It's been quite the media frenzy today regarding Palin and her speech last night. It's been refreshing to check out all of the mainstream media sights and for ONCE not see wall-to-wall coverage of that half-white socialist from my home State being lauded as the next messiah to lead America to the promised land of HopeChange.
However, this piece has gotten me to reconsider my previous position of not voting for McCain/Palin for a bit.
Palin: wrong woman, wrong message
by Gloria Steinem
Sarah Palin shares nothing but a chromosome with Hillary Clinton. She is Phyllis Schlafly, only younger.
By Gloria Steinem
September 4, 2008
I'm not going to copy/paste her article, afterall, this is the nitwit feminazi bitch that coined that abolutely idiotic, "Women need men like a fish needs a bicycle" phrase...
...but the fact that she is so opposed to Palin is endorsement enough as far as I'm concerned!
Nah. Still not voting for McCain...but will certainly enjoy it immensely should Obama lose to McCain and the feminists lose their freakin' minds that the biggest accomplishment by an American Woman was achieved by a person who does NOT live her life according to the tenet's that feminists proscribe!
"will certainly enjoy it immensely should Obama lose to McCain and the feminists lose their freakin' minds that the biggest accomplishment by an American Woman was achieved by a person who does NOT live her life according to the tenet's that feminists proscribe!"
Hmmm the ringing anti-endorsement by Gloria Steinem is quite positive. I can't believe Steinem is still alive.
I love that her young baby with Downs Syndrome cuts at the heart of ruthlessness of abortions. I would LOVE to see the Feminists get into an argument with her on that issue. Still not voting for the McCain ticket, though.
"that half-white socialist from my home State."
LOL. I totally forgot he was from Hawaii. Dang.
Yeah, well, just so you know, Hawaii is largely a blue-collar, service economy, working-man State...and Obama does try to project the typical "I'm a Democrat for the Working Man" image.
But he went to the most expensive, Ivy League Prep school in the State, Punahou, and most of us Hawaii Public School products struggling in our debt ridden economy can hardly relate to Obama's "so-called" humble beginnings.
The problem with Palin is that she is the wrong kind of woman. She's not a self-hating, penis-envying, fetus-mudering, sex-quota promulgating feminist hack. Thus wrinkled old fembots like Steinem and her mangina husband will hate her with every inch of their life.
Time will tell what her position on the misandrist and anti-father family law system is. Only then will I consider jumping on the Palin bandwagon.
Oh, and I'm still not planning to vote for McCain. Now if Palin was on the top of the ticket, I'd think about it.
I do find it interesting that conservatives and liberals have literally changed brains when it comes to Palin being a working mom. Used to be that right-wingers hated that like the plague, and leftys were the party of pant-suited women. Now that cons are rah-rahing Palin, I get whiplash. And of course, the fact that "First Dude" Palin is a SAHD who takes care of the 4 mo old Down's baby seems to completely escape everyone.
I also find it interesting that cons and dems have also switched positions on teen pregnancy. Libs are hollering at the tops of their lungs about Bristol Palin getting knocked up at 17, where Cons are actually proud of that fact. Whiplash again. But then again it illustrates quite well that religious cons believe in sin and redemption and doing the right thing after repentance. Liberals, well, as I've blogged, there would be no baby in the first place because it would be at the bottom of some abortionist's trash bin.
"that half-white socialist from my home State."
I remember seeing some cartoon from the UK that said:
"Obama: Half-honkey, all donkey"
As for me, I white man, I fear his half-blackness. Not because I can't handle some white/black dude in office. But because there are horders of black folks who will vote for the Magic Negro for no other reason than he has approximately the same skin pigmentation as they.
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