
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Men's Rights Movement? There is no Movement.

Alte's most recent post awoke me from my "nothing to say" writer's block I've had lately. I think going to four funerals in four months of people I'm either related to or knew very well has something to do with it.

Death has a way of influencing life in a myriad of both profound and trivial ways.

Alte's latest, Why Women don't support the MRM made me think that perhaps I'm not running out of things to write after all.

Alte laments:

I get asked frequently why I support the Men’s Rights Movement (MRM). You know, that’s actually a really good question. I ask myself that sometimes. Actually, I ask myself that frequently. Supporting a movement populated with men who don’t like women is a pretty thankless exercise.

Actually, I don't think that's a good question at all. There is no "Men's Rights Movement" to "support."

There is only lies and truth.

Deception and disillusionment.

The manosphere is really nothing more than a collection of folks who have started taking some of the plugs out that have connected them to the matrix of our present day society.

The only "movement" here is more and more folks identifying the ugly truths that are hidden in plain sight. Helping more and more people recognize how these truths stands in stark contrast to all the beautiful lies that most sheeple accept as our artificially constructed reality.

The only "movement" there is, is people who look at the conventional wisdom and cultural zeitgeist of our mass media indoctrinated culture, and recognize the lies and there pernicious effects in our lives.

It is not a "movement."

It is an awakening...or better yet, an UNPLUGGING.

And that is all it will ever be.

There is no candidate running for office that you can vote for to advance the idea of "men's rights."

There is no political party you can join, no "tea party" rally you can attend or no organization or cause that you can donate your money to that is going to make a damn bit of difference in our current state of affairs.

There is no possibility of working within our current system to "fix" what's wrong.

That's because there's nothing to fix.

From the view of those who have implemented the system and constructed our current situation, this shit is going off exactly as planned.

The people who wield the power in our society have deliberately shaped it to emasculate the males, de-feminize the females, sow relationship dysfunction and alienate children from their parents so as to make them more malleable and exploitable human resources.

They effected their social engineering program precisely through the creation of "movements." You think getting a bunch of men and women (who thanklessly support them) together to try and effect change in this system is ever going to accomplish anything meaningful?

Not happening.

I see a lot of people in the manosphere latetly calling those of us that want to see the current system crash and burn "nihilist." This is just another form of "shaming language" to keep people plugged into the matrix. The matrix cannot be reformed. It cannot be changed. It is what it is...a means of systemic enslavement to exploit humanity.

There is never going to be a movement that effects a mass unplugging of the brainwashed masses from the current matrix. The only way that happens will be total systemic collapse.

The only thing you can do, as an individual, is unplug yourself from the systems enslavement apparatus. You may be able to convince a few others to do the same, but to get an entire "movement" to do the same?

Don't hold your breath.

At best, a "movement" could make our collective enslavement a little more comfortable.

To the religiously devout like Alte, I say to you, this is the fallen world. The domain of the prince of lies. This world is his kingdom, and you will never usurp his kingdom from within. You can only seek to create your own oasis of truth and order life accordingly to avoid the traps and pitfalls deliberately designed to enslave you in some way or another.

Convince others as you can. But don't waste your hope or energy on this idea that there can be a "movement" that will make a meaningful change in the current system.

Haven't we learned by now?

Look how that last mass movement of hope for change worked out.

Seek the truth.

When you find it, order your life accordingly. This is the only path to emancipation from the systemic enslavement of our Brave New World Order.


  1. "this is the fallen world. The domain of the prince of lies. This world is his kingdom, and you will never usurp his kingdom from within. You can only seek to create your own oasis of truth and order life accordingly to avoid the traps and pitfalls deliberately designed to enslave you in some way or another."

    Pure gold, man. Pure gold.

    Hope you don't mind this going up on my blog.

  2. That is the great thing; it does not need a movement. Unlike an optical illusion or conjuring trick, the system requires belief. Like fractional reserve banking, it works until people stop believing.

    Its great strength becomes its greatest weakness, because widespread belief represents its foundations and pillars. It might not even need an "unplugging" because what is seen cannot be unseen, even a brief peek behind the curtain (e.g., game) is enough to weaken its grip. The red pill transformation of The Matrix was dramatic but for most the trip down the rabbit hole will slow and cautious. Once begun, though, it is a one-way trip; fear, disbelief, or tiredness may cause some to pause part way down, but no one will walk back.

  3. I think you're right, DU.

    ...the system requires belief.

    The average person's belief is shaped and formed by the continuous consumption of the mass media.

  4. Great stuff, Keoni. I've been struggling with some of this myself lately. The concept of "a movement" inherently weakens it. Trying to appropriate shady tactics only serves to weaken the message. But you nailed it. There is no movement, only truth. Truth doesn't require movements or bumper stickers. It only requires the masses to open their eyes.

    Alas, such opening is a tall order. Ergo, your prescription for finding and implementing truth in one's own life. Find that peace and hope that others will see the light.

  5. Thanks, U. I just got back from wasting some time on that tonal matrix you linked

  6. "I think going to four funerals in four months of people I'm either related to or knew very well has something to do with it. "

    Sorry to hear about that, Keoni. Hang in there man.

  7. Keoni, you're right, it's just truth and lies.

    As far as the crash and burn stuff, yeah, the systemid collapse is all there is, and that won't be pretty.

    But...but... doesn't have to be as ugly as some think. It doesn't have to be a civilizational collapse and a Long Night of barbarism. It just has to be the System going down. Not everything has to go with it.

    Competent, capable - brave - men willing to pick the rest of humanity up by the scruff of their neck and rebuild can make it a soft crash. Oh, not soft for the parasite classes - nothing can soften the blow coming to them. But for humanity as a whole, just how bad the aftermath will be depends on how many people live the truth, and how well they connect with each other and lay away the foundations for rebuilding now while we can.

    So many people think the System is indespensible to our prosperity and security. So many believe that if the System crashes we'd be reduced to Mad Max or Lord of the Flies. That's the biggest lie of course. I see it for what it is - the System is a burden, not a boon. What few things of value it gives could be had more cheaply without it.

    The banking system is such a perfect microcosm of the System itself. We "had" to save the banks or there would be economnic chaos. But ultimately the banks were doing more harm than good to our economy, and if we'd let them crash and burn in 2008, we would probably already be past the chaos and well on our way to rebuilding. Instead we're teetering on yet another cliff of dispair, another day older and deeper in debt.

    So, truth it is, and no one should be ashamed to want it to crash and burn. Because the flames will be briefer and less painful, and less damaging than the corrosive chains they will burn away.

    It's up to us to find and save things worth saving.

  8. To the religiously devout like Alte, I say to you, this is the fallen world. The domain of the prince of lies. This world is his kingdom, and you will never usurp his kingdom from within. You can only seek to create your own oasis of truth and order life accordingly to avoid the traps and pitfalls deliberately designed to enslave you in some way or another.

    Just this. Profound and true.

  9. Terry? As in Terry Breathing Grace?

    I think going to four funerals in four months of people I'm either related to or knew very well has something to do with it.

    Dare I suggest that facing so much death can make one apathetic about life? That pain can quickly turn into resignation?

    The point isn't that we don't expect the political or economic system to collapse, you know I do. The point is that we don't expect the End of the World to happen anytime soon, and we'd like to prepare to influence political debate after the collapse. But we can't do that unless we have something halfway coherent to communicate.

    Although Armageddon might come, we're not supposed to sit around and twiddle our thumbs while we wait for it. We are the Church Militant and we're resigned to the struggle to actively fight against the evil in the world. Perhaps it is because I am Catholic, but we do not subscribe to the idea that everyone should just order their own house and then watch everything burn down around them. Order your own house first, and then turn to help your neighbor, your community, your nation, your civilization, your world.

  10. Keoni,

    I'm in total agreement. Unplugging is what's required now. That's the most urgent priority.

    I'm no nihilist either. I will follow Ron Paul's progress in 2012, but that's about the extent of my interest in politics right now.

  11. "We'd like to prepare to influence political debate after the collapse. But we can't do that unless we have something halfway coherent to communicate."

    Alte, you are presuming that you will have the freedom to communicate without persecution on the political.

    You won't.

    Margaret Atwood's "A Handmaid's tale" is not even close to describing what's coming.

    Nor is there going to be a "debate" after the collapse.

    One leader. One party. One rule.

    And quite frankly, the catholic (and other) chuch's meddling in politics and promoting "social justice" is part of reason we are in this awful fix.

    Jack Amok,

    There will always be a parasite class. After the collapse it very well could be a landed gentry. And the current ones you think are going to suffer, aren't going to just fade away.

    And yes it will be horrible. It is always horrible when it happens, read your history.

    There is going to be a technological backslide, there always is. Feeding the population at its current levels depends on technology.

    We are going to see the worst humanity has to offer on a scale that will dwarf everything else in history.

    Now, despite all that, I'm not advocating resignation, but you would be foolish to think that once these chains are undone that men are going to rise up and restore a solid civilization.

    Life is going to be desperate, brutal and short for most people.

    Best start think in those terms.

  12. As an aside, Dave has pointed out that Hawaii depends on 90% of its food from off island to support its population.

    When you consider a massive systemic collapse, the result in Hawaii alone will be horrific.

    Dave is cognizant of that.

    It would be well to consider that Hawaii is a microcosm for the kinds of impacts a true collapse would cause.

  13. I think going to four funerals in four months of people I'm either related to or knew very well has something to do with it.

    Dare I suggest that facing so much death can make one apathetic about life? That pain can quickly turn into resignation?

    lol - nah, I was saying that's what was responsible for a small case of writer's block I had for awhile.

    I was a nihilist long before this.

    Although Armageddon might come, we're not supposed to sit around and twiddle our thumbs while we wait for it.

    Of course not. What we're supposed to do is prepare. Don't worry about trying to "change" anything via the political process. That route is hopeless.

  14. I read Lewis' "Out of the Silent Planet" recently, and it was fascinating the view of Earth from outside.

    For those who haven't read it, yes, it's fiction, it started out dull, but when I got to the part where you learn why it's called "the Silent Planet", I was electrified.

  15. avoid the grid when possible. detach yourself from lifestyle and material obsession, avoid credit and live off of the grid when possible.

  16. Yes, Alte, I still live and breathe!

    I agree with HL's statement I highlighted above and I agree with you partially. I simply think that our effforts would bebest served getting people who are already believers to pick up their sacred text- The Bible, familiarize themselves with it, and live it (which will do wonders to change the culture), or cease to call themselves Christians.

    For those who aren't believers, there are more fundamental thinngs to preach than the political. I'm sure you agree.

  17. I know very well what you mean. We had five deaths in our extended family between November 1 and November 10 last. They were mostly older, but it was still an interesting experience.

    Anonymous age 69

  18. I dare say there is an's called Sharia Islam.

    But it pretty much precludes any one elses rights.

  19. Keoni, great post, my condolences and I'm glad your writer's block is gone as I'm in the middle of a huge case of it. Alte won't be happy to hear that. I agree with you, it's important to unplug as much as possible but I try to insinuate myself into situations given my chosen profession that can benefit all you guys that I communicate with when I write about them. I also think innocuous acts of rebellion can be just as useful by making yourself a pain in the ass to the Beast without bringing any suspicion on yourself. My best friend is the sixteen penny nail placed in just the right place at the right time.
