I did watch a few YouTube videos of his and read a few articles in which he addressed a number of conspiracy theory topics like the modern banking system,  that seemed perfectly rationale and made sense. Then I read his theories on "Reptilie Aliens" and "Illuminati bloodlines." I am of the opinion that David Icke is most likely a psy-op agent or "controlled opposition," who's modus operandi is to basically speak the truth with just enough  dis-info so that the truth he does accurately discuss is ALL branded, marginalized and dismissed as fantastic lunacy.

But then again, I can't say I wouldn't be totally shocked if we were to one day see one of our so-called leaders like our Fake President or as Vox Day nicknamed her years ago "The Lizard Queen," should one day shed their human mask on the Tell-A-Vision and announce that the Annunaki-Nephilim have taken over the Earth and all us humans are to report to the nearest FEMA camps for the Reptilians to commence an all they can eat sheeple buffet...

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 6

"The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has set up concentration camps in all 50 States of the USA to prepare for the breakdown of civil society and the declaration of Martial Law."

Is it camping season yet?

In researching this topic, I've found many conflicting theories as to why FEMA has set up these camps throughout the country....but I have encountered a number of sources that have verified it for me personally, that in fact these facilities have been constructed all throughout the US...but for what ultimate purpose they are designed for truly remains to be seen.

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 66

"The entire beauty, health and skin care industry is nothing more than an adjunct of the cancer industrial complex, in which THEY seek to poison as many women with as many chemical substances as possible."

It takes a lot to look like this!

I've blogged extensively these past 7+ years here about Big Ag's industrialized FEED industry and their connection to Big Pharma, as well as other Big Chemical industry markets like, vaccines, GMO's and fluoride, so I won't be including them in the conspiritard review...but one thing I never did get around to addressing was all of the toxic substances found in all of the health and beauty products used by nearly all women, metrosexuals and other fashion-conscious sheeple in today's Brave New World Order. Needless to say, the above graphic says it all.

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 666

Theory: "The terrorist attacks on 9-11-01 were carried out under the orders of Al Qaeda's head honcho, Osama Bin Laden, who was living in a cave in Afghanistan. His loyal jihadi operatives, trained at US flight training schools, and armed with nothing more than box cutters, hijacked four US Jetliners and crashed them into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, because they hate us for our freedoms. And, oh yeah, Islam is a religion of peace."

Osama Bean Laden

Oops, this is not a conspiracy theory, it's the official narrative of what happened on that day. Sorry, I guess I forgot....

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 6

"Chemtrails are long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for sinister purposes undisclosed to the general public."

"Oh beautiful, for gracious skies..."

Although familiar with the topic, I never thought too much about this particular conspiracy theory, until I visited the West Coast USA Inc., last summer, where I watched planes flying at a high altitude create a grid work of patterns across the sky, from horizon to horizon over the city I was visiting. These trails took many hours to dissipate into a gray, overcast sky. As I watched it, I thought to myself, "Damn, Infowars and all those other sites were right! Those are NOT contrails." Living in Hawaii  where I see commercial and military jets take off, land and fly over my islands every single day, I have never seen "contrails" that take hours to dissipate into a gray, hazy, overcast sky like I saw that day.

I only give this theory two sixes, simply because while I believe my own lying eyes - they are spraying SOMETHING up there, and it 'aint regular contrails...for what purposes, it still is hard to ascertain. Conflicting theories cite anything from deliberate poisoning of the masses to trying to geo-engineer the climate and fight "global warming." In any case, THEY are spraying something way up there...

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 66

  "Everything broadcast on the Tell-A-Vision is nothing but a weapon of mass distraction, designed to keep we the sheeple distracted and influenced to be mindless, passive, unhealthy and dumbed-down consumers."

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

 If you're a regular reader of this blog, you already know what rating this one's gonna get.

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 666

"It's not Reptile Aliens, it's THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSS!"

Last known picture of Joel Stein...

There are many, many volumes of books and articles that discuss this most verboten of all topics of on teh Interwebz. In multiple countries throughout the world, there is no free speech regarding various aspects of this topic, with a number of people having been thrown in jail for doing so. For the full details on this particular theory, have a looksee at Encylopedia Dramatica's take that is a somewhat over-the-top (dramatic!) treatment on the topic of "The Juice."

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 

Theory: "That Hawaiian Libertarian blogger is a misogynistic, whack-job conspiracy theorist who obsesses over food magic. Nothing he blogs about should be taken seriously, only visit his blog if you want to get a good drive-by laugh at the ravings of a conspiritard lunatic!"

Who is Keoni Galt? long last, we come to the end of the review. We tackle the ultimate conspiracy without the theory. The final expose of the man who would be the standard-bearer for resisting the Brave New World Order's zeitgeist of loose change and illuminated shrieking.  Pay no mind to the man behind the curtain...he's going his own way. You should too.

Conspiritard Veracity Rating: 777


  1. hahaha, best post ever. you really should be a paid author.

  2. Thanks Justin...always good to see you around the fever swamps!

  3. The Nolte in a Hawaiian shirt hit my funny bone at just the right angle. Thanks for that.

  4. Thanks Elspeth, it's good to also see you still lurking around the fever swamps as well!

    @ Johnny - yeah, I got that pic from a Google Image search for the term "Crazy Hawaiian." As soon as I saw it, I thought "perfect." It's not what I initially had in mind, but I lol'd when I saw it and knew it was the one.

  5. LOL Well done. No quibble with those ratings.

  6. The Rockefeller/feminism video with Russo is what started the RP journey for me as well. Before I had vague ideas that the world wasn't as it seemed. That video proved it. It made more sense than anything I ever saw or read in my life. Glad it had an effect on others, too.

  7. Keoni,
    You are guilty of not researching enough.
    All the theories about the Jews are designed to divert attention from the real actors: the Manichaean Illuminati. While some of these Illuminati are converts from Judaism like the Rothschilds, the religion of Illuminism is Manichaeism not Judaism.
    Please learn more and inform yourself. You can start with fully reading "Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism" by Augustin Barruel ( Barruel did a great scholarly research back then.
