
Friday, August 10, 2012

Scrip Wages & the Company Store

Remember the Golden Rule? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you? Or perhaps you're familiar with the more cynical version...He who has the gold, makes the rules?

Neither of these have anything to do with the way things really work under the present regime in our Brave New World Order. The Golden Rule is now a mere footnote in the pages of our perpetually revised history books.

We live under a new paradigm: He Who Creates the Debt Based Fiat Currency, Makes the Rules.

But this is nothing new. It's actually based on an even older game the moneyed elite has always played to maintain their status as the 1% living off of the labor of the 99%: Heads I win, Tails You Lose.

This game has a storied tradition that makes it as American as apple pie. It's a system developed over centuries, and has been refined, modified and improved over trial and error until it has grown into the leviathan that has it's tentacles in nearly every aspect of our lives.

The 1% now profit off of us all, every single day of our increasingly policed and regulated existence.

How did they accomplish this covert enslavement of We the Sheeple, Western Civilization's 99%? By extrapolating the concept of scrip wages for use only at the company store, globally.

The company store proliferated in coal mining, lumber, and textile company towns as the South industrialized in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the industrial village it was the central, often the only, retail store available to residents. It was owned by the company, as were the houses, saloons, and other buildings. Modeled in part on the earlier British ‘‘truck system,’’ where laborers exchanged their labor for food, fuel, and clothing, company stores in the United States initially were justified as necessities since companies had to provide provisions to workers in the remote towns. Yet companies maintained and defended their control of stores well after an efficient transportation network had emerged.

And why wouldn't they? These companies had figured out a way to profit off of their workers in two different ways:

 By requiring employes to do business at the company store, lumber barons realized a profit on consumption as well as production of workers. These stores also did business with the public.

These "company stores" utilized an ingenious method of exploiting the working man. If only they could figure out a way to make one huge, gigantic company store in which everything any citizen could need or want always results in profits for the company.

With the creation of a Central Bank system in 1913, and the allowance of the Central Bank's cartel members to to have fractional reserve-based debt creation powers, and then finally removing the monetary system from the gold standard, our National currency has become nothing more than scrip wages, with our entire economy having been covertly incorporated into becoming the world's largest company store.

The cornerstone of the company store, looks like this:

Scrip wages are the debt the various outlets of the store create for we, the workers, out of thin air. In the days before computers, the scrip wages were created as ledger entries in an accounting book.

Nowadays, it's just a few strokes on the company store representatives keyboard, and voila, you can now get your equifax approved scrip wages -- a promise of payment with your future labor -- to buy some good or service. A car, a house, a college education, or worse yet, to pay off your other scrip wages you have already previously spent (consolidating your credit card debts), to achieve the lifestyle you've become accustomed to you're entitled to.

No matter what you spend your scrip wages on to procure some product or service, the entity you are purchasing it from, is also funded by the same company-issued scrip wages.

The company store has achieved almost complete monopoly on we the sheeple's economic activities. Everything we buy, everything we pay to do, every service we hire...all of it, results in generating usurious profit for the owners of the store.

We the sheeple will never be free, until find a way to put this company store out of business.


  1. The reality of the New World Order, a synthesis of communism (antithesis) and capitalism (thesis):

    "“The planets will align for the first time in 26,000 years and this is the end of capitalism and the beginning of communitarianism,” said Choquehuanca as quoted by Venezuelan newspaper El Periodiquito."

  2. "Scrip Wages & the Company Store" - excellent title, excellent description of the world we find ourselves in.

    And they've got everyone. The poor sap who goes into debt buying crap he doesn't need or a worthless education can slave away for his masters. Then there's the other poor sap who thinks he's smart - doesn't go into debt and "saves" his surplus labor only to discover that savings denominated in "scrip wages" are easily inflated away by our masters.

    People think there's going to be a loud clap of thunder announcing the one world order. Hardly. It's already arrived and most people don't even know it.

  3. Brings back memories, I actually used to shop at the company store as it was the only place where you could get certain tools of the trade I was in at the time, plus they gave you credit so you could buy before you had the money (this was before easy credit cards) with no interest. Sure the stuff was over priced but you really had no choice. Thank God for Amazon and e-bay.

    Looking at it the elites are rapidly buying up all available assets with their script. They know the score and know that when the dollar goes to zero it will be replaced with the new improved dollar just like the Germans did in the 1920's and the party will start over for those that have the hard assets, the rest will be screwed.

  4. Masons want to replace all the currencies of the world with what they call as "United Future World Currency". They have even created a website for it:

    In July 2009, Medvedev unveiled it to the world:
    "Medvedev Shows Off Sample Coin of New ‘World Currency’ at G-8
    By Lyubov Pronina - July 10, 2009 10:23 EDT

    July 10 (Bloomberg) -- Russian President Dmitry Medvedev illustrated his call for a supranational currency to replace the dollar by pulling from his pocket a sample coin of a “united future world currency.”

    “Here it is,” Medvedev told reporters today in L’Aquila, Italy, after a summit of the Group of Eight nations. “You can see it and touch it.”

    The coin, which bears the words “unity in diversity,” was minted in Belgium and presented to the heads of G-8 delegations, Medvedev said.

    The question of a supranational currency “concerns everyone now, even the mints,” Medvedev said. The test coin “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.”

    Medvedev has repeatedly called for creating a mix of regional reserve currencies as part of the drive to address the global financial crisis, while questioning the U.S. dollar’s future as a global reserve currency. Russia’s proposals for the G-20 meeting in London in April included the creation of a supranational currency."

    This is the global scrip.

  5. Keoni I assume you've heard about the Libor scandal? It seems very convenient that all of a sudden the biggest banks in the world are being shown as corrupt. I would not be surprised if it was a set up so we could be fed the necessity of international regulatory oversight of the banking industry, which would be the first step to creating one world government.

    I assume you've seen this paper:

    Looks like the only solution is to unplug yourself from the grid as much as possible.

  6. Greetings from Taiwan.

    Your article is noteworthy and thought-provoking.

    I wouldn't worry too much about a universally accepted New World Order.

    For one thing, China is not exactly thrilled with Western leadership.

    For another thing, China would like to claim ownership of Taiwan, and many Taiwanese would rather do very extreme things than tolerate such claims.

    So even if Russia, Europe, Israel, and North America want to conglomerate into a one-planet government, there will be a lot of little countries - Pakistan, for example - that will not be easily brought in to the "big tent."

  7. Keonigalt:
    Fiat money is inextricably tied to totalitarian government. Wages, labor, and prices could only be fixed in a closed system like this where a monopoly on money is the accepted standard.

    In a free society, everyone acts as independent contractors or traders; and under such a system more options are available. Only by creating a monetary monopoly can people be enslaved by a single economic standard that prevents them from alternative solutions.

    Most Americans, though, are too ignorant even to realize that they're basically nothing more than slaves...LOL

  8. Anon from Taiwan:
    You're absolutely right, of course. Contrary to what the anti-Masonic crackpot says, countries like Russia and China are growing deeply concerned about US economic imperialism. There have been moves afoot to break away from the US dollar as the medium of international trade. While not an optimum solution, their intentions are to get their own economies out of Wall Street's clutches as fast as possible.

  9. hmmm... China and Russia saving us from the U.S. monetary imperialism. Wouldn't it seem likely, then, that the UK will join the U.S. to create a giant country called, oh I don't know... Oceana?
    They already have drones to take pictures of our land and private homes. We even have 2-way screens with cameras. I have one in my hand right now that can even track my movements. Luckily, I can still turn it off.

  10. I suspect the practice worked so well on the plantations, post civil war, that barons realized 'slavery' could eventually be enjoyed without regard to race or color. The funny thing about these tokens in the link, is that each one of them is now worth at least twenty dollars a piece in the collectors market. Wish we could say the same thing about the tokens now passed as our national currency.

  11. Considering that the $20 you mentioned buys less than a pre-1913 dollar, that means those company store tokens are really worth about a dollar each....

  12. Keonigalt:
    In a related story, there was a mass shooting in Texas today; the third one in the last three weeks (others have been attempted and thwarted). But's noteworthy that all three have these things in common:

    1. In all three cases, police were targeted as part of the attacks.

    2. The police spokesmen (and media shills) went to great lengths to point this out; sort of referring to other victims as 'civilians', as though they weren't quite as important.

    3. All three incidents appear to have been strategically planned. The Colorado shooter used gas and boody-traps; the Wisconsin guy is said to have ambushed police; and the Texas one apparently planned a shootout of some kind.

    The gun-control kooks always surface at times like these, but I think the elites have something on their minds bigger than gun laws. It's one thing if people are attacked as individuals; it's another when the people who are attacked represent established authority.

    Mass-shootings of so-called 'civilians' might call for a government to enact repressive laws like gun laws. But attacks against the established auhority lead to widespread crackdowns. Look for example how radically civil liberties were curtailed after Oklahoma City and after September 11th.

    These shootings could indeed be 'false flags'. The Wisconsin shooter is known to have had experience in Army Psy-ops; the Colorado shooter was a student of neuro-science. Today's shooter lived in proximity to one of the most prominent research labortories in behavioralist psychologies (Texas A&M).

    No matter what, there are some bad things on the horizon, and it's good to keep our eyes on them.

  13. You sound more like a socialist than a libertarian. No the way it is today in America is not how it's 'always been' and the implementation of a central bank was one of the first major events that caused the end of economic liberty in America - which saw the greatest rise in the living standards of the average man history had ever seen. Central banking is decidedly ANTI-capitalist. Read some work from Murray Rothbard to learn the true history of America and it's once free market.

  14. Dave:
    Neo-conservative economics is not the polar opposite of Socialism. The problem with guys like Rothbard is the same as with Marx; both are economic determinists. Economic policy does NOT define a culture, the culture defines economic policy. Nor are economic laws the motive force in history.

    What really caused the great economic rise of America was our abundance of resources. Resource mismanagement is why we've declined. Part of that mismanagement is turning over financial monopoly to the Fed and Wall Street cabals.

  15. The Fed merely lends money to banks. Banks then lend that money out, at slightly higher interest rates, to finance small businesses, mortgages, car loans, etc.
    It is true that the Fed kept interest rates too low for far too long, and that that contributed towards the real estate idiocy that led to the Great Recession.
    But the Fed is hardly, hardly the malevolent entity you all think it is. They merely help banks, which helps businesses and consumers.
    The need for a central bank like the Fed would hardly be eliminated by a return to the gold standard. Central banks were very active when we were on the gold standard, and anyway, forcibly tying our currency to a fairly useless and limited precious metal would cause massive unemployment, as a rigid currency would choke off the credit needed to expand businesses and consumer purchasing.
    Here's a crazy idea - spend a few years getting training or education in a well-paying, in-demand field. Don't live beyond your means, but do invest in your health, your appearance, your skills, and your confidence.
    The Fed will fast become the least of your worries.

  16. There were very few examples of true "company stores" in US history.

    A reason for the truck system in the early history of the United States is because there was no national currency and an insufficient supply of coinage. Banknotes were the majority of the money in circulation. Banknotes were discounted relative to gold and silver (e.g. a $5 banknote may exchange for $4.50 of coins) and the discount depended on the financial strength of the issuing bank and distance from the bank. During financial crises many banks failed and their notes became worthless.
