
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rare & Well Done, Please. In that Order.

I'd like to thank Ulyss... I mean Dr. Stratton for reminding me what today's date is! It's that time of year where ladies can show appreciation to the men they love, in the language we men  understand!

If your lady offers excuses...there's always the promise of next year:


 Still getting excuses?

You can always try the Patriotic angle...

She still not convinced it's a real holiday? Link her to the official website!

Alas, for some women, this is the perfect opportunity to share with the rest of the world how contemptuous and disrespectful she is of her man.

Aren't you glad your wife is on teh social media?

Divorcing this woman would NOT be frivolous!

So how 'bout it ladies? Show that special someone you appreciate him! Remember:

March 14th! 


  1. Blowjobs are like flowers for men. You can't just give one!

  2. Keoni:
    Most women already think it's too much of an imposition on them to fake an orgasm once or twice a week with their 'partners.' How do expect them to 'put out' this close to St. Patty's Day when they've got a big 'Girls Night Out' planned, with plenty of drunkness and thug-chasing in the works?

  3. I might hold my mademoiselle to this. We were going to have soup, but this sounds much better...

  4. Dang it, I forget that Hawai'i is in one of the latest timezones, and NZ in one of the earliest. So, it's the 15th of March here already. Though I did have a bit o' beef yesterday, and plenty of good loving, so all in all, not too bad.

  5. By chance I just cooked my husband a steak; the rest is gravy. I'll be home cooking corned beef on St. Patrick's day as well ;-)

  6. This brings tears of hope and inspiration to my eyes. Western Civilization just might be salvagable. Maybe.

  7. Damn. Well got one of two on a holiday I was unaware of. I had soup from Panera.

  8. Every day is steak and blowjob day!!! ;-)

  9. What Boy Toy said. If you aren't getting BJs on a regular basis, get a better girl. Or partner. Whatever.
