It’s a Big Club, and We’re Not Invited
6 hours ago
This book is a wake-up call for our generation. Its goal is to set you free.
From what exactly? Well, that's where things get interesting. The first step on your path to freedom is identifying the chains that bind you. This is difficult if you've been bearing their weight for so long that you no longer notice the burden.
Some chains are easy enough to recognize. Are you fat and weak? You probably already know you'd rather be fit and strong. Are you poor? You already know that you want to make more money.
Other chains are more subtle.
This book will ask you hard questions like these, because they are catalysts for introspection and lifestyle changes.
I had a crisis. I realized that I had spent my entire life working towards pre-defined goals: Making other people think I'm cool; getting good grades; getting this or that degree; getting a good job. But I had never stopped to consider whether they were worthy or not. I had never actively considered what my goals were, rather than what other people decided they should be.
No single guru will be able to give you all the tools you need to create a set of systems and routines that work best for you personally. Instead, you'll have to mix and match advice from a variety of sources and tailor your own approach.
If you take away just one idea from this book, I want it to be this: You have more options available in your life than you think. Many of the paths that you've ruled out only seem impossible or difficult because you've been conditioned to see them that way. Break free from the mental prison, and alternatives to mediocrity start to appear everywhere.
Let me be blunt. If you do not actively support Ron Paul’s campaign to be the next president of the United States of America – if you do not pray on a daily basis for his success – then you are a fool. You are a complete, unadulterated and unmitigated fool. It doesn’t matter if you are a liberal Democrat who bought into Barack Obama’s fraudulent hope and change propaganda or a conservative Republican who is still reeling with the shock from eight years of ceaseless ideological treachery by George W. Bush. If you have even a modicum of concern for the survival of America, either as a nation or as a constitutional ideal, there is demonstrably only one candidate who has any understanding of the size and scope of the challenges presently facing the American people.
How about I eat 3000 calories of meat, egg, cheese and veggies sauteed in butter every day for a month.
You eat 2500 calories of twinkies, cookies, crackers, cake, soda, ice cream and candy every day for a month.
We can both follow the exact same exercise regimen, with you eating 500 calories less than I.
What does logic and scientific inquiry lead you to understand what would happen where we to conduct such an experiment?
Some trans fats are found naturally, in small amounts, in dairy products, beef and lamb, but the trans fats in the study are hidden in cakes, flaky pastries, potato chips and other fried, frozen and processed food. Trans fatty acids increase inflammation, make arteries harder and decrease heart rhythm, increasing the risk of cardiac arrest.
Only a handful of studies have looked at the relationship between trans fats and brain function, Bowman said. "I think our study is one of the first to look at blood levels of trans fats related to brain health."
Evidence suggests that trans fats can replace good fats in cell membranes, "and when that occurs it changes the structure and chemical properties of the cell in an unfavourable way," Bowman said.
"Trans fats are known to be bad for cardiovascular health," he said. "It makes sense that they're probably bad for the brain, too."
He recommended avoiding processed foods that list "partially hydrogenated oils" on the ingredient list. "That's trans fat," Bowman said.
I have been married for 35 years, most of which have been a living hell. I've stayed married for the sake of my children and now that they are in their early twenties I still stay because I've been here so long.
At 58, with a shitty pathetic economy, it's hard to imagine being able to sustain myself alone. I've left my wife over the years, three times in all. I always came back. My last exit was in 2008; I just couldn't take the brash hatred, angry aggression and abusive lashing out verbally any longer.
I'm ashamed to say a few weeks later I had a panic attack and I thought I was losing my mind. I went back again but this time I was forced to go to "wife batterer's" meetings for six months. In their eyes, any affront to a woman is abuse, no matter how much she screams, throws things, gets in your face, drives you to the point of's still your fault. I found out later the instructor had an abusive father and could not believe a woman could be abusive. My thought was, "What a freaking idiot!"
My wife is a full blooded Irish, with a temper from hell. You're so right as to how a woman who forces her way to control the home, her children and her husband castrates her husband.
I feel weak, depressed and just wait to die. We haven't had sex in four years even though she says she wants to but the thought of it makes me want to puke. My wife is a wonderful woman but a horrible demon for a wife.
Women who have borderline personality disorders or bipolar disorder should never be allowed to marry anyone. I think that's what she has, that and being the daughter of one of the biggest bitches I ever met....thank God she's dead now. I watched her father get nagged to death. My wife is a control freak who constantly complains about everything I do or don't do. She never shows me any respect and never has anything good to say about me. Conversely, she is convinced I'm the control freak who's tried to control her, her whole married life, the source of her unhappiness and so on. Some of our friends have seen a glimpse of what she's like but she hides it when anyone is around. Personally, I don't know any man who is in control of his home. Just as soon as you want to do something they don't like, you'll find out how much control you don't have. I also believe women are the most evil creatures God ever created.
I'm a sensitive man, tender-hearted and kind. This is not to say or imply I'm a weak kneed wimp, far from it. I spent 12 yrs in the Navy and I have no problem getting in somebody's face if its needed.
But I, like many men, am starving for affection, kindness, respect and an ounce of tenderness from their spouse or any woman for that matter. This is one reason, so many men cheat on their affection at home. On the other hand, it's also one of the reasons why some men turn out to be crazy killers....don't worry, I have a conscience and couldn't ever do it. I'd be quicker to do it myself just to stop the pain. The Illuminati is doing a damn good job of destroying men.
One bit of advice I give people who are considering being married is this, "Look at how your girlfriend or boyfriend's parents treat each other. Watch how the mother treats her husband, because if you're a man....that's how you're going to be treated. It's also how she is going to expect to be treated, good or bad." I wish I knew then what I know now.