
by 7Man
I have observed that a woman always takes the side of other women against a man unless she has a particular attraction or allegiance to that man. Women are very competitive and will fight another woman over a man if he is Her Man (or a potential Her Man), but will not engage in a fight with another woman on behalf of a man that she has no feelings for (not Her Man and no desire to make him Her Man).
In simple terms a woman is on two teams: Team Woman and Team Her Man.
Team Her Man is her primary allegiance and she will go against Team Woman if she has a Team Her Man.
But Team Her Man is a more fluid and ill-defined concept. It can be an unbelievably strong loyalty but can quickly slide into nothing if she loses respect for Her Man. Most women have no Team Her Man but desperately want to be on such a team.
Also other women will actively fight against a woman that puts Team Her Man first. Happiness is found on Team Her Man and so any woman that does not have a Team Her Man tries to recruit a woman back to Team Woman so that all the women team members can be miserable together.
The irony is that any woman that tries to sow discord in another Team Her Man does great damage to all other Team Her Mans and thus hurts herself too. There is just too much comfort in the shared misery on Team Woman and they can gripe about the happy women that are on a winning Team Her Man and against the imaginary Team Man. The members of this Team Woman don’t understand the concept of the greater good.
There is no Team Man, because men don’t give a shit about other men. The women on Team Woman think they are fighting against Team Man (aka Evil Patriarchy), but Team Man never showed up for the fight.
So in our modern world, Team Woman is predominant and is changing the rules to make it easier to win against an opponent that never showed up for the fight.
The concerns with "dropping insightful and thought provoking posts" involve adherence and vulnerability.
The diseased reason of the individuals and groups the relevant posts offend will instantly begin reinterpreting, rationalizing, and creating new defenses against whatever line of perception is being discussed. This will add another "layer" of mutation to the offended's position.
If such "insightful and thought provoking posts" do not illicit compliance and adherence from those who affect the path of "posterity" (in other words, if it is not incorporated into the education) all that is accomplished is making those concepts ever more elusive for said posterity.
On a completely different note, thank you Keoni for publishing the Team Woman essay. It is absolutely foundational reading. It's a shame infowarrior/standsagainsttheworld chose to distract readers from 7man's brilliant essay.
Oh lord, I should have known better.
Please people, I read the blogs and comments of mostly everyone involved in this latest what shall we call it, "kerfluffle" and I don't really want to continue round 3 over here.
I 'aint picking sides, and frankly, don't care who is right and who is wrong here. I'll still be reading SSM, and I'll still be reading anything that 7man and Lena decide to start blogging publicly again, and I'm staying out of the inter-blog conflicts.
IMO, we ALL have got way more significant things to waste mental energy on than "he said, she said" drama.
I just wanted to get this post that I really like, posted for future reference, as I thought it was a very insightful observations written in a poetic fashion.
Can we please try and stay on topic here?
May you all go your way in PEACE.
PS - in 7 years of this blog, I've YET to delete a single non-spam comment. Please don't make me start now...
You'd think men of the Manosphere would not embrace the feminine as equals and get all of the drama that necessarily comes with it, but then I believe in evolution psychology. Even if it is wrong, it is right as the most accurate approximation of the relevant truth, and I can't expect better than that as a mortal. Chicks be chicks. If this is the Manosphere, enjoy the decline of the backlash to the decline. What happens when tax money is intentionally used to sabotage our Sphere? I don't know that it has not happened in this case or otherwise, but what happens then?
Masculinity = independence; femininity = dependence. If women could not make babies, they would have been forced to evolve or die. They still might evolve into rational societal agents if we get our patriarchal shit together, guys.
Yes, the OP was excellent and is worth documenting. It captures something we red-pill men all knew but could not articulate so pithily.
The Part 2 of my comment showed as posted in my browser, but now it doesn't show. Has it been deleted, Keoni?
@ SSM - gotta log in to the google control panel and check if your part 2 got trapped by the spam filter for whatever reason.
Reality Doug - You'd think men of the Manosphere would not embrace the feminine as equals and get all of the drama that necessarily comes with it, but then I believe in evolution psychology. Even if it is wrong, it is right as the most accurate approximation of the relevant truth, and I can't expect better than that as a mortal.
We can agree on observations of reality and behavior, while still disagreeing to the theory attempting to explain the why of it.
Chicks be chicks.
If this is the Manosphere, enjoy the decline of the backlash to the decline. What happens when tax money is intentionally used to sabotage our Sphere? I don't know that it has not happened in this case or otherwise, but what happens then?
I think it already is...see my "Cognitive Infiltration" post on that.
Everyone's had there say. I'd prefer to not start the precedent of deleting emails or choosing sides here. Ya'all disagree, ya'all have your perspectives on who's right and who's wrong...I'm going to stay out of it from here on out. As we say in Hawaiian -
"Not my kuleana!"
Aside from that, this blog has never been primarily about having a discussion, though good commentary is appreciated and has influenced and/or made me change my mind on things in the past.
But I really wanted to get this post up, because I plan on linking back to it as a reference. I have done that to the original in the past both here and elsewhere, and was dissapointed when CL blog was taken down, breaking all those past links.
I wish only the best to all of you who are authentic, intellectually honest participants out in these fringes of teh webz... while I wish hellfire and brimstone for all the shills, fakes and trolls...you know who you are, and I THINK I know who some of you are... lozlzolzolzol
Peace out!
Am I allowed to defend myself or will I be accused of sowing discord?
Lena, I think I'm just going to delete everyone's comments pertaining to interpersonal conflict here.
This is "he said, she said" and I'm not a court of appeals trying to arbitrate or adjudicate anything here.
As I've said numerous times before, I'm a fan of all of you ladies blogging/writing...until you all get into your conflicts.
But I do thank you for respectfully asking before engaging further here.
Now let's all say buh-bye to everyone's comments involved in seeking to escalate/continue....I guess there's a first time for everything.
@SSM Y'all got me confused with Standing Against. ;)
I'm with Keoni on this one; I prefer to ignore drama, rather than toss fuel into the fire - the only exception is prominent voices who are actively subversive. Outside of that, I'll either brush over minor disagreements, or I'll keep the disagreements over ideas - not people.
Suspending judgment, in other words. Love your writing, SSM, and Lena's posted some good stuff.
Thanks Keoni; much better.
Well we have all put in our 2cents. But then again perhaps it is wise to not take sides when hens jockey for status.
Not being around any woman aside from my mother. Perhaps I was naive. Is there any better way for women to resolve their differences without the viciousness we see around us?
Masculine evil is rightfully suppressed with the law but what about feminine evil?
The original:
Wait... wha? The MRM doesn't get along? There's trouble with the estrogen division? People are actually arguing with each-other?
Say it isn't so, MRM!
This has never happened before!
Qu'est qui ce passe?
Lol! At least someone could have left a link, rather than forcing me to surf around to read through the never ending saga of: "As the Sands Sift Through the Government's Ass, so are The Ways of Our 'Movement.'"
MRM - Forming the the circular firing squad since the 190's....
lol, that should be 1990's. I'm going to bed.
. Is there any better way for women to resolve their differences without the viciousness we see around us?
Of course there is.
Elaborate please. Perhaps we can put and end to or at least minimize the problem. The problem is though that the passive-aggressive nature of those exchanges enable women to claim plausible deniability.
Come on you know that when roosters are around there is bound to be a dick-measuring contest.
The men's movement has been functioning as a circular firing squad since the 1960's, that I know of. And, I assume long before that, but I must limit my statements to personal knowledge.
My guess is people assume the 1990's since there is no press record before that. But it was the same since I started public activism in 1978.
Anonymous age 71
Hmmm, interesting. Just out of curiosity, since 1978, have you personally ever been involved in a circular firing squad, Anonymous Age 71? And if so, what was your motivation?
Edwin & Anon:
The MRM always seemed to me to be more like an Old West barfight where everybody bought each other drinks after all the tables and chairs were smashed.
Thanks for the link love, Keoni! :)
@ Eric,
True, the MRM has no rules, but I have no desire to give the Boomers the kudos of a free beer on my dime.
This is the most degenerate and fucked up generation that has existed since the whores of Babylon. They fucked everyone else over for their own self-gratification, and now, 45 years later, they are here pontificating upon everyone else's moral values for not agreeing to be a cuckolded slave such as they made their generation into.
They've got no right to talk to us about "the way the MRM used to be" when it was an abject fucking FAILURE, and now sit here in their old age, telling us how things should work.
If they actually had a fucking clue, we wouldn't be here!
If they actually seen a divergence from their FAILED approaches over the past 40 years, they might get EXCITED rather than trying to tell younger generations to learn "take a shower game."
The MRM may be a fuck-up, but it is 100 times more fucked up than it needs to be BECAUSE of Boomers, not because of their valuable input.
These fucking jokers have screwed the pooch on every fucking front for FORTY YEARS, and have the nerve to show up today telling everyone that we are morons for STILL not buying into their version of Utopia.
I've had it with the boomers and their "I am 35 year - or 40 or 50 or 100 year veteran of the MRM" - God knows, they claim credit for everything good and claim no responsibility for anything bad.
If I never hear the opinion of another boomer, it will be too fucking soon!
Time for them to sit at the back of the bus, where the most loserish generation of all actually belonged all the while.
Zenpriest #60 -- Why There Has Never Been a Coherent Men's Movement and Why There Never Will Be
As far as I know, the modern men's movement really didn't get started until the mid 1990s. It was mostly Gen-X'ers who got it going and though a few 'boomers' like Warren Farrell and Robert Bly set it off, they were in the minority.
Even men benefitted somewhat from sexual liberation, radical feminism and the breakdown of the patriarchy owes its very existence to the Boomer generation:
Elaborate please. Perhaps we can put and end to or at least minimize the problem. The problem is though that the passive-aggressive nature of those exchanges enable women to claim plausible deniability.
1. Refuse to engage in needless cat fights and arguments. Say what you mean, and then shut up. Trying to get everyone to agree with or like you is pointless.
2. Don't be a bitch, petty, posturing for position.
3. Get off the defensive.
4. Be married to a man who won't put up with his wife displaying behaviors 1,2 and 3.
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