
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

And So It Began

Literally Hitler kicked off his ascendancy to the Chancellorship of the Fatherland of Weimerica by taking immediate action to signal a dramatic change in the direction of the nation's Weltanschauung:

The moment Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States at noon on Friday, the LGBT, climate change, health care, and civil liberties pages disappeared from the website of the brand new Trump White House.

Let the moral, spiritual and ethical cleansing of the volk commence! Take note as Mein Trumpenfuhrer follows in the footsteps of  his ideological mentor and role model when he directs such a dramatic and immediate shift in the focus of the newly commandeered Ministry of Propaganda on the first moment of taking over.

Of course, we all know about the slippery slope of gradual fascism and nationalist socialism and it's insidious methodology of dehumanizing and scapegoating oppressed minorities as the key to mobilizing an ignorant and bigoted electorate to make the Fatherland great again. So the first act Mein Trumpenfuhrer has taken was to disappear the official Ministry of Propaganda's former directives for sanctioned gender confusion and the promotion of ubiquitous sexual dysfunction. Priorities!

It won't be long now until the brown shirts in jackboots are marching down Main Street USA to search for homonormative transgendered liberal atheist vegan non-smokers and loading them onto overcrowded box cars destined for labor camps with false promises of Arbeit Macht Frei, to mollify them into cooperative complacency...all whilst the ovens are being pre-heated to accommodate reservations for six million social justice millennials, boomer cuckservatives and ping pong pizza enthusiasts..

First they came for the LGBT and I did not speak out because I was not a LGBT. Then they came for the Climatologists and I did not speak out because I was a climate change denier. Then they came for our civil liberties and I did not speak out because Mein Trumpenfuhrer's Final Solution has already begun to make America great again.

Seig Heil!


  1. Is that a real front cover of Time magazine? I gotta go pick me up a copy if it is. It will be a collector's item for sure.

  2. "Then they came for the climatologists and I did not speak out for I was a climate change denier." I laughed for about 20 seconds after reading that. Great job!

  3. Reductio ad Hitlerium. These people are despicable. Diversity means everyone MUST think alike about 'diversity'. Or else you're Hitler. Stalin would be proud!!

  4. Not feeling it on this one, KG. Sorry. Maybe you are joking? Now I harangue: Civilization only exists by exclusion of the uncivilized. I don't think a sugar daddy is the answer. Sure, I'd rather see a free market of patriarchal violence (true men's rights): it is the crucible of progressive (small 'p') culture. How far do you think Mein Trumpf will go? 'Cause I don't think he will go that far (as post indicates). I think he is an executive at heart, burned in by his bankruptcy and being snubbed. He loves to make organizations and organization better, at least I think that is what motivates him. He can't live long enough in high energy to be much of a dictator. He won't reap as much as he will sow. BTW, I have a pet peeve with the use of literally as an intensifier (usually of weak ideas). Same with as such as a logical connector. For what it's worth, I've never know a white person to opine something along the lines of those damn Hawaiians. I expect lots of circus conflict per Hegelian dialectic (without Hawaiians) and a temporary improvement in the economy. I advise all to make hay during this Indian summer. The leftists have only hit a speed bump. Reagan stopped nothing. Neither will Trump. Why? Because we won't get rid of the freaks, and 'we' get the government 'we' deserve. Hitler was not completely wrong, just completely a megalomaniac. Honestly, it would be hard for President Trump to not be better than we deserve. Don't believe all of his imagery. It is contradictory. It is politics for the dumb masses. To Trumpf's credit, no other prez has so clearly identified the NWO. Eisenhower, per Hegelian, steered us into it because of the military threat it is. They always disguise the proposed solution as contrary to the stated problem, and I can see the worry with Trump, but I need economic relief and, duh, winning; not the salvation of all Americans, half or so of whom are complete shit and in the way. Ain't no fixin' the low life or the fundamentals of the societal problem. But if we are right, we can win relatively to others. Playing the game with some economic wiggle room with red pill awareness: priceless. Trying to fix the order without soveignty, foolish waste of one's life. Those who can unplug enough to search teh Webz will find our work. That is enough general interest, except maybe some comedy.

  5. Not feeling it on this one, KG. Sorry. Maybe you are joking?

    Sorry it wasn't clear, yes I was joking with this post...literally! lolzol

    As Cecil Henry noted: Reductio Ad Hilterium.

    I was both happy and glad to see an immediate rollback of the Cult-Marx Poz the MOMENT he was sworn into office. Now that's a great start to an Administration.

    And oh yeah, here in Hawaii, I've met more than a few folks who imbibe MSM blue pill regularly, and they all repeat the meme to me that Trump is Literally Hitler 2.0. I had a few of those conversations in mind when I made this post.

  6. Yeah Doug, I was joking. As Cecil Henry noted: Reductio Ad Hilterium.

    I was both happy and glad to see an immediate rollback of the Cult-Marx LGBT Poz the MOMENT he was sworn into office. Now that's a great start to an Administration. I didn't vote for him, and I'm still skeptical he's for real going to address the real problems of our NWO...but I certainly support the very first thing he did upon taking power.

    And oh yeah, here in Hawaii, I've met more than a few folks who imbibe MSM blue pill regularly, and they all repeat the meme to me that Trump is Literally Hitler 2.0. I had a few of those conversations in mind when I made this post.

  7. KG, your sense of humor surprises me. I don't suppose you actually dismiss what DJT could do along those lines, and the guy is so damn smart its not obvious how smart he is except that combover guy keeps winning despite the comboever. Politics makes strange bedfellows, but drain the country. Your vision of 'white nationalism' works for me. I consider you to be Aryan, BTW, my long lost cousin if necessary. Just look at how light you are compared to the Hawaiians of old. I don't know what will happen, and that is great news given the alternatives! I look forward to seeing post-wallers drop like flies from brain melt, and now maybe I'm getting the joke. I wonder if we could start masculine nationalism with no apologies. Cueing Sean Connery. I love what he told Ba-bra Wah-wah.

  8. "Yeah Doug, I was joking. As Cecil Henry noted: Reductio Ad Hilterium."

    tfw your satire is indistinguishable from real political commentary.

  9. I confess. My sense of humor is probably a bit over on the eccentric side. Red pilling for so long probably has something to do with that.

  10. As we've all observed the only Brown Shi(r)ts out there are the SJWs.

  11. Soon even those of us unjustly branded Nazis - any Trump supporter in general or those who haven't denounced us deplorables loud enough - will be on the trains heading to the camps.

    Woe to us. The Warsaw Ghetto has been resurrected.

  12. We are all Climatologists now.

  13. Congratulations on yet another excellent post. I hope you don't mind if I use "Mein Trumpenfuhrer" in mein trollings on the interwebs.

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  15. Sorry it wasn't clear, yes I was joking with this post...literally! lolzol
