
Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Sperm Donors to Lesbos Must Pay

From the Patriot-News of Pennsylvania:

Sperm Donor Must Pay Child Support

In what legal experts are calling a precedent, a three-judge panel of the state Superior Court has ruled that a York County man must pay child support for two children of a lesbian couple for whom he acted as a sperm donor.

Men, you have just been served notice: DO NOT DONATE OR SELL YOUR SPERM.

Jodilynn Jacob and Jennifer L. Shultz-Jacob were a couple who lived in York County and who had undergone a commitment ceremony in Pittsburgh and a civil union in Vermont.

The couple cared for four children, two of whom were adopted nephews of Jacob's and the other two whom she had with Carl Frampton, a longtime friend of Shultz-Jacob's who had agreed to act as a sperm donor. Frampton is also named as an appellant in the case.

In February 2006 Jacob and Shultz-Jacob separated, with Jacob moving from York County to Dauphin County. The separation was followed by Shultz-Jacob asking a York County judge for full legal and physical custody of all four children.

Later, Jacob asked a Dauphin County judge for child support for two of the children from Shultz-Jacob, arguing that Frampton was "essentially a third parent" to two of the children. Frampton died of a stroke earlier this year.

Kelly noted in his opinion that Frampton had held himself out as a stepparent to the children by being present at the birth of one of the children, contributing "in excess of $13,000" over the last four years, buying toys and borring money to obtain a vehicle in which to transport the children.

"While these contributions have been voluntary, they evidence a settled intention to demonstrate parental involvement far beyond merely biological," wrote the judge.

In other words, even if you "donated" your sperm as a FAVOR, and than HELP OUT A FRIEND, this Lesbian twit can than turn around and USE THAT AGAINST YOU to take you for your money! Once again Gentlemen, DO NOT DONATE OR SELL YOUR SPERM. EVER.

That is, unless you don't actually mind paying 18 years of child support to a self-centered, artifically-inseminated, lesbian bitch!


  1. More on the same:
    Swedish Sperm donor ordered to pay child support to a lesbian couple

    Menawhile, in the heterosexual world,

    Quote : A woman's promise to take charge of birth control and then not doing so remains the only form of monetary fraud ... that is not only not punished, but is in fact regularly rewarded.

    Glenn Sacks : Courts have ruled that boys who were statutorily raped by older women must pay child support. Courts have ruled that when a woman has taken the semen from a condom a man used for sex with a different woman and has inserted it in herself, the man must still pay child support. Courts have ruled that when a woman has concealed her pregnancy (denying the man the right to be a father) and then sued for child support a decade later, the man must still pay child support. Courts have ruled that when a woman has deceived her husband into believing that her baby is his child, he must still pay child support.

    Sperm Donor Agrees To Pay Child Support To Ex-Girlfriend

    Man claiming stolen sperm ordered to double child support

  2. Deviating from your post but...

    More weird cases, where the man is forced into becoming a father and paying child support...

    The state Superior Court yesterday ruled that a man must pay child support to a woman who conceived twin boys with his sperm through in vitro fertilization.

    What happens to sperm in a bank when you stop paying to keep it frozen? Can your estranged wife pick up the freezing bills and use your sperm, then come after you for child support payments?

    Even underage boys who are (statutary)raped have to pay child support ?

    Colleen Hermesmann routinely provided care for Shane Seyer as a babysitter during 1987 and 1988 in Kansas, United States. When Shane Sayer was 12 years old, he was raped by his babysitter Hermesmann.
    Hermesmann was impregnated by her own assault, giving birth to a daughter, a daughter, Melanie Hermesmann, on May 30, 1989. Colleen Hermesmann took the 12-year-old to court for child support on March 8, 1991, and won. Shane was forced to pay child support of $50 per month thereafter.

    In County of San Luis Obispo v. Nathaniel J., the California Court of Appeals stated that although a 15 year old boy who was seduced by a 34 year old woman, was a victim of the 34 year old (she was prosecuted for statutory rape), the 15 year old father is obligated to pay child support to the child.

    But recently, a man's rights were upheld and he was not forced into fatherhood.

    Ms Evans' "last chance" appeal to keep the embryos failed when the European Court of Human Rights ruled last week that her rights to become a mother did not outweigh the rights of Mr Johnston not to become the father of her children.

  3. Mikeray,

    What you have given is important to our country. That is New Zealand.

    I hope you come back to see what I have said and I hope you give more in future. Thank-you so much for putting the time you have into your comment. If you want to see your comment in actio please visit

  4. Damn it. Why can't I get the full page to these pages that are pasted to the comments, HL.

    I really want to add these to NZ menz.

    The guys in our country aren't just posting. They are actioning. I really want to help them HL.

    Can you teach me? Please. I am not a technical person.

  5. @julie
    Check the Menz-NZ page. I just posted these same comments there.

  6. I saw the posting Mikeray. Thank-you. This is mind boggling stuff.
