To wit - Don Imus makes an offhand, bigoted comment about the Rutgers Women's Basketball team and the race hustler pimp media whores, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, go ballistic and threated all kinds of boycotts and demonstrations unless Imus is immediately fired. Imus is now unemployed from both his TV Simulcast on MSNBC AND from his CBS radio show.
Now Imus deserves whatever punishment he gets...but to see these two extortionist race hustling hypocrites lead the charge is almost more than one can stomach. What penalty did Al Sharpton pay for ruining the life of Officer Pagones in the Tawana Brawley debacle? Where's the apology from Jesse Jackson for branding the Duke Lacrosse players as racist rapists - when all charges have just been dropped? When did Jesse Jackson apologize to Jews for calling New York "hymie town?"
So Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson can pariticipate in a number of defamatory and sladerous actions and the media never calls them on it. Indeed, they are still reverentially referred to as "Reverends" and are the first blacks consulted whenever any kind of potential racial issue or controversy regarding blacks in America becomes a news item. "Reverend" Jackson had an extra-marital affair with an assistant, and gave her a bunch of tax-exempt, charitable money from his Rainbow-Push extortion organization to maintain her and the bastard child he sired with her...but he's still the revered "Reverend."
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are the two most prominent examples of how Blacks are now a "protected class" in the US. They can say or do just about anything morally objectionable, and they are given a free pass and are never questioned. Worse yet, they are granted the legitmized authority by the media to be the spokespersons for what is racially and morally objectionable.
Speaking of the Duke Lacrosse False Rape Accusation story...
However, Cooper said no charges will be brought against the accuser, saying she “may actually believe” the many different stories she told. “We believe it is in the best interest of justice not to bring charges,” he said.
Here we have a double whammy...Crystal Gail Mangum, the false black, AND female. So she basically gets away with ruining the lives of three college men simply because she is of the protected class (black female is a double dose of immunity in todays PC climate), she will pay NO penalty whatsoever.
Is this what "equal justice under the law" is supposed to mean?
And the double-standards of the press are simply abominable. While much of the MSM posted pictures of all three men who were falsely accused, they STILL do not use Crystal Mangum's name in reports (like in the MSNBC article I just linked to that only refers to her as "the woman,") let alone show us her picture.

At least John Podhoretz of the NYPost does what the rest of the MSM SHOULD be doing...
Finally, lets take a look at what's going on across the pond...Tony Blair has recently said that much of the problems with a recent spate of murders in the UK is due to "black culture."
That's what the headlines say...but if you read further, we find that Blair correctly points to the real problem with "black culture." And it appears to be the same issue that plagues "black culture" in the US as well: Black males raised in homes without Fathers.
Despite the fact that Tony Blair has spoken the truth, he's been inundated with complaints and insults for daring to point that out.
Blair hits the nail right on the head here...yet the typical talking heads and so-called spokespersons for the "black community" all rush in to castigate Blair and ignore or invalidate the point Blair made. These black "leaders" NEED to have white, Patriarchal racism as the boogeymen so that they can maintain and wield their power and influence...because the real solution here is NOTHING they can do about - because the problem with "black culture" in the US and the UK is NOT economic's FATHER deprivation.
The Rev Nims Obunge, chief executive of the Peace Alliance, one of the main organisations working against gang crime, denounced the prime minister.Mr Obunge, who attended the Downing Street summit chaired by Mr Blair in February, said he had been cited by the prime minister: "He makes it look like I said it's the black community doing it. What I said is it's making the black community more vulnerable and they need more support and funding for the work they're doing. ... He has taken what I said out of context. We came for support and he has failed and has come back with more police powers to use against our black children."
Keith Jarrett, chair of the National Black Police Association, whose members work with vulnerable youngsters, said: "Social deprivation and delinquency go hand in hand and we need to tackle both. It is curious that the prime minister does not mention deprivation in his speech."
Lee Jasper, adviser on policing to London's mayor, said: "For years we have said this is an issue the black community has to deal with. The PM is spectacularly ill-informed if he thinks otherwise.
"Every home secretary from [David] Blunkett onwards has been pressed on tackling the growing phenomenon of gun and gang crime in deprived black communities, and government has failed to respond to what has been a clear demand for additional resources to tackle youth alienation and disaffection".
The Home Office has already announced it is looking at the possibility of banning membership of gangs, tougher enforcement of the supposed mandatory five-year sentences for possession of illegal firearms, and lowering the age from 21 to 18 for this mandatory sentence.
Answering questions later Mr Blair said: "Economic inequality is a factor and we should deal with that, but I don't think it's the thing that is producing the most violent expression of this social alienation.
"I think that is to do with the fact that particular youngsters are being brought up in a setting that has no rules, no discipline, no proper framework around them."
Some people working with children knew at the age of five whether they were going to be in "real trouble" later, he said.
Mr Blair is known to believe the tendency for many black boys to be raised in families without a father leads to a lack of appropriate role models.
But since Black's have now become the protected class, NO CRITICISM can be made. No blame can be taken. It's always whitey's fault...or men's fault.
Until this "protection" ceases to keep "black culture" from recognizing, dealing with and taking responsibility for it's own problems and pathologies, and "racist society" can always be the scapegoat to blame, the black matriarchy will continue to populate the ghettoes with wild, young black male criminals and unwed teenage welfare moms to perpetuate a "black culture" that is increasingly criminal and deviant.
This be Kumogakure, formerly know as Mamonaku.
Nice blog you have here boss! Keep up the good work.
You wrote, " Blair hits the nail right on the head here...yet the typical talking heads and so-called spokespersons for the "black community" all rush in to castigate Blair and ignore or invalidate the point Blair made. These black "leaders" NEED to have white, Patriarchal racism as the boogeymen so that they can maintain and wield their power and influence...because the real solution here is NOTHING they can do about - because the problem with "black culture" in the US and the UK is NOT economic's FATHER deprivation.
But since Black's have now become the protected class, NO CRITICISM can be made. No blame can be taken. It's always whitey's fault...or men's fault.
Until this "protection" ceases to keep "black culture" from recognizing, dealing with and taking responsibility for it's own problems and pathologies, and "racist society" can always be the scapegoat to blame, the black matriarchy will continue to populate the ghettoes with wild, young black male criminals and unwed teenage welfare moms to perpetuate a "black culture" that is increasingly criminal and deviant."
I'm a 30 year old black man, and between you and me, I am lucky to be alive and well.
I am statistically insignificant... I've never been arrested, graduated from school, and I have a decent career and make decent money.
I grew up in a single mother household.
I wrote on my original blog that my upbringing gave me a father hunger that I could never fill.
Even today, I know that not having my father hurt me physically, financially, and spiritually.
After doing the MRA thing for a while, I realized that the above comment is right on the money.
And I also noticed that you wrote about the Great Society.
That was the real killer of the black family.
The government gave Black America, a community that barely had time to get back on its feet, the kiss of death.
Add on top of this Supreme Court decisions, and domestic violence laws, and basically, the black man has been totally emasculated.
Not to mention the fact that his traditional Black Church has fallen completely into feminist apostasy.
Black men are on our own. As you say, Sharpton and Co have their own agendas.
While I personally believe that Imas was wrong for saying what he said (because he didn't know those girls personally, and by saying what he did, he totally disrespected them), the fact remains that those babes were quite manly looking.
However, if Sharpton and Jackson were really interested in helping the black community, they would work on eliminating all of these programs (such as welfare and food stamps) and the anti male marriage and domestic violence laws which would enable us to establish and govern our own households.
Being a Hawaiian, and having visited your Islands, I know that the Hawaiian people and the Africans have a similar spirit.
I felt it. It was very natural... and traditional. It was very close to the earth. I felt right at home there.
So maybe you can understand when I say that the traditional African culture is tribal, and that we as Black people can recover from all of this... if only the government and other powers that be back off, and stop "coddling" us with the socialist agenda that black leaders, and others, have promoted without success, for 40 years.
Once laws such as these, along with certain educational and financial goals are met, Black people will be able to put ourselves back together again.
Sorry to ramble, but these are my thoughts.
In closing, let me say that Waikiki totally kicks arse!
Take care.
correction: As you are Hawaiian, and since I have visited your islands, I think you can understand when I say that Black people, in their heart of hearts, are a tribal people.
Thanks for the excellent commentary kumogakure - to be quiet honest, when I participate in other political forums on the Internet, people in the Mainland US and Europe always assume I'm a white Republican Fundie racist for expressing the kind of views I did in this post.
I laugh my ass off at their ASSumptions.
Liberal leftism really HAS created a "plantation mentality of dependance" for black America.
anonymous, I concur wholeheartedly with your point.
To tell you all the truth, the experience is not to different for Hawaiians in Hawaii.
Since I've got a lot more to say on that topic - and since I started this blog to actually give a "Hawaiian" perspective on the issues we ALL face in modern Western society - I'll make my next blog post about that topic.
Thanks again for your kind compliments!
PS - Of course, when first reading your blog, I ASSumed you were Japanese. LOL
So tell me...are you into the martial arts? I teach a kenpo school and have about 20 or so students, and this is my 10th year of training -- and I found your exposition on relating the concept of yin & yang to the state of gender in todays corrupted society to be brilliant.
"So tell me...are you into the martial arts? I teach a kenpo school and have about 20 or so students, and this is my 10th year of training -- and I found your exposition on relating the concept of yin & yang to the state of gender in todays corrupted society to be brilliant."
Thanks for your kind words! Although I must say again, that I know nothing, and understand nothing.
Please see my intro post. The gentlemen in the Photo is the 12th generation Soke (head of the family) of the Kumogakure school, of which I am a member.
I have been training for about 11 years now. At present, the Bujinkan Dojo oversees the training for our particular group.
In this struggle, what is good for humanity has been outlawed, and what is bad for humanity has been elevated to divine status. And vice versa.
But such is the way of Heaven.
I believe that this shift has occurred on purpose, and that certain groups are working to actively hide the truth of things from the bulk of the people.
At our school, there is a lot of emphasis given to the spiritual side of things.
Physical training, prayer, meditation, and study are activities that MRAs MUST do if we are going to be able to see through the "Truth and Falsehoods" that exist in our present age.
I highly recommend the following essays:
Lies degrade, the truth saves.
I agree with you 100% that Sharpton and Jackson are probably the last two people that should be representing the interests of American blacks. It's pretty obvious they've continually placed their own enrichment/power ahead of whatever groups they may have represented in the past.
That being said, I would disagree wholeheartedly with your assumption that blacks are now a "protected class."
The weakness of your argument, in my opinion, lies in that you seem to totally ignore or maybe you don't know, that the Duke rape case or any other situation where you, rightly or wrongly, believe that blacks are "protected", does not represent the typical day to day experience of an average black person in the US. The news networks, newspapers and other corporations may be less likely to publicize the name of the woman in the middle of the Duke rape case b/c of a fear of alienating customers/viewers, but believe me this will have NO effect on the police officers/prosecutors in this country who are willing to throw innocent black men in prison over trumped up or even baseless charges. No one deserves to go through the kind of situation those kids at Duke went through, but the fact of the matter is that that is a common occurence for many people from what you consider to be a "protected" class. Study after study has shown that blacks are imprisoned more often and many times at higher levels than whites for similar crimes. Those kids at Duke are now national heroes for the situation they endured, and I've heard that several of them have offers from Wall Street firms after graduation. Meanwhile many of the blacks that went through the same situation have to rely on the Innocence Project and others to try and prove their innocence.
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