Were American television was once subtly promoted a pro-American, pro-family reflection of the American experience, it is now absolutely saturated in the modern day, mainstream religion: secular, anti-American, feminist-liberal socialism.
American TV is nothing more than a virtual, 24-7 vagina-centric appeal to the female fantasy; a cynical, lowest-common denominator product; an estrogen-saturated broadcast designed to promote materialistic and shallow consumerism of the American female psyche. (And from what little I did manage to watch while on vacation, I can say with some confidence that UK TV is in the same state - if not worse!).
Even a few of the most liberal, feminist minded creatures in America - the pro-feminist, female media journalists are starting to recognize this fact; albeit they still don't see the big picture, some of them are still starting to be a little troubled by the more obvious manifestations.
Case in point:
On TV, men are the new weaker sex
This is the strange state of ABC's female-friendly Thursday night lineup: It has become a night of emasculated men and emasculating women. If the classic male pinup was the strong, silent, unattainable type, tonight's TV dream man is addled and fawning. And the empowered woman - once a happy departure from older stereotypes - has become not just self-sufficient, but kind of mean.
Uh...hello Ms. Joanna Weiss...this particular meme is not "new." It's been the overriding theme of the standard fare of American TV for decades now. Before the ascendancy of feminism in mainstream culture, the typical TV show usually depicted a competent, decent father figure that had the respect of his wife and family. But that particular character trait is all but gone...replaced by the ubiquitous depiction of the bumbling idiot who barely ties his own shoelaces without his super-competent, do-it-all-know-it-all wife/girlfriend/mother/daughter to tell him how he's screwing everything up.
In one sense, this is gender-bending stuff as old as Shakespeare, imagining what things might be like if men were more like women, and vice versa. But on ABC, role-reversal is pursued with such vigor that it feels like a social mission: a feverish, wholly off-putting attempt to break free of the boy-meets-girl formula.
Ha! Only now is it starting to feel like a social mission? It's been one all along! Ms. Weiss only begins to recognize the feminism-as-social-mission theme of modern American TV because it has been getting more and more blatant. Where it once a subtle, undercurrent of one or two emasculated male characters or super-capable females in a few commercials or one or two TV shows, these caricatures of feminist fantasy are now ubiquitous! And this indulgence in feminist folly is driving male viewers away from TV in droves.
Only now are women themselves beginning to realize how off putting this distorted portrayal of an entire gender is.
There's something unsatisfying about watching rich guys wallow in their powerlessness, perhaps because it puts us in the odd position of wondering who to root for: the venal women or the men they can so easily crush.
There's something unsatisfying you say? No kidding...American television is merely the reflection of the current, confused state of the American female mind. Women feel they are entitled to it all. They've been raised by an education system that tells them they can do anything a man can do...and that they should forsake getting married and raising children to pursue careers and compete with men to show that women are "equal."
And yet the phenomena of the dissatisfied, mid-life, unmarried feminist minded career woman lamenting that there are "no good men" to get married and take care of them happily ever after appears to be growing.
In contemplating the current state of Western pop-culture, the age old question: "Does art imitate life, or life imitate art?" has been rendered irrelevant...television most certainly reflects the attitudes and ideals of the modern American feminist-centric mindset, but it certainly would be an insane stretching of the imagination to call the present day programming "art."

Even the last bastion of celebrated masculine expression on television -- male dominated sports -- has been corrupted.
Sports like NFL football are popular because it features the tension of high quality competition that sets the stage for feats of achievement that rely on excellence and striving for the perfection of execution...the higher the risk of failure, the higher the level of competition, the greater the sense of accomplishment when victory is accomplished. This is what drives Men to strive for excellence.
Yet the NFL broadcasts on all channels still feel like they HAVE to give prominent face time to women to try and "attract the female demographic."
Women fans, just like men, stand up and cheer when their favored team scores a touchdown...I've never seen a women football fan stand up and shout "YOU GO GIRL" whenever a female sideline reporter corners a player to ask him how he
feels about something. And the female pablum and celebri-tard interviews in middle of on-the-field action seems to be taking up more and more time in every NFL broadcast.
How long before we see the "first woman" playing in an NFL game...and the endless glorification of her "accomplishment?" My prediction? They'll have to change the rules first, so that men are not allowed to tackle her. Then we'll see how the genders really are equal on the gridiron!

Feminists have ruined television programming, and it's corrupting Sports. But at least there are still a few areas that are a last bastion of masculine portrayals left on TV. and were it not for NFL football and a couple of shows that fly against the conventional norms of feminist indoctrination (shows like
House), I would never watch network TV at all.