
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Did You Know...

Phyllis Schlafly is still going after all these years of opposing the Feminazi's...

The first half of her latest column contains a list of "Did You Know..." questions that are I think a perfect laundry list you can present to someone to get them to see just how unfair and unjust the Family Court System has become in it's treatment of Father's and Husbands...


...that a family court can order a man to reimburse the government for the welfare money, falsely labeled "child support," that was paid to the mother of a child to whom he is not related? Did you know that, if he doesn't pay, a judge can sentence him to debtor's prison without ever letting him have a jury trial?

...that debtor's prisons (putting men in prison because they can't pay a debt) were abolished in the United States before we abolished slavery, but that they exist today to punish men who are too poor to pay what is falsely called "child support"?

...that when corporations can't pay their debts, they can take bankruptcy, which means they pay off their debts for pennies on the dollar, but a man can never get an alleged "child support" debt forgiven or reduced, even if he is out of a job, penniless and homeless, medically incapacitated, incarcerated (justly or unjustly) or serving in our Armed Forces overseas, can't afford a lawyer, or never owed the money in the first place?

...that when a woman applying for welfare handouts lies about who the father of her child is, she is never prosecuted for perjury? Did you know that judges can refuse to accept DNA evidence showing that the man she accuses is not the father?

...that alleged "child support" has nothing to do with supporting a child because the mother has no obligation to spend even one dollar of it on a child, and in many cases none of the "support" money ever gets to a child because it goes to fatten the payroll of the child-support bureaucracy?

These are among the injustices that the feminists, and their docile liberal male allies, have inflicted on men.

Yes, I already knew all I'm sure all you that read my blog already do. But many people have no clue about this reality.

Pass it on.


  1. With all this going on I am shocked that a friend of mine can't get child support from her dead beat ex. So much fraud is allowed, but in this one case where there is actually someone deserving of help she can't get it. It is some legal technicality between the state of California and the state she lives in now.

    I know guys that have been burned badly by evil women with the help of the one-sided court systems, but I can't believe how bad it is getting.

  2. Yeah SSG, there are definitely cases for which women were definitely abandoned unjustly by cad deadbeats. The problem is that the laws were fashioned in the name of helping these few women so that it actually gives incentives for the many women who don't deserve it to take advantage of it.

  3. What gets me is how can the system be so screwed up that it allows so much fraud. But then in an honest case someone I know cannot get help at all because of one corrupt judge in California. Why can't we root out the fakes and help the people who actually deserve it? I think I answered my own question didn't I? System screwed up, corruption. Yeah I did. Sorry.

  4. I'll be the first to admit that far too many men are sexually irresponsible / abandon their family ties / etc. But "child support" has never been (and will never be) an effective or appropriate way to curb that behavior. I hear equal complaints from women who never recieve financial support - and men who are forced to pay estranged women to live better than they do.
