Due to the time spent reading news, sports, blogs and forums, I don't generally watch too much YouTube. But I kept seeing this particular film embedded all over the place and so many people talking about it, I decided to see what the fuss was all about.
PROPAGANDA | Full English Version (2012)
This film was supposedly a documentary that had been smuggled out of North Korea and translated and narrated in English, as well as a whole host of other different languages. When I first saw the length of it, I thought there was no way I'd sit in front of my PC and watch it for that long.
But as I began viewing, I couldn't tear myself away until I watched it in it's entirety. It was like watching a documentary based on most of the topics I've spent years writing about here on this blog. If you haven't seen it yet, I would urge you to watch the whole thing. Of course there are a lot of pro-North Korean propaganda messages involved, praising "Dear Leader" and other such pablum, but the most compelling aspect of this film is it's outsider's view of corrupt, corporatist Western Culture.
Sure, we've all seen and read our own Western propaganda about how the North Koreans are horribly oppressed, starving from famine, and how most of the citizenry are struggling to survive in a hard-scrabble, impoverished subsistence-farming lifestyle, while it's leaders are living it up like Rockefellers in opulent wealth and luxury. And we are inundated with reports that they are continually working to develop a nuclear arsenal so they can attack the US and kick off world war III. Who knows how much of such Western propaganda is based on truth?
But if this film is indeed the sort of propaganda the North Korean Government uses to tell it's citizens what to think of the West, it's a pretty damning indictment that they don't really need to exaggerate, or lie much to make their case that Western Civilization is a "Cancerous Empire of Corporate Collusion" and that most of us are really just consumer-debt slaves to the Corporatist leviathan that rules over us, and seeks to spread it's Empire of domination over the entire world. It may be anti-American propaganda used to prop up an oppressive, communist regime...but its damned effective propaganda, because so much of it is based on the truth.
Of particular interest was the part of the film where they discuss how we the sheeple are brainwashed since childhood by the Tell-A-Vision into becoming mindless consumer zombies.
The following excerpts are my on-the-fly transcription of the Documentary's narration, interspersed with imagery gleaned from Googliath, that I think makes for a chilling and insightful critique of the West.

Propagandists spend $12B per year specifically targeting children to form consumer habits early on. They can ingrain their brand by repeating it over and over until the child is indoctrinated and manipulated beyond control.
By 18 months, babies in the West can tell the difference between brands, and by 2, they're asking for brand products by name. By the age of 7, the average child has seen 20,000 TV commercials every year.
There is only one other group more coveted and groomed by advertisers than any other: pre-teen and teenage girls.
The propagandists call this "The Tween Market."
But in fact, it is Corporate Paedophilia
The aim of corporate pedophilia is to make young people feel inferior and defective, by using images that are unattainable, and these images are used against consumers for the rest of their lives, to keep them feeling inadequate, unless they buy there products and stick with their brands.
The fashion industry is the same. "Wear this, and you might fit in! Look like this, and you will be attractive and popular!" Just like the people in these gossip magazines.
These people are called "celebrities."
While it is natural for a person to become popular for being the best at what they do, today, in the West, you are a celebrity if you simply appear on screen...any screen.
Even if by mistake.
You gain credibility and praise for NOTHING, and the more you appear, the bigger a celebrity you become.
Many of the biggest celebrities have no talent at all.
If you become a big enough celebrity, then you become a brand, to be sold and traded, like any other product.
In surveys, 9 out of 10 women in the West are unhappy with their appearance, which drives them to spend enormous amounts of money buying cosmetics, clothes, and plastic surgery...despite the fact that they will never become celebrities or look like models in the advertisements.

There there are now more propaganda-filled screens and magazines than at any other time in history, and these are controlled by just five giant media companies.
This creates more opportunities to distract people from what really matters.
More opportunities to Brainwash them.
More opportunities to sell them poisoned food...
...and drugs they don't need.
More opportunites to drip feed them meaningless, distorted reality...
But the real threat to Americans is not terrorism...their leaders focus only on the phantom dangers of terrorism, while allowing food and drug companies to make more poisonous food and drug companies to make more and more poisonous food that is killing its people like an internal, unspoken genocide.
...wars are not fought for flags and citizens, but for corporations. The "War on Terror" engineered by American propagandists to frighten and control their people, is impossible to win...but ENDLESSLY profitable.
Globalization is just a code word for the Cancerous Empire of Corporate Collusion.