Within the darkened confines of a Sheeple FEED Production Facility |
There's a reason why the CAFO system warehouses chickens and pigs in an environment of complete darkness and feed them genetically modified grain feed that fattens them quickly for harvesting and processing. That reason is profiting from nutritional deficiencies.
Take the following excerpts from a
transcript of the documentary Food Inc., the seminal
expose of the Corporate Feed Production Industry:
The chicken industry has really set a model for the integration
of production, processing and marketing of the products that other industries
are now following because they see that we have achieved tremendous economies.
In a way, we're not producing chickens; we're producing food.
Not quite...you're producing
It's all highly mechanized.
So all the birds
coming off those farms
have to be almost
exactly the same size.
What the system of intensive
production accomplishes
is to produce
a lot of food
on a small amount of land
at a very affordable price.
Now somebody explain to me
what's wrong with that.
Because you're not producing
food that nourishes and strengthens the human body. Your producing sheeple
feed that leads to malnourishment and diseases that provide a continual source of revenues for the Healthcare-Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.
But is it really worth it for the average, modern day chicken farmer to invest themselves in this occupation? Does manufacturing sheeple feed pay well enough to fund the American Dream of life, liberty the pursuit of happiness?
Here's what one chicken farmer told the documentary film maker:
The chicken industry
came in here
and it's helped
this whole community out.
Here's my chicken
houses here.
I have about
300,000 chickens.
We have a contract
with Tyson.
They've been growing chickens
for many many years.
It's all a science.
They got it figured out.
If you can grow
a chicken in 49 days,
why would you want one you gotta grow
in three months?
More money
in your pocket.
Sounds like a good deal for the chicken farmers, right? Except the chicken farmer also realizes something is intrinsically wrong with the science of producing chicken FEED in 49 days.
Farmer: "These chickens
never see sunlight.
They're pretty much
in the dark all the time."
Interviewer: "So you think they just
want to keep us out?"
Farmer: "I don't know.
If I knew,
I'd tell you.
It would be nice if y'all could see
what we really do,
but as far
as y'all going in,
we can't let you
do that.
I understand why farmers
don't want to talk --
because the company can
do what it wants to do
as far as pay goes
since they control everything."
The interviewer and the farmer can only speculate as to why the Feed Production Corporation insists they have to have their chickens housed in total darkness. They even proffer a lame justification for it later on in the film:
Farmer: "When it's dark inside the houses,
the chickens lay down.
It's less resistance
when they're
being caught."
So that's why? But what about this?
It is nasty in here.
There's dust
flying everywhere.
There's feces
This isn't farming.
This is just
mass production,
like an assembly line
in a factory. When they grow
from a chick
and in seven weeks you've
got a five-and-a-half- pound chicken,
their bones
and their internal organs
can't keep up
with the rapid growth.
A lot of these chickens here,
they can take a few steps
and then they plop down.
It's because they can't
keep up all the weight
that they're carrying.
Oh, so they need to be raised in total darkness around the clock so as to make them easier for the undocumented migrant workers to capture them when it's harvest time...but these chickens can't even take a few steps because they've been genetically altered and bred to grow so quickly that their bones and organs can't even keep up? That doesn't add up.
I'll tell you what does, though.
You know the old saying, "you are what you eat?" Well, if the predominant source of animal based saturated fats you eat are the lean boneless/skinless chicken meat of factory farmed chickens who are raised for their entire lives in complete darkness, you're eating meat that almost completely void of vital fat soluble vitamins - most importantly, vitamin D.
Most animals, like humans, require sunlight exposure to manufacture
Vitamin D,
the keystone vitamin for nearly all life on the planet, and chickens are certainly no exception. The promotion of fear of red meat and saturated fat for decades by our corporate mass media and academic institutions, combined with the fear of sun exposure all play a role in the operation of promoting Vitamin D deficiency for profit.
Many of the chicken farmers know that animals raised in fresh air, sunshine, and uncrowded conditions makes for nutritious, healthy food, fit for human consumption.
But they can't do anything about it, because they are indentured into their servitude by debt financing:
The companies keep
the farmers under their thumb
because of the debt
that the farmers have.
To build one poultry house
is anywhere from $280,000 to $300,000 per house.
And once you make
your initial investment,
the companies
constantly come back
with demands
of upgrades
for new equipment,
and the grower
has no choice.
They have to do it
or you're threatened
with loss of a contract.
This is how they keep
the farmers under control.
It's how they keep them
spending money,
going to the bank
and borrowing more money.
The debt just
keeps building.
To have no say
in your business,
it's degrading.
It's like being
a slave to the company.
What we see here is the intersection of corporate entities across various industries and
how they work to provide continuous revenue streams -- renewable resources -- for each other. It is
the vertical integration of markets to enable Corporate Oligopolies to
harvest and consume the very life essence - our very health and vitality
- of we the sheeple.
It's the inhumane, systemic exploitation of life to feed the profits and stock value for the inhuman, corporate entity, and it works something like this:
Oil corporations provides the technology and energy capital that
enables Big Agriculture to produce Federally Subsidized grain surplus,
that is used by Big Food processing corporations to create food
products and for the production of grain feed for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations,
which in turn manufacture nutritionally deficient and environmentally
destructive meat products for human consumption.
Big Government regulatory
agencies enforce stringent regulations on smaller businesses and
competitors, ensuring almost complete market control by the Big Feed producers. These corporate Oligopolies also fund studies done by Big
Science entities
who publish studies based on deliberate lies, distortions, data manipulations and outright falsehoods for Big Media
propaganda that brainwashes the masses into making consumer
choices that support the consuming of FEED produced by this infernal
conglomerate of incorporated fiends.
Over a life
time of eating processed grain products and nutritionally deficient
meats from processed grocery, convenience and fast food industries (who
are also in part,
owned by Big Insurance), the average sheeple becomes critically malnourished and
sick, so they go to their Big Healthcare provider to get their
maintenance medications from Big Pharmaceutical corporations.
and let's not forget that it's Big Banking - TOO BIG TO FAIL - that debt finances the production, distribution and
marketing of every aspect of this corporate leviathan that manages the
concentrated sheeple feeding operations here in good 'ole USA Inc. But I
What it really all comes down to, is this - the corporate leviathan that rules our Brave New World Order has a simple paradigm they follow to maintain their power:
If you control the feed, you control the sheeple.